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Free at last!!!
So I've got it. Nasty infection. But the worst part is the violent fever and constant nausea that comes with it.
That's a mosquito bite.

you just looking at the little red dot?

I've heard of cellulitis before, bumpy stuff under the skin, fluid pockets, comes from some kind of irritation or infectious agent. . . .. I'll look up some more info and then get back in here and talk like a true knowitall about everything. . . . . something being willing to look for information sometimes can work as a substitute for actual knowledge. . .


wait for it. . . . .


here it is:

That pic doesn't come close to doing it justice.
It's a bacterial infection in the skin.
Sunday at 4pm I started getting cold, so I went and laid down in my bed. Got worse. My wife got me some Motrin and Tylenol for the fever that started. I was laying in bed, fully clothed, wearing slippers over my socks on my feet, under two quilts. I was shaking violently and uncontrollably for an hour. That finally stopped and I got up to vomit. Side note: orange juice tastes the same coming up as it does going down, as does Nyquil. About 8 o clock I started noticing a pain in my groin muscle, literally right next to my manhood. Kind of felt like I'd been kicked or hit by a ball. I was able to sleep until 4 am when I woke up to pee, but I was shaking so bad again I almost pissed all over the bathroom. Took more Tylenol and Motrin. Slept until about 7:30. Got up and noticed the pain had spread all the way down my groin muscle to my knee. I'd sprained my ankle Thursday evening, so I attributed the pain to walking funny because of this. Monday was spent controlling the fevers that spiked every 6 hours or so. The violent shaking type. No more vomit (probably because the only thing I'd eaten was a piece of toast), but constant nausea. Woke up Tuesday morning and the pain had gone to my shin and then across it. Then the redness, swelling, heat, and blister looking things started popping up. I showed them to wife who instantly freaked out. We took some pics and sent them to a nurse friend who said I needed to go to an InstaCare or ER immediately, because I probably had cellulitis. I was so dehydrated that my urine was so dark I thought it was bloody. But the doc said it was likely dehydration.
Now I'm on three rounds of IV antibiotic, two oral antibiotics, and an anti nausea pill. The leg looks and feels worse today than it did yesterday, but they said that was going to happen. Overall, I feel better today than I did yesterday. My nausea pills are supposed to last 6 hours, but I'm only getting about 4 1/2 out of them. They said if I'd waited too much longer to get looked at, I'd likely be hospitalized.
Oh, and now that I've had it once, I'm much more susceptible to getting it again. Awesome. I think I'll start dumping a gallon of alcohol on every cut I get from now on.

This sucks donkey balls. Hope and pray you never get it. Wash all cuts/scrapes/lesions/wounds immediately.
I'd guess offhand that without antibiotics people die from this. "cellulitis" sounds so superficial, like it's only something that happens to women when they diet and have a lag time before the skin contracts or something. Seriously, that's what I previously thought it was.

Good thing I'm so dedicated as a knowitall I sometimes will look for information, I am just that ignorant to start with on everything.

I learned a little about one common illness a few months ago, and I thought I was suffering enough to finally understand some other humans charitably. Seriously, I think we should pray for you and hope for a speedy recovery. And no downstream repeats.

Get an ample supply of triple antibiotic for those cuts, too.

I am pretty disappointed there aren't more people in here right now who could respond to this item more appropriately. Everybody's off on their summer break I guess.

I'm no doctor, but I treat calves sometimes and have some big horse-type tablets from the feed stores that are essentially slugs of antibodies to everything cows get immunity to. They absorb through the gut, and I'd say just get some for your herd and keep a big bottle for yourself, and have one every week or two. Works for calves. . . .
If you are shaking violently and vomiting regularly it might be a good sign to go to the hospital, even without the pics to the nurse friend, just saying.
You're probably joking.

Hey, I made a living purifying immunoglobulins. Big Pharma companies sell pills like that, too, and a lot of little douchebag quack companies, too. Not a lot of difference but the labels. And the prices. The cheapest is. . . .
If you are shaking violently and vomiting regularly it might be a good sign to go to the hospital, even without the pics to the nurse friend, just saying.
I don't do doctors and hospitals. It literally takes something like this to get me to go. Besides, I didn't vomit a lot, just two episodes. Just constantly nauseous.
Animal medicine isn't that much different from human, just the dosage. My wife's uncle is a vet and he gives his kids animal pills all the time.

Do they call him da-a-a-a-addy?
Animal medicine isn't that much different from human, just the dosage. My wife's uncle is a vet and he gives his kids animal pills all the time.

It might be against some law, or he could get his license revoked. . . . gotta protect Big Pharma's cartel profits, ya know.
I always thought cellulite was fat.

Yeah, and cellulitis is infected fat, or at least inflamed.

keep in mind that the suffix -itis typically refers to infection or inflammation

generally never a good thing

and so on...
Over 120 hours into this thing and the recovery is extremely slow. I have to go back in tomorrow for my 5th dose of antibiotics (on top of the two oral antibiotics). The nurse didn't seem to think that would be the last. Overall, it's getting better, but very slowly. My leg has started to ooze, so they took a sample to analyze.
This still sucks bad.
Over 120 hours into this thing and the recovery is extremely slow. I have to go back in tomorrow for my 5th dose of antibiotics (on top of the two oral antibiotics). The nurse didn't seem to think that would be the last. Overall, it's getting better, but very slowly. My leg has started to ooze, so they took a sample to analyze.
This still sucks bad.

hoping it's the darkest moment before the dawn, that it turns better for you.
Some better photos my wife took at its peak:


For the uninitiated, those lines are drawn to objectively measure the daily changes. The pics show the weeping fluid pockets. They will run a culture on that leakage to identify the bacteria present and quantify the numerical forces involved. That will be correlated with the next sample and begin to show whether the antibiotics are taking effect. If not, they may try another type of antibiotic. Not that I know anything. My wife is a nurse, and I take care of animals some. I used to work in medical research though. Pathology for a while. . . .

I had a run of shingles and I thought I might as well check out already; this has gotta be even more painful.
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