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Dame Time

The Jazz are expected to show interested in Lillard except in the event that they do not show interest. Everything is on the table and the Jazz are leaving no stone unturned. They will do their due diligence.
Expected to show interest?

Tomorrow’s tweet is that the Jazz are “considering the possibility of thinking about perhaps being open to exploring scenarios where there may be potential desires to be curious about the thought of maybe inquiring about Lillard’s services. Possibly.”
Interest starts and ends, at the Jazz getting better players on their roster now, using some of their draft capital being involved as facilitator for other trades. Case in point the Miami Heat who have very little pick assets to win any reasonable bids for Dame. Heat in fact don't have much in the way of players to send us either though so imo the interest is even less.
Him asking out lowers the trade cost, and his contract is insane for anyone to take on that is not a contender. I don't see how the Jazz really have interest in taking that contract on even if this was prime Lebron or MJ let alone the far lesser Lillard who btw has never won anything besides regualr season awards smh
Every team in league could say they show interest
Who would not show interest in a top 20 player
Every team in league could say they show interest
Who would not show interest in a top 20 player
every team that is rebuilding and has a roster full of mostly under 25, up and coming, team friendly contracts, that doesn't want to go all in with an unproven roster of kids as the team around him?
Yes we have the Finnisher, whos first option status disappears if we managed to retain him, instead of keeping all our young players to pair with Dame since he would not like that either, but those 2 alone is not even a legit contender in the West, let alone the NBA not without a 3rd star . Dame would be looking for the exit this time next season
Lol what else is he supposed to say? We’re going to play the young guys and get a top pick next year?
Agree. Jazz did the same thing last year
Yeah and my post was made 8 hours ago.
Still can’t trust what front office guys say
I think this is mostly posturing. Eventually they cave to Dames wishes when the Heat give them everything they can. It will require the picks, Jacquez, Jovic, eating Nurks contract… it will also depend on finding a home for Herro.

Herro+Lowry+Jacquez+Jovic for Dame and Nurkic… plus all the draft comp they can offer. If Martin helps them with finding a home for Herro and getting something back… then he will be required too.
I just don’t see a viable offer Miami can swing. From what I read is they can only offer two firsts and nothing till 28/30. Also, Portland wants cap relief. Hero is badly overpaid like a star which he is not. Portland might be able to trade him to someone else as part as a three way but I doubt anyone predicted to be a lotto team would pay that so any pick they get probably isn’t going to be good.
Sean Deveney wrote about it yesterday that according to some other executives the message Cronin is sending out there is they are not tanking. They want to be competitive in this upcoming season.

Its hard to buy and doesnt make much sense but if thats true then Herro et al makes a whole lot more sense than any package we would be willing to give.
Last year the jazz said they were still in win now mode after the Gobert trade and said they weren’t shopping DM. We all know how well that aged. Portland is trying to drum up a bidding war and get the most competitive offer possible.
I don’t think DA will make any offical offers , I’d say he has made a call to Portland , tell me what’s your best offer , and give me a chance to beat it or say no we won’t match that .
I don’t think it works like that. Just make an offer and if they counter, you negotiate or walk away. There’s no reason for Portland to even consider shopping somebody’s best offer if you’re not willing to make an initial offer to begin with.
I don’t think it works like that. Just make an offer and if they counter, you negotiate or walk away. There’s no reason for Portland to even consider shopping somebody’s best offer if you’re not willing to make an initial offer to begin with.

Not many teams out there have what we have , no need to chase him
I'm pretty sure this is all playing out exactly like the Blazers FO wanted it to. Most people could see that the smart thing for them to do was to take Scoot and trade Dame. I don't think they could do that with how loyal Dame has been, they had to wait for him to request a trade.

I'm still not sure I understand the Grant contract though.
How many picks do the Heat actually have to offer? I thought it was just two, but I've heard 3 as well. What can they realistically get for Herro? Especially considering any team they deal with knows they are desperate.
How many picks do the Heat actually have to offer? I thought it was just two, but I've heard 3 as well. What can they realistically get for Herro? Especially considering any team they deal with knows they are desperate.

They have four tradable ones 27/28/29/30 but you can’t in consecutive years so they really can only include two in a single deal. 27/29, 27/30, or 28/30 then they can include swaps in 2024 plus the other two years they don’t trade.
They have four tradable ones 27/28/29/30 but you can’t in consecutive years so they really can only include two in a single deal. 27/29, 27/30, or 28/30 then they can include swaps in 2024 plus the other two years they don’t trade.

They also owe OKC either their 2025 or 2026 first so actually they can’t even trade their 2027 first. It would have to be 28/30 with swaps in 24/27/29.
They also owe OKC either their 2025 or 2026 first so actually they can’t even trade their 2027 first. It would have to be 28/30 with swaps in 24/27/29.

We can obviously blow any Heat deal out of the water.

Who else would we realistically be competing against that could give more than the Heat?

We just need to beat the next best offer.
They have four tradable ones 27/28/29/30 but you can’t in consecutive years so they really can only include two in a single deal. 27/29, 27/30, or 28/30 then they can include swaps in 2024 plus the other two years they don’t trade.

They also owe OKC either their 2025 or 2026 first so actually they can’t even trade their 2027 first. It would have to be 28/30 with swaps in 24/27/29.
I remember watching ESPN and they were talking about what a trade between blazers and heat would look like and they were giving the blazers 28 and 30 picks
do we even have a chance? i mean he clearly wanted to go to miami and portland is working on a 3 team trade.