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At least the guns are okay

So sad

Too many ****ing guns to too many ****ing dumbasses. How many other industrialized countries have this problem? When Turning around in the wrong driveway when search a friend’s house can be a deadly affair.

This and the kid who got shot because he knocked on a door where he thought his siblings were at is "good guy with a gun" prime examples.

We've popularized the notion of heroic vigilantism at the same time that the pro-gun community has moved away from responsible and disciplined ownership in favor of hyper-vigilance and activism.

Being a vigilante is trash. "The Punisher" is not a hero. The "Taken" movies feature a ****ing criminal who should be in prison. The good guys don't take matters into their own hands, they follow the process. Taking them out behind the woodshed and killing them is the ultimate "thug" mentality. If that's something you get your rocks off on, then you are the one who needs to be taken behind the woodshed, because you're sick, you're broken and you are not good for the people around you.

No one values law and order anymore in favor of fantasies of good guys vs bad guys and then they go out and get a half-dozen guns and are convinced they are the "good guy with a gun" and wait for their ****ing doorbell to ring so they can blow away some thug... who turns out to be a nice teenage kid who plays in band and his mom sent him to go get his younger brothers because it was ****ing dinner time.
This and the kid who got shot because he knocked on a door where he thought his siblings were at is "good guy with a gun" prime examples.

We've popularized the notion of heroic vigilantism at the same time that the pro-gun community has moved away from responsible and disciplined ownership in favor of hyper-vigilance and activism.

Being a vigilante is trash. "The Punisher" is not a hero. The "Taken" movies feature a ****ing criminal who should be in prison. The good guys don't take matters into their own hands, they follow the process. Taking them out behind the woodshed and killing them is the ultimate "thug" mentality. If that's something you get your rocks off on, then you are the one who needs to be taken behind the woodshed, because you're sick, you're broken and you are not good for the people around you.

No one values law and order anymore in favor of fantasies of good guys vs bad guys and then they go out and get a half-dozen guns and are convinced they are the "good guy with a gun" and wait for their ****ing doorbell to ring so they can blow away some thug... who turns out to be a nice teenage kid who plays in band and his mom sent him to go get his younger brothers because it was ****ing dinner time.
They were just standing their ground. Its what any red blooded patriot would have done for the crime of someone accidentally touching their property.
Yet another quick trigger "good guy"

I've personally known so many people who say **** about shooting people in ways that they present as being justified but clearly isn't and is just part of their gun fetish and murder fantasy. I swear a lot of these people are walking around half-cocked salivating for an opportunity to shoot someone.
feature a ****ing criminal who should be in prison. The good guys don't take matters into their own hands, they follow the process. Taking them out behind the woodshed and killing them is the ultimate "thug" mentality.
To address the issues you see with those who are exhibiting "thug mentality", you mention cultural issues. To be clear about who you are referring to when you use the word "thug", here are the racial gun homicide statistics.


How do you propose we deal with the cultural issues you are referring to? What do you think should be done to repress the culture you see as the problem behind gun violence in the United States?
How do you propose we deal with the cultural issues you are referring to? What do you think should be done to repress the culture you see as the problem behind gun violence in the United States?
The same way we dealt with smoking. It's a long haul.
I hope many of you keep this in mind this fall. You may not be into politics. But at least you can work to negate MAGA losers’ their voices by outvoting the **** out these fascists. Lester below is just your typical MAGA. We’ve comprised and tolerated their racist gun but asses long enough. Out vote them this fall. Drown out their voice with yours. This is our country, take it back from them!

View: https://twitter.com/ryandbusse/status/1648716068985118720?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw
Yet another quick trigger "good guy"

I've personally known so many people who say **** about shooting people in ways that they present as being justified but clearly isn't and is just part of their gun fetish and murder fantasy. I swear a lot of these people are walking around half-cocked salivating for an opportunity to shoot someone.

