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Bed, Wed or Dead


Well-Known Member
Who would you bed, wed and want dead!

Paris Hilton - Kim Kardashian - Lindsey Lohan

Bed Lohan
Wed Kardashian
Dead Hilton
The Mexican from Modern Family.
No thanks, once is enough for me.
Any female that has been in or is currently on a reality show.
After enough drinks I'd bed any of the three. I'd just wear a hefty trash bag as a condom. I am sure those chicks are an encyclopedia of STDs. That is why I'd rather be dead the wed one of them.
Lol, bed Lohan? The though nauseates me.

Bed Kim Humphries
Wed Hilton
Dead Lohan
Bed - Shaggy's mom
Wed - Shaggy's sister/s
Dead - Shaggy


How rude!
I play this game at work all the time with the baker. Kiss, kill, or marry the next three customers who walk in the door. Lucky for me, we always get old guys coming in. :/
Kate Upton baby

Marry Marry Marry.

Bed, Jasmine off Aladdin. That princess was awesome!

Dead: Lebron James.

03-01-2012 10:27 PM
Thread: Bed, Wed or Dead


My bad? I guess I missed the point of the game...?
Who would you bed, wed and want dead!

Paris Hilton - Kim Kardashian - Lindsey Lohan

Bed Lohan
Wed Kardashian
Dead Hilton

Alright, I had to Google it -- you pansy *** wimp.

Bed Kardashian, without a doubt.
Wed Hilton, I could use the $$$ from the divorce.
Dead Lohan, no explanation needed.

There, is that what you wanted?
Alright, I had to Google it -- you pansy *** wimp.

Bed Kardashian, without a doubt.
Wed Hilton, I could use the $$$ from the divorce.
Dead Lohan, no explanation needed.

There, is that what you wanted?

Lohan if I get a time machine.
Kardashians could launch my modeling career.
I care about life more than anyone ever and am incapable of wishing death on any of the three.

Kate Upton has saggy pancake boobs.