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I appreciate you providing what you would do.

For me, I think wet markets are outdated and the Chinese government needs to take more action to stop them or take more blame. That's all I'm trying to say. Agree or no?

Stop wet markets regardless if they're in California, Abu Dhabi, Wuhan, Beaver, UT or Tristan da Cunha.

They're outdated.

I'm only regurgitating what I've heard from experts say.
No, I dont think all of them need to be stopped. Many of them are okay. They need to stop the ones not following regulation and causing problems. I dont think the fish markets in San Fran need to be stopped. I think the ones practicing unsanitary methods should be corrected. These are also where the majority of food comes from in many many countries. Often some of the wet markets dont even slaughter animals they just have meat for sale that is rinsed with cold water to keep it fresh. I dont think many of these are an issue as long as safety rules are followed. I dont mind that restaurants have live crabs in tanks that can be bought and eaten in the restaurant either but those are also considered wet markets. There is a lot more to this issue than just ban all wet markets because of this virus that may or may not be because of the wet market. Slaughter houses are also an issue, if they are not run properly and not following codes then they are equally an issue. Pigs and poultry are a huge reason for the flu and are breeding grounds for a much much worse strands of flu that could break out. We need to do a lot more to prepare and prevent this in the USA and around the world. Slaughter houses outside of town just keep it away from people seeing it because people dont like seeing their animals alive and in raw forms before eating it, plus the smell. Its the same reason we get steaks or specific cuts of meat in the USA instead of more of the animal that goes to waste because we dont want to see what we are eating.

I think China has plenty of issues. In regards to wet markets they need to do a better job of enforcing the rules and regulations they have in the more remote parts. Places like Shanghai and other major cities dont have these issues.

One of the big problems in China is the corruption at local governments and hiding things because they dont want to get in trouble. China actually has a really good system in place to prevent outbreaks. Its much more advanced than anything USA is using. Unfortunately this outbreaked showed what its major flaw is. Local officials hiding things because they want to look good. There is a big cultural problem in China in regards to this.
No, I dont think all of them need to be stopped. Many of them are okay. They need to stop the ones not following regulation and causing problems. I dont think the fish markets in San Fran need to be stopped. I think the ones practicing unsanitary methods should be corrected. These are also where the majority of food comes from in many many countries. Often some of the wet markets dont even slaughter animals they just have meat for sale that is rinsed with cold water to keep it fresh. I dont think many of these are an issue as long as safety rules are followed. I dont mind that restaurants have live crabs in tanks that can be bought and eaten in the restaurant either but those are also considered wet markets. There is a lot more to this issue than just ban all wet markets because of this virus that may or may not be because of the wet market. Slaughter houses are also an issue, if they are not run properly and not following codes then they are equally an issue. Pigs and poultry are a huge reason for the flu and are breeding grounds for a much much worse strands of flu that could break out. We need to do a lot more to prepare and prevent this in the USA and around the world. Slaughter houses outside of town just keep it away from people seeing it because people dont like seeing their animals alive and in raw forms before eating it, plus the smell. Its the same reason we get steaks or specific cuts of meat in the USA instead of more of the animal that goes to waste because we dont want to see what we are eating.

I think China has plenty of issues. In regards to wet markets they need to do a better job of enforcing the rules and regulations they have in the more remote parts. Places like Shanghai and other major cities dont have these issues.

One of the big problems in China is the corruption at local governments and hiding things because they dont want to get in trouble. China actually has a really good system in place to prevent outbreaks. Its much more advanced than anything USA is using. Unfortunately this outbreaked showed what its major flaw is. Local officials hiding things because they want to look good. There is a big cultural problem in China in regards to this.
This is a good post. I'm probably slinging "wet market" around in a broad, ignorant, and sheepleton way.

Props, dude.

That said, I still love Howard Stern. Lol
What's the part you respect? The claims that toxicity are involved in autism? The claims that COVID9 shows signs of genetic engineering? It's pretty patent nonsense, overall.
I'm not saying it's true or false, because I don't know what to think. However, what's your evidence that this is nonsense. I want something concrete, not supposition or logical deduction. Tangible, traceable, absolute evidence. Otherwise, I have to remain unsure about this whole thing.
Not that I believe in these conspiracies, but are you 100% sure?
Not that I think there are invisible pink unicorns in the room with me, with you and with everyone, but are you sure they aren't?

I mean maybe there are invisible pink unicorns standing besides all of us? How would we know?

Probably best to conduct myself as though there are invisible pink unicorns all around us, since I can't be sure there are not any.

