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Best films of 2015

The defining moment of Foxcatcher for me:

The scene in which Steve Carrell forces Channing Tatum to say "Ornithologist Philatelist Philanthropist" over and over and over again while they snort cocaine. Obviously played for laughs. So I was laughing. Movie is in a serious business theater in Scottsdale, pretty much the only "art" theater in the whole metro and the place is full of blue hairs who are deadly serious about film. Woman turns around, shushes me, and informs me the film is not a comedy very loudly. I inform her firmly that this is a matter of opinion, that virtually every decision so far has been a farce, and proceeded to plant my feet into the back of her chair as hard as possible for the remainder of the film.

Passive aggressive spite is truly wonderful.
It's one of those movies that was good, but I would never watch it again.

I get that. I don't plan on watching it again but will probably catch it again randomly late night on tv in a couple years and remember why I liked it

Than again I'm not the type who plans watching movies like this more than once unless it's to clarify some things. Story was simple to understand in this movie, no need.