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Dennis Lindsey: We will be VERY active in free agency


Wonder if Jazz/Deng are both amenable to a 2-year overpay. I'd certainly understand why not from Deng's POV. Or if Jazz could budge a bit on 3rd year for Deng?

But I'm sure the Jazz know what their financial books can handle.

Deng is worth going into the tax for, Dudley was not IMO. . .
Houston plays at a faster pace than Atlanta. And seriously, as a black guy, would you rather live in Boston or Houston?

It would depend on a great many things. Not the color of my skin.
All this trade talk for Gay has me leaning more towards trading for him than signing a soon-to-be 33 year old Demg. Yes, the playoff experience is different between the two, but RG would be a beastly 6th man.
I think it's best for the Jazz to just trade for a good player like Rudy Gay as mentioned. Screw the free agency. Just save that money until our players turn into free agents.
Houston plays at a faster pace than Atlanta. And seriously, as a black guy, would you rather live in Boston or Houston?

Not sure what being black has to do with wanting to live in Boston vs Houston. I'd guess both areas are probably 25% black.
It would depend on a great many things. Not the color of my skin.

If Utah is a turnoff for minorities, Boston has to be as well. Especially for a guy from the Dominican republic who played college ball in Florida.
Here is the reality:

Most times you have to vastly overpay in the FA market unless you are signing a superstar, which Utah probably never will.

If you are going to overpay, you have to be willing to go over the cap at some point.

The Millers aren't willing to go over the cap.

Don't EVER get your hopes up in the FA market. I highly doubt we will ever be players in the FA market. Ownership will never spend enough or commit to spending enough to allow us to overpay some role player to come here.

Whether that is smart or not, that is another debate. I'd say what the Jazz do is smart 90% of the time.

Another thing is (and this should probably be in another thread) is that you can't let your home grown talent get away...but you can't afford as a cheap, small market team, to overpay your "eh" homegrown talent. This is where Gobert scares the crap out of me. You can only afford three max players. We know who two of them are: Hayward and Favors. If Gobert worth the third slot?

I'm not sure he is a good enough offensive player to take that slot. I'm afraid that his salary will hurt us more than his talents will help us. I'm scared he is another AK. A very, very good player, possibly All Star level, but not good enough to take us anywhere and his salary just prevents us from going where we want to go.

Gobert is our most valuable asset right now. If they pay Hayward the max (which they will, even though I am begging them not too for the sake of this current groups future) they have to pay Gobert. His defensive abilities are a rare commodity. He effects gameplans and changes games unlike anyone else we have. My guess is they pay Hayward the max, pay Gobert the max, and Favors gets in the 20-25 million range himself. And they ride with this group happy to just be in the playoffs every year until it's time to rebuild again.
I would like a legit, veteran forward, but I'm not at all bummed that the Jazz are staying disciplined.

Again, I'd rather the Jasz really impress next year and head into 2017 with a max slot, a sick talent/asset pool, and then going shopping for a legit max player.
A potential Defensive Player of the Year can ALWAYS be flipped for value. If Exum explodes and has to be paid, somebody like Gobert can be traded for value. You get him under contract then worry about making pieces fit. Look at ******* Mozgov, would you take that stiff or a maxed Gobert? It is a whole different story than a defensive specialist stuck in a SF's body. . .

I agree with your idea. But Utah could never trade AK, Al, Millsap, etc. It sounds nice, but in reality Utah has only moved Deron for anything of any worth and Gobert is nowhere near as valuable as Deron was.

All I'm saying is that if Exum showed any life or potential this year...I might sniff around and see what Gobert could get me in a trade.
Nah, not at all.

The only disadvantage they share is they are both cold weather locations.

And you are clearly implying that.

So you are telling me that there is no racial stigma in certain areas as opposed to others? I want to believe that. I guess we will see. . .
Gobert is our most valuable asset right now. If they pay Hayward the max (which they will, even though I am begging them not too for the sake of this current groups future) they have to pay Gobert. His defensive abilities are a rare commodity. He effects gameplans and changes games unlike anyone else we have. My guess is they pay Hayward the max, pay Gobert the max, and Favors gets in the 20-25 million range himself. And they ride with this group happy to just be in the playoffs every year until it's time to rebuild again.

Hayward and Favors are much more valuable than Gobert right now. Hayward is by far our best player. Out of Hayward, Favors and Gobert, Hayward might be the only player worthy of a max deal.