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Corruption of the media getting worse and worse

Overall thanks for answering my question. It sounds like you read or listen to a fair amount of stuff. Good for you for trying to learn and be informed. I think that is a great attribute.

No I dont retract my statement. When I ask you multiple times what news source you read and think is good and the only answer you give me isIt is a safe assumption that you watch Fox news and think they are mostly reporting truth and that might be your main source when you claim nothing else.

The problem with Fox News isnt that they dont "tell the truth" in their news it is that they blend news stories with blatant agenda filled opinions. This is very different from reporting news and letting your bias show through.

Personally instead of reading MSN, CNN, Fox News and the Drudge Report that you feel are bad news sources and biased I would look for a good news source since there are plenty of those. But I guess is you prefer to read bias and/or news with an agenda and try to balance them that is your prerogative. I prefer just to read good quality news and not get those peoples opinions on the news.

I am familiar with Dore. I have not heard of Matt Christiansen. Dore is not a news source he is a funny guy that give his opinions on topics. From looking at Matt he is also not reporting news he is an opinion show. I dont like to listen and get my information from opinion shows. I do watch some of them from time to time for entertainment but not for information. I used to watch the Daily Show but have stopped because John Stewart left. I dont watch that for news, I watch that to be entertained.

Maybe or maybe you are listening to podcasts that are not actual news but opinions and opinions are very biased by nature. There are plenty of good places to get the news and plenty of high quality news people who strive very hard to give you the news without bias and provide actual information. NyTimes for example has many good writers and is probably the best papers in the country. They are often blamed for being liberal because of their opinion pieces, which are not their news. I do not read their opinion pieces because they are over the top liberals that I do not agree with and frankly I dont care about their opinions on subjects. I would rather get information and form my own opinion.

That matches what you think? Or that you agree with?

Its sounds like you see a big difference between Fox News, and places like CNN. To me, they do the exact same thing. They are all agenda driven fake news. They send out the reporters and deliver the information, but it all has a huge slant to it. I just see the left being more annoying with it right now because they have more to spin at the moment.

You are right that Jimmy Dore and others are just opinion pieces, but when all the main stream outlets inject their opinions in as well, they are just opinion pieces too.

I guess what I should say is that there really isnt any real news. You have to decode everything out there, and I dont feel like it should be that way.
I should also say that the fake news portion they report is generally politically related. Not the stuff that is not politically related.
Its sounds like you see a big difference between Fox News, and places like CNN. To me, they do the exact same thing. They are all agenda driven fake news. They send out the reporters and deliver the information, but it all has a huge slant to it. I just see the left being more annoying with it right now because they have more to spin at the moment.

You are right that Jimmy Dore and others are just opinion pieces, but when all the main stream outlets inject their opinions in as well, they are just opinion pieces too.

I guess what I should say is that there really isnt any real news. You have to decode everything out there, and I dont feel like it should be that way.

Like I said before there is plenty of good news without opinions put into it. I prefer to read that and give my time to good news. I do see a difference, there is also evidence of the difference in the news between those organizations. Their opinion pieces are on the same level and when they have talking heads debate or discuss things they are on the same level but those are not news pieces, the difference is in their actual news stories. One attempts to drop opinion and one purposely puts opinions into it and that is a big difference to me in journalistic integrity and why Fox News is not respected by anyone outside of them with real credentials.

Opinion pieces and news with a bias is not fake news there is a huge difference between and opinion piece on Fox or CNN or a news story that has a bias and a fake news story.
Germany plans creation of 'center of defense' against fake news, report says

Germany's government plans to create a center to fight "disinformation" online ahead of next year's elections, a media report has said. The move comes amid reports that fake news influenced the US election.

In light of the rise of fake news on social media, the German Interior Ministry has proposed the creation of a "Center of Defense Against Disinformation," according to a report on Friday from the German news magazine "Der Spiegel."

Looking ahead to Germany's parliamentary elections next year, the creation of the center "should be negotiated very quickly," the magazine said, quoting a note from an Interior Ministry staff member.

