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Corbin NOT a straight shooter

Sending that message in house is necessary. Corbin threw Al under the bus when he made it public.

But Al made it public by having a meltdown on the court where the home crowd and the home town reporters could all see. Ty had to respond and his response was soft compared to what it could've been.

Ty and the rest of the Jazz organization have been VERY good this season at not publicly criticizing players, coaches, management, including Al, even though the results show that criticism is due somewhere.
I'm willing to give Corbin another year, but I'm not too excited about him. It was great to finally move away from Sloan, but
we all knew the search for a replacement wouldn't be easy.
Corbin can't outright say this, but I think he was worried we would win the game, and finally went with the rooks in hopes we would lose.
He also wants to get some good draft picks now that he has a say in it.
The way players are dropping out of the draft, we might have to throw next year too.
Corbin can't outright say this, but I think he was worried we would win the game, and finally went with the rooks in hopes we would lose.
He also wants to get some good draft picks now that he has a say in it.
The way players are dropping out of the draft, we might have to throw next year too.

Corbin wanted to lose a home game to a team that had won just one road game all year???
But Al made it public by having a meltdown on the court where the home crowd and the home town reporters could all see. Ty had to respond and his response was soft compared to what it could've been.

Ty and the rest of the Jazz organization have been VERY good this season at not publicly criticizing players, coaches, management, including Al, even though the results show that criticism is due somewhere.

Corbin didn't want Al to make a spectacle of himself. Ty has made it a spectacle ever since. No reason to sit Al at the end.
He needs to act like a professional.

Or else what, Ty's going to throw him under the bus? I'm not picking sides of who is right or wrong, but Ty's job is to not let it escalate, and get the most out his star players. So what if they are professional or not, just get the most out of them, not get in battles with them.
I like most fans have been wanting the same but maybe there is some reasoning to his madness. Maybe by saying he isn't just going to be throwing minutes to the rookies only to those that deserve/earned them he was just waiting for the opportunity such as last night to present itself. He saw that they played with more energy as a unit and by laying the previous ground work (talk) he can now say they earned it and giving the rookies more confidence and sense of accomplishment they wouldn't have had otherwise even in a loss.

I think you play to win. Especially at home against a team with one road victory for the season. The rooks should have been playing all along over Bell and CJ because they simply were playing better.
Did you guys watch the game last night? Al didn't give any effort on defense. He gave up rebound after rebound, he didn't block out, McGhee almost had 20 rebounds. You want to tell me Al deserved to play last night? The Jazz almost won with fricking Evans at the PF spot. Remember when AK and Arroyo led the Jazz to a .500 record? Remember how you learned that year that you can win half your games in the NBA if you just try? Well Al didn't try last night. I love that Corbin benched him. This is Corbin's team now (I say that because he will be fired if they don't win). He needs to take control. He needs to play the players that will try. That is how you win. Screw Al, if he doesn't want to play defense let him pout on the bench. I sure there are 10 Minnesota's that would love for him to put up 30 and 15 and lose every night. Don't forget the Jazz were down 10 when he left the game.

Rant done.
Did you guys watch the game last night? Al didn't give any effort on defense. He gave up rebound after rebound, he didn't block out, McGhee almost had 20 rebounds. You want to tell me Al deserved to play last night? The Jazz almost won with fricking Evans at the PF spot. Remember when AK and Arroyo led the Jazz to a .500 record? Remember how you learned that year that you can win half your games in the NBA if you just try? Well Al didn't try last night. I love that Corbin benched him. This is Corbin's team now (I say that because he will be fired if they don't win). He needs to take control. He needs to play the players that will try. That is how you win. Screw Al, if he doesn't want to play defense let him pout on the bench. I sure there are 10 Minnesota's that would love for him to put up 30 and 15 and lose every night. Don't forget the Jazz were down 10 when he left the game.

Rant done.

I'm fine with playing players that give solid effort and production and sitting those that do not.

Ty needs to be consistent with that from here on out.

I guess we wont be seeing much of Bell and CJ anymore.
I'm fine with playing players that give solid effort and production and sitting those that do not.

Ty needs to be consistent with that from here on out.

I guess we wont be seeing much of Bell and CJ anymore.

Completely agree. Last night was the first night I actually agreed with what Corbin has done. If comes out tonight and let's Jefferson give up easy buckets in the paint again, then I'll rip Corbin then. But last night, I approve of what he did.
Worst pg's: Watson and Price or Arroyo and Lopez? Man, that is a sad group of talent.
Worst pg's: Watson and Price or Arroyo and Lopez? Man, that is a sad group of talent.

Arroyo and Lopez were very solid for the Jazz the year after Stockton and Malone. Dont besmirch them and put them in the same sentence as Price. :)