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Deron's no All-Star...and we all know it!


Well-Known Member
....at least not this year! He's shooting poorly, turning the ball over at an alarming rate, and his defense is poor. He's better off resting his wrist and getting his head together during the break than playing in the game.
It's not his wrist. It's his ego.

He dogged it since he won November's POTM to show Jerry who was boss.

He won the battle at the cost of his game.
Think DWILL should be an All Star, but he should absolutely sit out the game and rest. Needs to show that the jazz are his #1 priority especially with whats happened.
Neither should Westbrook or Rose by that standard right? They all shoot a lower % than DWill & turn the ball over more.

I think the difference is the impact they have on their team. I think Deron's demeanor has been detrimental to our success as a team. Obviously I am not in the locker room and such but from what I can see of his interaction with the players on the floor mostly seems to be one of general displeasure and criticism, even if other plays he is cheering them on. I don't know maybe Sloan rubbed off on him. To me his leadership has been sorely lacking.

Then again maybe he is just fed up with the rest of them sucking so he is trying to win it all by himself and performing sub-par (for him) as a result.
Deron is an All-Star in my heart. Although I wish he wasn't selected to the game so then he'd be pissed off for the rest of the season.
Obviously, something isn't right with Dwill. Maybe it's his wrist, maybe it's his head, but he is obviously not playing like he did earlier in the season. I'm not sure if the wrist or the head is the easiest to cure.
I hope that Old School Popovich gives Deron a couple of minutes of mop-up time after Paul and Westbrook do the heavy lifting.
Deron Williams is an all-star. He played on an mvp-caliber level in November and an all-star level in December and Januray. February he's clearly struggling - and there are alot of things about his play that I'm not happy with - but that doesn't erase what he did in the three previous months.

As Mark Jackson would say: "The bottom line is this guy's one of the best point guards in the league, and I'll take great offense over great defense any day of the week. At the end of the day, he's still a guy I'd want to build my team around. Hand down, man down! Come on DWill, you're better than that."
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Well this certainly isn't one of DW best years (I know his scoring is up) but overall I think he has played better in the past. However, he got screwed a few times and didn't make the All-star team so I guess it is pay back time.

Personally, I think the All-star game/roster is the most overrated accomplishment to rank a player's greatness. In the end it is what you do on the court for your team. The All-star has become more of a popularity contest than anything significant.
It should be a popularity contest anyway.
Would you rather watch an expressionless Tim Duncan scoring bankshot after bankshot or a fat Shaq who's bound to give you a few laughs?
....at least not this year! He's shooting poorly, turning the ball over at an alarming rate, and his defense is poor. He's better off resting his wrist and getting his head together during the break than playing in the game.

Neither should Westbrook or Rose by that standard right? They all shoot a lower % than DWill & turn the ball over more.

...can't believe Rose is shooting worse than Deron or has more turnovers. If that's true, then I stand to be corrected.

lebron and nash also have more TOs than Deron.

Thanks for making my day CJ.
Well this certainly isn't one of DW best years (I know his scoring is up) but overall I think he has played better in the past. However, he got screwed a few times and didn't make the All-star team so I guess it is pay back time.

Personally, I think the All-star game/roster is the most overrated accomplishment to rank a player's greatness. In the end it is what you do on the court for your team. The All-star has become more of a popularity contest than anything significant.

this season is deron's most efficient of his career (22.1 PER) and the allstar game has always been a popularity contest, it is there to attract viewers, generate revenue, keep people from losing interest halfway through the season, and provide the fans with a chance to "impact" a part of the game by being able to choose who plays. the allstar game was created in the 50's for the sole reason of being a popularity contest via having the most popular players play an exhibition match to generate interest in the sport.