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Can the Paul Millsap experiment please end?

so why is there a thread deicated to cj miles expirement but not to paul millsap expiriment.

sap having bad games so thats what this thread is for.

just like the cj miles thread it will go something like this:

paul has a great game the paul supporters rave about it the haters will be silent
paul hjas a bad game the paul haters will let it be heard and the lovers will be silent.

ps i'm not a paul hater just syaing if we have such a thread dedicated to cj, paul needs one too
Do we really need to make a thread about a player if they have a few bad games? Like CJ or not, he is an experiment. Paul Millsap is not.
Exactly a starter should be consistent each night not a bench player. Cj is our best player off the bench yet there is still a hate thread of him. why not a watson hate thread or fez etc? Just rediculous.
Because Millsap is great and CJ is a Clown. You really think CJ the clumsy clown compares to Millsap? More than absurd.
Worst thread ever. Paul never loses a game or take terrible shots. He shoots a good % and is pretty consistent.
Shooting a good % and being pretty consistent was an argument in "defense" of Boozer.

Even if a player is giving 100%, if he's hurting the team, his minutes should be trimmed.

Less relevant tonight (heck, at least the Jazz won), but neither Millsap's effort nor his effectiveness was up to par against the Mavericks. And sufficient adjustment was not made.
I was amused when words like "all star" were thrown in the early season after that 30 pt game by Sap. He is back to earth now, I guess. And when Memo gets back Sap's numbers could go down even further. He is always a good role player, OK a very good one.

But coming back to the OP and title of this thread, why are'nt people harder on Millsap than CJ? Because Millsap brings it more often than CJ, he has always did. Simple, is'nt it?
CJ has been in the league for 6 years and only now is he starting to figure out things a bit. The dude is a little slow on the uptake.
Millsap is the backbone of our defense, which is arguably the best in the league.
Dallas (and San Antonio and Phoenix and probably Golden State and the Clippers, despite not beating the Jazz) argue differently.

Oh, and so does the scoring of the player he's guarding, good for third WORST on the team, at 19.1 points per 48 minutes--behind only Evans and Hayward (who are playing on such low minutes that they can pull ahead of PM with just a few future cameos).

Even among the starting lineup, AJ has started to distinguish himself as a more convincing defender--just like the center should.

Effort does not necessarily equal defense. And while Millsap has been a huge plus at times, he hasn't even brought the former--much less the latter--at other times.

It's tough to do all the time with a 4- to 6-inch length disadvantage on some nights.
[That's what she said.]
All said and done give credit to the coaching staff. When compared to teams like Mavs or Magic, we really have less stars. Or just one. Deron. Al Jeff could be a star but he is'nt there yet. The rest are mostly role players thriving in the system. What the staff have managed to extract out of this ragtag unit so far is impressive.
Sap is the kind of role player every team needs and every coach dearly covets. The role player who brings it every night and will now and then throw down on the opponent like there's no tomorrow. But in the end, he is still a role player. I like Millsap for what he brings every game, but I in no way expect him to be our new all-star. If he goes that route, then I will be ecstatic, but I am not expecting it and I don't think he needs to be that kind of player to help us.
Exactly a starter should be consistent each night not a bench player. Cj is our best player off the bench yet there is still a hate thread of him. why not a watson hate thread or fez etc? Just rediculous.

i just made thias thread cus im sick and tired of the cj version of the thread. but apparantly paul is allowed to have a few bad games while cj is not
To me it's all about decision making - Millsap plays within himself. He doesn't take bad shots, he doesn't make bad passes, he doesn't play out of position on defense. He has obviously bought into the Jazz system. Yeah, sometimes he has bad games; but so what - the guy is a rock.

CJ 's decision making; especially his shot selection continues to be shaky. His FG% has hovered around 38-40% all season while taking over 10 shots a game. In this offense, for a guy who is supposed to be "a shooter"; that sucks; plain and simple.

He has gotten better but in past seasons I would absolutely dread watching him come on the court, miss his first couple of shots, lose his confidence and then pout the rest of the game while making no contribution. Now he can have a bad shooting game and still rebound, make a couple good passes and play OK defense.
Shooting a good % and being pretty consistent was an argument in "defense" of Boozer.

Even if a player is giving 100%, if he's hurting the team, his minutes should be trimmed.

Less relevant tonight (heck, at least the Jazz won), but neither Millsap's effort nor his effectiveness was up to par against the Mavericks. And sufficient adjustment was not made.

For the love of small children around the world, please never put the words "defense" and "Boozer" in the same sentence no matter the context.
After averaging 21 and 9 to start the season, over the past 13 games Millsap's averaging just 14.4 pts and 7.4 rebounds. The key thing is he's still shooting 50% during that stretch, so the decline in scoring largely due to his FG attempts. You could argue that's because Jefferson's role has increased in the offense, but Al's FG attempts - and scoring - have actually stayed exactly the same during the 2stretchs (14.4 vs. 14.5 FG Att, 16.6 ppg vs. 16.6 ppg)

IMO, teams are just more aware of Millsap and are adjusting their defenses to him and his improved offensive game. PF's are pressuring him knowing his go-to move is now that step-back jumper from the wing. Instead of getting open 15-footers on screen-roll he's getting 18-footers out top. They're putting a body on him on the boards and not letting him sneak out in transition (like the game in OKC).

The one dissapointing thing is when he gets the ball inside lately he's been playing like a 6-6 player instead of a 6-8 one. Against Dallas and again last night he had an easy layup, but he pump-faked for some reason and allowed the defense to recover to force a miss. Jazz were up 5 against the Mavs and then went on a mini run to close the half with momentum - as after the miss Paul never ran back on defense and Dirk got a layup and a 3-point play.

With Millsap struggling with his offense, he just needs to start crashing the offensive boards hard like he did his first 3 seasons in the league. The past 2 years his O-Reb rate has sharply declined (as he's improved his jumpshot) but he needs to go back to doing what he does best in rebounding and getting some easy baskets to get into the flow of the game.
Im not sure what is wrong with Millstat. I just hope he gets back to playing his type of ball.
over the past 13 games Millsap's averaging just 14.4 pts and 7.4 rebounds

This is about what I expected him to average this season. My guess is that he just got off to a great start to the season.

Scoring 46 definitely inflated his scoring average though :)