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Can we just release Burke and Hayward?

Ty's lack of a structured offense has really hurt Burke and Hayward. We rarely run a pNroll or pNpop plays that feature motion for shooters. Because of this, Burke doesn't drive to the basket as much and Hayward ends up shooting far too much.

If we don't change coaches in the off season, Burke and Hayward will continue to struggle.

word dat. put trey in a pg happy system he would've looked much better.

trey showed promises, but he looked lost sometimes. part his fault, part shooting slump, and part corbin's offensive system(or lackthereof). trey is a smart kid with a competitive fire. i expect him to grow. but hopefully i hope he grows faster.
Ty's lack of a structured offense has really hurt Burke and Hayward. We rarely run a pNroll or pNpop plays that feature motion for shooters. Because of this, Burke doesn't drive to the basket as much and Hayward ends up shooting far too much.

If we don't change coaches in the off season, Burke and Hayward will continue to struggle.

Wish more people realized this.

While also realizing our bigs are rarely ever set up in good position to score.
Ty's lack of a structured offense has really hurt Burke and Hayward. We rarely run a pNroll or pNpop plays that feature motion for shooters. Because of this, Burke doesn't drive to the basket as much and Hayward ends up shooting far too much.

If we don't change coaches in the off season, Burke and Hayward will continue to struggle.

What are you babbling on about? PnR is an end point play designed to suck defense in off of shooters. You can't pass to moving shooters in this league or you'll throw the ball away 98% of the time since those passes would always be behind the shoulder opposite your drive. The only exception is reading and fading to a spot, or running back door. That's not motion...

The issue Trey has is he likes to pnr into ICE defense instead of taking a re-screen middle (read what Grantland just wrote about Alec Burks liking to go that way too, so Corbin switched the way screens are set. It's the same problem.) The issue Hayward has is his lack of handles and driving ability, resulting in long twos as the only option when he's "stuck".

Wish more people realized this.

While also realizing our bigs are rarely ever set up in good position to score.

Da ****? Your big Enes cannot catch in motion and do something with the ball. The offense has no problems running Kanter or Favors into good position. Trey is especially good at setting moving-but-not screens in the lane for Kanter and Favors.

Continuing to deflect blame from Enes' shortcomings onto the coach is blind homerism.
The more I read, the more I'm convinced franklin either has to be a relative of Ty or someone that would not have a job were it not for Corbin. Is franklin Sidney Lowe?
The more I read, the more I'm convinced franklin either has to be a relative of Ty or someone that would not have a job were it not for Corbin. Is franklin Sidney Lowe?

We need to fire Corbin because he doesn't post up Trey when they go zone defense on us!!!11 Also, what happened to the Harlem Globe Trotter weave out of timeouts? Where is it Corbin???

Am I playing stupid hard enough to fit in yet?
This is a good bump. Be interesting to see if the preseason translates into the regular season for this team.
Need an elite player? No, though it would help. Our offense just needs to get better. More of the play-making burden needs to fall on the PG, or go to Burks (starting Burks). I think all those things would help Hayward's efficiency and allow him to focus on his off-ball game.

Like I said....
Did I ever say I wanted him to be the primary playermaker? He has to be a playmaker though. You don't treat him and Byron Russel as the same player. Go back to mediocre posting please.

The problem with Hayward is that he has been asked to be the primary playmaker. It was a good move to test to see if he could do that, because it shows the league his limits. I don't think he is going to get an offer over 12/million. I think most teams would be willing to sign him to that, but would be weary to go above it.

Hayward can still get a lot better, but it isn't in the primary playmaker role.

Was wrong on that money part doe.
Obviously a bit tongue in cheek on my part about releasing the two: I've always maintained I think Gordo will return to his historic 45%/38% averages. Still not sure if matching a max deal was a good idea, though.

Honestly surprised with Trey. He's shot better than I had expected. Was very worried after yet another dismal summer league. Let's see if the season brings the same results, but I'll be VERY happy if I was wrong about him.
Obviously a bit tongue in cheek on my part about releasing the two: I've always maintained I think Gordo will return to his historic 45%/38% averages. Still not sure if matching a max deal was a good idea, though.

Honestly surprised with Trey. He's shot better than I had expected. Was very worried after yet another dismal summer league. Let's see if the season brings the same results, but I'll be VERY happy if I was wrong about him.

Bottom line is that we obviously spent way too much for Hayward, but there is nothing that can be done about it now. I am not a Hayward fan by any means, but at the game I went to he did look like he has been putting in a lot of time in the gym during the off-season. Will it translate into his game?? Time will only tell. You really can not make assumptions about a player during the off-season. A players heart and passion is not behind him like it would be a regular season game. As far as releasing Hayward and Burke?? How stupid would that be. The question of this post doesn't deserve an answer. Burke isn't the best, but he is who have. Star caliber guards, forwards, or centers are not lined up to sign with Utah, or even want to play here. We currently have a team that for the most part, wants to be here. Lets roll with it and make things happen.
Bottom line is that we obviously spent way too much for Hayward, but there is nothing that can be done about it now. I am not a Hayward fan by any means, but at the game I went to he did look like he has been putting in a lot of time in the gym during the off-season. Will it translate into his game?? Time will only tell. You really can not make assumptions about a player during the off-season. A players heart and passion is not behind him like it would be a regular season game. As far as releasing Hayward and Burke?? How stupid would that be. The question of this post doesn't deserve an answer. Burke isn't the best, but he is who have. Star caliber guards, forwards, or centers are not lined up to sign with Utah, or even want to play here. We currently have a team that for the most part, wants to be here. Lets roll with it and make things happen.

This is the best post you have ever made. Easily.