Then there's the leprechaun problem to consider, and especially weather or not the possible leprechauns and invisible pink unicorns get along with each other.

As if that's not already complicated enough, someone suggested that there might be giant dinosaurs outside. Since I haven't looked outside for at least 5 seconds I can't be sure if there are or aren't, so now I need to keep that in mind since I can't really know.

It's hard living in a world where I have to consider extraordinarily implausible things as though they are as probable as my own existence.
Not that I think there are invisible pink unicorns in the room with me, with you and with everyone, but are you sure they aren't?

I mean maybe there are invisible pink unicorns standing besides all of us? How would we know?

Probably best to conduct myself as though there are invisible pink unicorns all around us, since I can't be sure there are not any.

Then there's the leprechaun problem to consider, and especially weather or not the possible leprechauns and invisible pink unicorns get along with each other.

As if that's not already complicated enough, someone suggested that there might be giant dinosaurs outside. Since I haven't looked outside for at least 5 seconds I can't be sure if there are or aren't, so now I need to keep that in mind since I can't really know.

It's hard living in a world where I have to consider extraordinarily implausible things as though they are as probable as my own existence.
Dude, I've done the research. Here are 1500 hours of youtube videos you should watch, a couple dozen books you should buy and a handful of internet groups you should join so that you can learn the truth about IPUs (invisible pink unicorns) and their fortunately very friendly relationship with SIGGARCS (Small Irish Green Garbed Amiable Rainbow Chasers) AKA Leprechauns. But whoever told you there were dinosaurs outside was teasing you. Obviously dinosaurs never really existed but the evidence of such was created by the devil to cause people to question Christianity.
No, I dont think all of them need to be stopped. Many of them are okay. They need to stop the ones not following regulation and causing problems. I dont think the fish markets in San Fran need to be stopped. I think the ones practicing unsanitary methods should be corrected. These are also where the majority of food comes from in many many countries. Often some of the wet markets dont even slaughter animals they just have meat for sale that is rinsed with cold water to keep it fresh. I dont think many of these are an issue as long as safety rules are followed. I dont mind that restaurants have live crabs in tanks that can be bought and eaten in the restaurant either but those are also considered wet markets. There is a lot more to this issue than just ban all wet markets because of this virus that may or may not be because of the wet market. Slaughter houses are also an issue, if they are not run properly and not following codes then they are equally an issue. Pigs and poultry are a huge reason for the flu and are breeding grounds for a much much worse strands of flu that could break out. We need to do a lot more to prepare and prevent this in the USA and around the world. Slaughter houses outside of town just keep it away from people seeing it because people dont like seeing their animals alive and in raw forms before eating it, plus the smell. Its the same reason we get steaks or specific cuts of meat in the USA instead of more of the animal that goes to waste because we dont want to see what we are eating.

I think China has plenty of issues. In regards to wet markets they need to do a better job of enforcing the rules and regulations they have in the more remote parts. Places like Shanghai and other major cities dont have these issues.

One of the big problems in China is the corruption at local governments and hiding things because they dont want to get in trouble. China actually has a really good system in place to prevent outbreaks. Its much more advanced than anything USA is using. Unfortunately this outbreaked showed what its major flaw is. Local officials hiding things because they want to look good. There is a big cultural problem in China in regards to this.

Historically its a big problem in all dictatorships.
I'm not saying it's true or false, because I don't know what to think. However, what's your evidence that this is nonsense. I want something concrete, not supposition or logical deduction. Tangible, traceable, absolute evidence. Otherwise, I have to remain unsure about this whole thing.

That's a fair position I wish you would use more often.

Regarding autism, the cause is primarily genetic, in particular, combinations of genes producing combinations of traits.

Regarding COVID19, I regularly read some science blog that have discussed the genetic structure and history of COVID19. It's simpe enough to find them, if you want to look at the evidence yourself.
It's hard living in a world where I have to consider extraordinarily implausible things as though they are as probable as my own existence.

I'm not weighing in on the content here, but just wanted to say that we need more Occam's Razor and less conspiracy theorizing in the world. Seriously, Occam's Razor needs to be taught at a young age - everywhere.
I'm not weighing in on the content here, but just wanted to say that we need more Occam's Razor and less conspiracy theorizing in the world. Seriously, Occam's Razor needs to be taught at a young age - everywhere.

The mind will go to great lengths to confirm bias. Some can't, and don't want, to consider this. Listening to talk radio that confirms everything you think you know feels pretty good to many.

where there you have it.

And how many Trumpers were going to the mats to defend this drug because their boy was promoting it? LOL
