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Hey if they can beat my pay salary I'll dance in whatever they want me to!! As long as its got a jazz logo!

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I recently discovered that I make about 2,500 more a year than I thought. Pleasant surprise.

here's a quick sketch of me -- by my girlfriend, who wanted to imagine me out on the range, apparently
but... holy, ****, you're kind of right. (meaning, that sketch does look like him. sorta.)
Jaymz looks kinda like jamezz
orly? I haven't seen a pic of Jamezz, but that would be quite the coincidence considering we have close user names, and are jazz fans!!

.... long lost twin?

Inbreeding but we can call him a twin if it makes everyone happy.
I wouldn't mind it! He seems to always have solid intellectual contributions. Doesn't pick fights or trolls, very enjoyable poster.

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