The Federal Press Office in the Chancellery is slated to take the lead in creating the defense center "since the focus is on public relations," the staff member wrote in the note. The press office, headed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman, Steffen Seibert, has over 500 employees.

The note named specific groups that are particularly susceptible or vulnerable to fake news, including "Russian-Germans" and people with Turkish origins, the magazine reported.

The ministry recommended that "an intensification of political education work" should be carried out with those specific groups.

The Interior Ministry also urged Germany's political parties to agree not to use of social bots and fake news during campaigning. It also wants the parties to establish ground rules for election campaigns before the next state parliament elections - the first of which is set to take place in the state of Saarland at the end of March.

Google and Facebook recently came under fire after fake news articles were widely circulated using their sites in the run-up to the US presidential election.

Stories that appeared to be news but were actually made-up partisan propaganda were shared in huge numbers on social media before the US elections. The majority of those articles worked against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton who lost to Republican Donald Trump.

Intelligence agencies and politicians in Germany are hoping to prevent a similar scenario next fall for the Bundestag elections. Some politicians in Germany have also proposed laws against the production and distribution of fake news.

"The acceptance of a post-truth age would be equivalent to political capitulation," the Interior Ministry official said.

ladies and gentleman the moment has arrived, we have another ministery from the book 1984.

the ministery of truth which sole purpose it is to: spreads lies (propaganda), and it censors all print media, revises history, and truncates the language with each edition of the Newspeak dictionary.

welcome to left wing utopia.
i am looking forward to:
ministry of plenty(to ration my food)
ministry of love(to make me a prisoner and torture me)
and ministry of peace( to wage war and those who oppose the "truth" spread by ministry of truth)

lol society is falling apart.
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yeah, it's unfortunate you lacked the foresight to vote for a man clearly unfit for leadership.

Let me preface this by saying I voted for neither Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. I voted 3rd party.

This post annoys me because it almost assumes that Hillary Clinton was fit for leadership. She was a terrible candidate and the epitome of what we would consider a part of that swamp in Washington. I didn't like her and I don't like him for that matter. As an American though, I would wish either the best as President of the United States(just as I did with President Obama even if I disagreed with him on most issues) because that's what patriots do regardless of how the vote comes out. I take offense to your post here and previous posts because it assumes everything has been fantastic for everyone in our nation(including people that happen to be white that are being demonized by people of your own political beliefs). Rather than understanding their suffering under the current administration you would rather write them off, call them racist, or ignore their desires for their country. It's ignorance and arrogance.

Another thing I find equally annoying is people that aren't even Americans telling us how we should or shouldn't have voted. It's our choice to vote for the candidate we want to lead us. It's not the choice of the Canadians or the British for that matter. If you don't like our choice who cares? You're not an American. It's not up to you. You better learn to live with it because that's the person we chose. You didn't see me preaching to you about what a mistake Canada made in electing Justin Trudeau. I have faith Canadians voted for the person they felt best served their needs and I leave that judgement to them rather than snipe at the man or his voters. I wish you would allow Americans the same courtesy. This isn't just aimed at you. It's aimed at anyone that isn't American that thinks we as a nation are too stupid to elect our own Presidents just because you disagree with that President's ideology that you do not yourself hold. I don't for one minute buy this is all just about the man we did elect because of his past deplorable comments. I believe it's more about Conservative ideology in general. I truly believe had it been Marco Rubio you would still find a way to hate the man. That's sad. When did it stop being okay to respectfully disagree with others? Now both sides resort to demonizing the other.
Another thing I find equally annoying is people that aren't even Americans telling us how we should or shouldn't have voted.

me being a small gov guy, and a non american i tottally agree and get that.

but the american gov has a lot to do with other countries. decision american voters make affect other countries heavily

for example recently usa obama, did 2 monumentally stupid things. regarding giving the internet away, and abstaining from voting on the UN resolution.

