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Bring back Jerry...

Last nights game was again on Deron. He lost that game by not hitting jumpers all night. When we made our run in the 4th Deron was on the bench.
You guys need to realize life moves forward and not backwards. I think the team has played better in the as two games even they they stunk up the second half in the first Phoenix game.

Yes DW's poor shooting contributed to the lost. However, like every game its not just one player who loses or wins a game. Basketball is a team sport. DW hit a huge 3 pt to get us a chance to win the game. Ty Corbin got Millsap a good shot and the ref blew the call. Even though the team lost last night I am encouraged with the way they played. They still lack enough talent to win consistently but I can't complain about the effort.

It has been really nice to see both Hayward and Evans get minutes. If Sloan was still around he would still have them glued to the bench.
The good old days were never as good as people want to remember and today is not as bad as people think it is. Jerry should have retired two or three years ago. He even mentioned that he had been thinking about it for four years but didn't know how to move on. I find it revealing how the latest gossip has DW arguing with Sloan, in reality, it takes two people to argue but somehow a lot of fans forget that. Why has Sloan gotten a free pass all these years? Sloan at least shares some responsibility but most people are trying to villianize DW simply because Sloan's management style got tiresome.
Don't be silly. Greggy has this team headed for contraction, not Vegas.

Speaking of this, what kind of remuneration do you think the contracted teams would get? Would $500 mill or something be enough to get Greg to drop the Jazz? How much would do it?
Who knows what Gregory's asking price is, but Forbes valued the Jazz at $343 million.

Yeah but I bet he would want something more than that to all out dissolve the franchise.
I don't think Hayward and Evans getting minutes has anything to do with the coaching change. When you have nine guys they are all getting minutes. Good hell this is what 10 day contracts are for! I don't know what we are paying KOC for. That said maybe Gregory won't pay for a 10 day contract. Who knows???

Ty will be fine. He is not in a great situation right now but it will get worked out, probably in the off season. I support Ty 100% I feel for the situation he is in right now.
I find it revealing how the latest gossip has DW arguing with Sloan, in reality, it takes two people to argue but somehow a lot of fans forget that. Why has Sloan gotten a free pass all these years? Sloan at least shares some responsibility but most people are trying to villianize DW simply because Sloan's management style got tiresome.

BS. Sloan doesnt walk up to Deron to start arguments. Arguments happen when Deron refuses to run the system as asked for by his coach. He thinks just because he made it to the all star team once and has 6 years experience he can coach this team all by himself telling two guys lke Phil and Sloan to go to hell. He wasnt patient enough to realize that this was a new team that lost some key pieces and also had injury issues. We counted on Memo to contribute THIS year, remember? So far not happened. Rather than being patient and letting things work out he decided that it was all the system and coaching and minutes to his buddies like Miles that was holding the Jazz back. Dumb. If this episode has shown anything it is that Deron doesnt have half the smarts and IQ that Stockton had. He should have been frustrated at Greg Miller/KOC, if at all. For letting Korver and Wes and Booz leave and not trading Memo/AK. And getting washed up guys like Elson to play off the bench. Instead he decided to rebel against the one thing that kept the Jazz going. The one thing that was right. Which was the system.
yea because Sloan has been such an angel over the years. He has never bummed a ref, gotten a technical, screamed at player or ref or ever been out coached. He is 1200-0 with 23 championships under his belt. His golden system was delivered from the heavens to SLC to be the only guide to achieve the elusive NBA championship banner that so gloriously hangs in the rafters of the ESA building. What happened along the way to greatest with the system as our guide?

You are one of the few Jazz fans that actually believed that Okur would contribute this year. DW was upset about the moves? Didn't he complain loud enough for you? Since you think DW is coaching the team how does he have time to be the GM and owner that you are suggesting he should be. Why is it bad for DW to use his record of achievements to tout his ideas about how to improve the team while you and Jerry frequently boast up his acheivements and how great his system is? I think playing six years under the system is being pretty patient. Do you think DW should wait his entire career and then look back and admire "the system" while trying to convince himself that not having a ring doesn't matter? Questions to answer, and things to ponder but in the end it is time to move forward and realize that not one man or player is so important to the organization. The Jazz will survive and someday DW will retire and life goes forward and not even the system lives forever.
yea because Sloan has been such an angel over the years. He has never bummed a ref, gotten a technical, screamed at player or ref or ever been out coached. He is 1200-0 with 23 championships under his belt. His golden system was delivered from the heavens to SLC to be the only guide to achieve the elusive NBA championship banner that so gloriously hangs in the rafters of the ESA building. What happened along the way to greatest with the system as our guide?

You are one of the few Jazz fans that actually believed that Okur would contribute this year. DW was upset about the moves? Didn't he complain loud enough for you? Since you think DW is coaching the team how does he have time to be the GM and owner that you are suggesting he should be. Why is it bad for DW to use his record of achievements to tout his ideas about how to improve the team while you and Jerry frequently boast up his acheivements and how great his system is? I think playing six years under the system is being pretty patient. Do you think DW should wait his entire career and then look back and admire "the system" while trying to convince himself that not having a ring doesn't matter? Questions to answer, and things to ponder but in the end it is time to move forward and realize that not one man or player is so important to the organization. The Jazz will survive and someday DW will retire and life goes forward and not even the system lives forever.

Hey guy!
Jerry Sloan isn't walking through that door. Phil Johnson isn't walking through that door.
Jerry Sloan is ****ing done. Get over yourselves. He was done years ago. Boo hoo, he didn't finish out the season. He was given 23 ****ing years...unheard of in modern times. It's not like the dude didn't get paid. ****, the last few years he's been laughing all the way to the bank.
Jerry Sloan is ****ing done. Get over yourselves. He was done years ago. Boo hoo, he didn't finish out the season. He was given 23 ****ing years...unheard of in modern times. It's not like the dude didn't get paid. ****, the last few years he's been laughing all the way to the bank.

You know what? Bring back Jerry...