Jesus. That is insane. I have went to the wrong car in a parking lot before cause it looked like my wifes accord. Im lucky im not dead.
We have more civilian guns in this country than civilians. Thats crazy
Jesus. That is insane. I have went to the wrong car in a parking lot before cause it looked like my wifes accord. Im lucky im not dead.
How many people do you think walk up to wrong cars mistakenly in the United States on an average day? I'm thinking it is a common occurrence. Across all of the parking lots in the country it probably happens thousands of times per day, and how many people are shot for making that mistake? Effectively zero. If being in the 999,999,998 in a billion is all it takes for your to consider yourself lucky then I think you've set a pretty low bar, but congrats or whatever. Just don't look up the statistics of getting struck by lightning or you'll never leave your house again with the way you measure risk.
How many people do you think walk up to wrong cars mistakenly in the United States on an average day? I'm thinking it is a common occurrence. Across all of the parking lots in the country it probably happens thousands of times per day, and how many people are shot for making that mistake? Effectively zero. If being in the 999,999,998 in a billion is all it takes for your to consider yourself lucky then I think you've set a pretty low bar, but congrats or whatever. Just don't look up the statistics of getting struck by lightning or you'll never leave your house again with the way you measure risk.
I’m going to go way out on a limb here, and guess that fishonjazz was simply exaggerating for effect. I’m guessing he actually knew what you’re telling him as well as you do. As well as anyone of us. But you, ever looking for meaningless observations, nonetheless felt the need to tell him anyway.
Yet another quick trigger "good guy"

I've personally known so many people who say **** about shooting people in ways that they present as being justified but clearly isn't and is just part of their gun fetish and murder fantasy. I swear a lot of these people are walking around half-cocked salivating for an opportunity to shoot someone.
This one the guy needs to go down for the full sentence. I have had this happen, from the shooters perspective. We went to a bookstore once and my wife ran in because it was raining like a bastard. Me and the kids sat in the parking lot with the van running. It was late in the evening, right before they closed, so it was also dark outside. I see a woman come out of the store, and walk right up to the van and jump in, in a big hurry because of the rain. She turns and says something like "well they didn't have the book, but I got...." then she looked at me. I was smiling and just said "Hi!". She turned beet red, and apologized profusely. We just laughed and told her it was no problem. She got out and went about 3 places over and got into a nearly identical van with HER husband waiting. My wife came back and I joked that I almost kept the other wife because she was cute. It was a funny experience that makes for a fun story, but the LAST ****ING THING on my mind was "ima go shoot this bitch". How ****ed up do you have to be for that to be your FIRST response, and to ****ING GO OUT OF YOUR WAY, to walk up AFTER THEY LEFT and still shoot them down. That guy needs to do the full sentence and another one on top. He is a ticking time bomb and will undoubtedly kill someone else if given the chance. Luckily the girls survived, but that is just luck. That ************ needs to be put away and throw away the key. Makes me so mad because this could happen to ANYONE!

If all you have is a hammer (gun) everything looks like a nail (threat/victim). Good hell.
I’m going to go way out on a limb here, and guess that fishonjazz was simply exaggerating for effect. I’m guessing he actually knew what you’re telling him as well as you do. As well as anyone of us. But you, ever looking for meaningless observations, nonetheless felt the need to tell him anyway.
Ya its more concerning that this is the 3rd story (that I have hear about anyway) in a week where someone has been shot because they made a simple innocent mistake that anyone of us could make. 3 times in a week is too much imo. For some people I guess that is just the price we have to pay to have more guns than humans. (not sure why that is a good thing but whatever)
Ya its more concerning that this is the 3rd story (that I have hear about anyway) in a week where someone has been shot because they made a simple innocent mistake that anyone of us could make. 3 times in a week is too much imo. For some people I guess that is just the price we have to pay to have more guns than humans. (not sure why that is a good thing but whatever)


Unbelievable. Another guy that needs to go to jail forever. Damn.
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