so yeah whoever is leader of America influences me personally. on the other hand I would totally get it if a for example hatian or other irrelevant(to the world) country-m,an said it. because lets be honest. whoever is the Haitian president doesn't influence u or me.

thats why i follow your election closely, and have my opinion on it.

but to be honest i should actually stfu about obama care because that doesnt influence me, or does it :p
me being a small gov guy, and a non american i tottally agree and get that.

but the american gov has a lot to do with other countries. decision american voters make affect other countries heavily

for example recently usa obama, did 2 monumentally stupid things. regarding giving the internet away, and abstaining from voting on the UN resolution.

so yeah whoever is leader of America influences me personally. on the other hand I would totally get it if a for example hatian or other irrelevant(to the world) country-m,an said it. because lets be honest. whoever is the Haitian president doesn't influence u or me.

thats why i follow your election closely, and have my opinion on it.

but to be honest i should actually stfu about obama care because that doesnt influence me, or does it :p

It's not that you or dala have an opinion. It's the fact that we as Americans should decide our direction as a nation and the second guessing by others nations or their citizens gets quite annoying. I know that we have influence in other countries. That's undeniable. That being said, I just hate it when others tell us what we should or should not believe just because their country doesn't believe in the same thing or they don't for that matter. You're free to have an opinion. I just get a little agitated when the blame game is played by some that we are somehow what is wrong with the world. Do I wish we intervened in conflicts in the world much less than we do? Of course I do. However, I believe in my heart that this is the greatest nation in the history of mankind. I bet you believe the same in regards to Holland and that's perfectly fine. Like I said, I am just tired of the constant criticism. We voted. It's time to accept that and rather than attacking the person we voted for maybe people should just hope for the best and criticize only when criticism is necessary.
It's not that you or dala have an opinion. It's the fact that we as Americans should decide our direction as a nation and the second guessing by others nations or their citizens gets quite annoying. I know that we have influence in other countries. That's undeniable. That being said, I just hate it when others tell us what we should or should not believe just because their country doesn't believe in the same thing or they don't for that matter. You're free to have an opinion. I just get a little agitated when the blame game is played by some that we are somehow what is wrong with the world. Do I wish we intervened in conflicts in the world much less than we do? Of course I do. However, I believe in my heart that this is the greatest nation in the history of mankind. I bet you believe the same in regards to Holland and that's perfectly fine. Like I said, I am just tired of the constant criticism. We voted. It's time to accept that and rather than attacking the person we voted for maybe people should just hope for the best and criticize only when criticism is necessary.

well i hold citizen ship in 3-sish countries. and no Holland is not the greatest nation on earth.
i say 3-ish. because i hold 2 but can at a moment notice by writing a letter gain a another nationality. but maybe lose 1 or other 2 in progress.

i don't like nations who are against liberty.

America is not perfect but it is closest to liberty. or at least it was. it is sad to see it moving away from liberty more and more. for example obamacare is a step away from liberty even though it does not influence me!

i dont think holland is the greatest ountry. we have no right to self defence, no freedom of speech. and also forced healthcare. no middleclas because of socialist tax system and redistribution of wealth.

someone making:
1) 15.000 a year. after taxes and some redistribution of somehow has about 21000 to spend(gets subsidies)
2) 21.000 a year. after taxes and some redistribution of wealth gets to keep 26000
3) 42.000 a year. after taxes and some redistribution of wealth gets to keep 30.000(yes double your salary by 21000, get to keep 4000)
4) 50.000 a year. after taxes and some redistribution of wealth gets to keep 33.000

"modaal income" something I guess like median income is 36000.
minimum wage for full time is 18000.

so yeah if your unskilled and doing minimum wage full time you get 18000. but the government adds about 6000 to that getting a nice 24000

then why the **** bother going to school, getting a nice middle class job to get to 50.000 salary and then the govs takes and your left with
30.000 only 6000 more than some bum!

thats socialism, so when i see the greatest country on earth going for bernie, i stand here screaming and telling you WTF dont DO THAT!

but i digress!

as a conservatarian I understand you totally
well i hold citizen ship in 3-sish countries. and no Holland is not the greatest nation on earth.
i say 3-ish. because i hold 2 but can at a moment notice by writing a letter gain a another nationality. but maybe lose 1 or other 2 in progress.

i don't like nations who are against liberty.

