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@Bucknutz You understand that you’re not entitled to my attention, right? I get that you get off on it. But I’ll respond to you if, when, and how I’d like and I really don’t care if it’s to your satisfaction. I don’t ignore you because because you’re finding good stories, intellectually stimulating links, or making some mind blowing argument. Honestly, you never would’ve been able to pass any of the courses I used to teach at my university. I find you boorish and arrogant. I have you on ignore most of the time because I quite frankly don’t have the time or patience to argue with someone who is sworn to defending his tribe/ideology.

1) Let me be clear, I don’t rely on feelings. I let evidence guide me to my political views and opinions. I’m first and foremost, a policy driven person, not a tribal warrior.

2) I believe in what the major intelligence services and institutions in this country believe the origin of Covid to be. I also believe in the effectiveness of vaccines. Again, I’m a policy driven person. I don’t need to stick flashlights up my *** to feel loyal to my dear leader.

3) I want to make it clear that we all know what Tom Cotton and Republicans were doing right from the get go with blaming this on a Covid lab leak. It wasn’t based on evidence. It was based on nationalism. Even today, your “tribe” insinuates that it came from a lab as some sort of bio weapon. That way they can fan the flames of nationalism and incoherent conspiracy involving Fauci, Biden, Soros, etc. the truth is likely more straightforward;

a) it most likely originated from an animal at the west market.
b) it originated from an animal, had a sample maintained at the lab, and was leaked from the lab.

I know it’s a lot less exciting to believe what the evidence suggests. I know it “feels” better to think that the liberals and Chinese ganged together against Orange God King to end his presidency. But that’s what the evidence suggests. And that’s why I don’t engage in this “lab leak” theory. Your side is trying to weaponize it into something that isn’t supported by evidence. But it certainly makes you “feel” good.

**** your feelings.
Also, for the argument that "Oh, it just HAPPENED to start right by a lab that was specifically set up to examine this kind of pathogen," I have to ask, "Why was the lab put there?" Obviously, it was there because of the proximity to vast numbers of bats that harbor constantly mutating viruses of this type. That's public record. Also, DUH.
Also, for the argument that "Oh, it just HAPPENED to start right by a lab that was specifically set up to examine this kind of pathogen," I have to ask, "Why was the lab put there?" Obviously, it was there because of the proximity to vast numbers of bats that harbor constantly mutating viruses of this type. That's public record. Also, DUH.

I find it interesting that the same folks whining about the dangers of the vaccine also whine about the lab. I wish they’d make up their minds. These labs exist to study these viruses so that we can learn from them. So that lives can be saved. Want to mitigate against another Covid? Want to develop vaccines? Well, labs are needed! You can’t advocate against vaccines and companies testing their vaccines on these viruses AND advocate against these types of labs. You’re only setting us up for failure. Those peddling these “lab leak” conspiracies aren’t arguing in good faith. They know what they’re doing and it’s disgraceful.

They’re peddling the lab leak conspiracy not to inform or to discuss the proper role of these types of labs and the importance of collaboration within the scientific community. They’re not advocating for safety reforms or regulations. They’re peddling the lab leak conspiracy so they can tell their tribe that “China created a bio weapon with the help of Fauci and the Dems and (insert whatever liberals and Hungarian Jews the right is targeting this week) to destroy Trump and hurt America!” It’s just more “America First” garbage stuff that juices the base but in the end… what does it solve?

At least it makes surface level tribal warriors “feel” better? I guess that’s what this conspiracy solves? I know on Fox News it’s been used as a springboard to attack Fauci and claim that Democrats teamed up with China to hurt Trump with Covid. As if defeating Trump was the only thing the planet wanted back in 2019-2020. But narcissists have gotta be fed, right?

Switzerland basically ending their vaccination program. Reason being basically everyone has either been exposed to Covid or had some previous vaccination. People very at risk can still get another Covid jab following consultation with their personal doctor. They aren't even recommending doses for at risk people, rather leaving it as a matter for their personalized health care. Yet another country who seem to have health officials who can read and comprehend and aren't joined at the hip to pharmaceutical companies actually following the data and evidence.

meanwhile the CDC still trying to jab kids from 6 months old and on.

Switzerland basically ending their vaccination program. Reason being basically everyone has either been exposed to Covid or had some previous vaccination. People very at risk can still get another Covid jab following consultation with their personal doctor. They aren't even recommending doses for at risk people, rather leaving it as a matter for their personalized health care. Yet another country who seem to have health officials who can read and comprehend and aren't joined at the hip to pharmaceutical companies actually following the data and evidence.

meanwhile the CDC still trying to jab kids from 6 months old and on.

Its funny cause only time i ever hear anything about vaccines anymore is in this thread.
Its funny cause only time i ever hear anything about vaccines anymore is in this thread.
Really?! Maybe it is just California be we are still being bombarded with messaging with vaccination against new omicron variants and an extra dose of messaging over PAXLOVID, PAXLOVID, PAXLOVID. California Public Health is paying for a rap song advertisement pushing COVID treatment, meaning PAXLOVID.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpFwZYQqDkk

At this point I'm almost wishing for election season to get advertisements about candidates and ballot measures just to get something that isn't COVID propaganda.