America is not perfect but it is closest to liberty. or at least it was. it is sad to see it moving away from liberty more and more. for example obamacare is a step away from liberty even though it does not influence me!

i dont think holland is the greatest ountry. we have no right to self defence, no freedom of speech. and also forced healthcare. no middleclas because of socialist tax system and redistribution of wealth.

someone making:
1) 15.000 a year. after taxes and some redistribution of somehow has about 21000 to spend(gets subsidies)
2) 21.000 a year. after taxes and some redistribution of wealth gets to keep 26000
3) 42.000 a year. after taxes and some redistribution of wealth gets to keep 30.000(yes double your salary by 21000, get to keep 4000)
4) 50.000 a year. after taxes and some redistribution of wealth gets to keep 33.000

"modaal income" something I guess like median income is 36000.
minimum wage for full time is 18000.

so yeah if your unskilled and doing minimum wage full time you get 18000. but the government adds about 6000 to that getting a nice 24000

then why the **** bother going to school, getting a nice middle class job to get to 50.000 salary and then the govs takes and your left with
30.000 only 6000 more than some bum!

thats socialism, so when i see the greatest country on earth going for bernie, i stand here screaming and telling you WTF dont DO THAT!

but i digress!

as a conservatarian I understand you totally

You make the assumption that humans are inherently lazy. I disagree.
but why work a lot more for not so much more money

Fair enough, but everyone's reality is different and our reality is what is real. I know people who make insane amounts of money. One guy could work 2 days a week and take home over $300,000 a year. But, instead, he works 5 days for $400,000.

That seems dumb, right? But, more is more. If you work and make $40,000 and take home $4,000 extra, that is still $4,000 extra. That is an extra $300 a month.

Also, at those wages, your housing and food stay consistent, whereas in America, if you double your income you get that extra money and most of us put that into a house and car and our actual living doesn't increase by much. So, if you stay at the same house and drive the same car, but get an extra $300 a month, well, that is a lot of extra cash.

So, that is a disjointed reason to work a lot more for a little more money.
ok let me put it this way, if i make money by moving heavy stones around.
everyday i move 100 stones. 8 hours a day and make there about 2000 bucks a month

now lets say i could work another 4 hours and move 50 stones. but only get 200 bucks extra.

would i lose my time with those, or go and do some leisury stuff, fishing, sport, spent time with family or whatever.

well guess what i'm not lazy. i am the opposite of lazy, but for 200 bucks screw that.

you might say this is a stupid thing.
but thats why in this country there is a shortage of teachers. because this is what happening with teachers all around! instead of stones it is amount of classes they teach :D
ok let me put it this way, if i make money by moving heavy stones around.
everyday i move 100 stones. 8 hours a day and make there about 2000 bucks a month

now lets say i could work another 4 hours and move 50 stones. but only get 200 bucks extra.

would i lose my time with those, or go and do some leisury stuff, fishing, sport, spent time with family or whatever.

well guess what i'm not lazy. i am the opposite of lazy, but for 200 bucks screw that.

you might say this is a stupid thing.
but thats why in this country there is a shortage of teachers. because this is what happening with teachers all around! instead of stones it is amount of classes they teach :D

I agree about the teachers. Especially in Utah. It's ridiculous how little they get paid. But, heaven forbid we have a lottery or raise a tax to set up our future.

It's all relative, right? Sure, moving stones might not be worth the extra money. But, what if you work in an office and you go in an extra day for that extra money? Much more palpable.
I agree about the teachers. Especially in Utah. It's ridiculous how little they get paid. But, heaven forbid we have a lottery or legalize pot.

Lottery actually helping education is unfortunately a proven fallacy. Shown in multiple states that before and after lottery implementation has about same funds going into education.