Switzerland basically ending their vaccination program. Reason being basically everyone has either been exposed to Covid or had some previous vaccination. People very at risk can still get another Covid jab following consultation with their personal doctor. They aren't even recommending doses for at risk people, rather leaving it as a matter for their personalized health care. Yet another country who seem to have health officials who can read and comprehend and aren't joined at the hip to pharmaceutical companies actually following the data and evidence.

meanwhile the CDC still trying to jab kids from 6 months old and on.

Is vaccination recommended for spring/summer 2023?​

In principle, no COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for spring/summer 2023. Nearly everyone in Switzerland has been vaccinated and/or contracted and recovered from COVID-19. Their immune system has therefore been exposed to the coronavirus. In spring/summer 2023, the virus will likely circulate less. The current virus variants also cause rather mild illness. For autumn 2023, the vaccination recommendation will be evaluated again and adjusted accordingly.
Perhaps if we had vaccination rates comparable to the Swiss, we'd ease off the recommendations in the spring and summer.
Really?! Maybe it is just California be we are still being bombarded with messaging with vaccination against new omicron variants and an extra dose of messaging over PAXLOVID, PAXLOVID, PAXLOVID. California Public Health is paying for a rap song advertisement pushing COVID treatment, meaning PAXLOVID.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpFwZYQqDkk

At this point I'm almost wishing for election season to get advertisements about candidates and ballot measures just to get something that isn't COVID propaganda.

Huh. Ya i never see anything about vaccines anymore. Then again i dont watch ads or view anything that would talk about vaccines.
you've all been exposed to Covid pretty much which means you have natural immunity.
So no one is getting COVID any more? News to me and one of my supervisors who was just hospitalized with COVID after contracting it for the 3rd time.

I still think this is going to go the way of the flu and we will end up with some kind of annual COVID vaccination available like we do a flu shot each year. Hopefully there isn't a more dangerous mutation on the way, but I guess we won't know until it hits us really.
So no one is getting COVID any more? News to me and one of my supervisors who was just hospitalized with COVID after contracting it for the 3rd time.

I still think this is going to go the way of the flu and we will end up with some kind of annual COVID vaccination available like we do a flu shot each year. Hopefully there isn't a more dangerous mutation on the way, but I guess we won't know until it hits us really.
Psh. Facts? Evidence? There you go again...

This is what happens when you base your entire identity in covid denial. Like a form of constipation, you gotta keep pushing that turd through, no matter how hard and painful it is.

One of my neighbors got it a few weeks ago. The entire family was down bad (some of us were asked to check on them) and the wife is still suffering from ill effects. I'll go and remind them that they were never actually sick because they already had natural immunity. I bet it'll go over real well.
So no one is getting COVID any more? News to me and one of my supervisors who was just hospitalized with COVID after contracting it for the 3rd time.

I still think this is going to go the way of the flu and we will end up with some kind of annual COVID vaccination available like we do a flu shot each year. Hopefully there isn't a more dangerous mutation on the way, but I guess we won't know until it hits us really.
**** me i mean natural immunity in terms of at least the same level of protection as "vaccination", whatever level that is. Who said nobody is getting Covid anymore ?? Why do you wankers deliberately misrepresent what people say ?

Covid is endemic and we're going to keep getting re-exposed and reinfected.
Also, **** you anti vaxxers. Kiss my ***. People suffer because your ****.
They are murderers by proxy. That's not the right way to say what I mean, but whatever. Anti-vaxxers are like the people in the stories where if they push the button someone somewhere dies, but they will get a reward, so they push the button. The only reward is confirmation from their idiotic anti-vax community, the sacrifice is potentially millions or even billions of human lives.
They are murderers by proxy. That's not the right way to say what I mean, but whatever. Anti-vaxxers are like the people in the stories where if they push the button someone somewhere dies, but they will get a reward, so they push the button. The only reward is confirmation from their idiotic anti-vax community, the sacrifice is potentially millions or even billions of human lives.
Well stated
I remember when people believed China's propaganda that it came from a f* Racoon dog. One of the most idiotic things I've literally ever heard. Now Fauci is even saying it came from a lab. Now hes still lying about the engineered part and lying about the GoF he paid for but we're getting closer to the truth. Remember how hateful and downright mean the Unifyers were to people smarter than them? I was bullied terribly by the Unify crowd posters here.

The same Unify crowd bullying people who weren't vaxed(black community was the least vaxed (I'm unsurprised with your closeted hatred)) were the same people bullying people who knew this leaked from a lab. Imagine if the Unify crowd actually listened to the intellectuals and we could've found the origin and saved lives that way?

“If it’s not an engineered virus, what actually leaked from the lab?” Fauci said. “If it wasn’t an engineered virus, somebody went out into the field, got infected, came back to the lab and then spread it out to other people. That ain’t a lab leak, strictly speaking. That’s a natural occurrence.”

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