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DL Goes To The League About Jazz Officiating

Utah Jazz Newsfeed

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KSL - Jazz GM Dennis Lindsey goes public with officiating concerns

Frustrated by how his team is officiated, Jazz general manager Dennis Lindsey appeared on a national podcast Thursday morning to discuss the problem and outlined steps for improvement.

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Very interesting. I wonder if Lindsey will be fined. Tough to fine when he has the evidence to back it up. Wonder if we'll see any difference in calls in the playoffs.
DL was recently on WOJs Podcast and he publicly criticized the officiating that the Jazz have received. That they looked at high discrepancy games, with 4 blown calls in someone's favor, and the Jazz were on the wrong end of that by a margin of 12-72. That they took that data to the league in complaint. But only after gathering data to back it up. The looked at this for the entire time Snyder has been coach. The reason that he went public with this is that those talks with the league haven't produced any of the change the Jazz FO was hoping for. Notably transparency in league officiating or ref training on the type of calls they are missing.



The refs suck. They need a lot more training. Why not add another ref? Maybe even one that has a chair mid-court.
DL was recently on WOJs Podcast and he publicly criticized the officiating that the Jazz have received. That they looked at high discrepancy games, with 4 blown calls in someone's favor, and the Jazz were on the wrong end of that by a margin of 12-72. That they took that data to the league in complaint. But only after gathering data to back it up. The looked at this for the entire time Snyder has been coach. The reason that he went public with this is that those talks with the league haven't produced any of the change the Jazz FO was hoping for. Notably transparency in league officiating or ref training on the type of calls they are missing.




My initial thoughts are:

A. This is exactly how DL and Quin Snyder do business. Collect the evidence quietly, and give the league a chance to self-correct before taking it public.

B. Taking it public right before the playoffs is likely strategic. Hopefully, it puts pressure on the league to fix it. My guess is that it somehow relates to how teams defend Gordon Hayward -and/or Rudy Gobert. The idea being to either get favorable calls or force teams to defend differently.

C. Hopefully it helps. Hayward and Gobert are starting to get calls in their direction, that that's going to be even more needed with how bad the Clippers flop and how much holding they do on defense.
You can bet there's a lot of footage of Hayward being bounced around off of those curls- a call even second rate players seem to get for the most part.
You can bet there's a lot of footage of Hayward being bounced around off of those curls- a call even second rate players seem to get for the most part.

I was waiting to see if Hayward would start getting AS calls after the break - didn't happen.

In fact he's going to the line a lot less.
Very interesting. I wonder if Lindsey will be fined. Tough to fine when he has the evidence to back it up. Wonder if we'll see any difference in calls in the playoffs.

The whole thing quotes information that is supposedly publicly available. He sounds like he's trying hard to be very diplomatic and just present facts. We'll see if the league sees it that way too.
I am hoping that the changes made include it rewards teams (coaches and players) that don't constantly whine and complain to the refs the whole game, that it rewards being respectful to the refs.

Basically the 2 biggest offenders (at least in the West) that pop to mind are the LAC as a whole team including the coach and HOU specifically Harden.
Shouldn't you me lost in Draft Picks of the 2040s thread?

Part of the reason I chose to root for the Jazz was to investigate the widely reported homecourt advantage here upclose.

This subject is much more near and dear to my heart than talking about amateur athletics with people who pretend to watch it closely.

Since u asked tho here's the latest from the leaders in the clubhouse for the #1 pick in 2023 and 2024


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Part of the reason I chose to root for the Jazz was to investigate the widely reported homecourt advantage here upclose.

This subject is much more near and dear to my heart than talking about amateur athletics with people who pretend to watch it closely.


Complaints about the Calls against the Jazz outnumber complaints of missed calls that would've gone against the Jazz approximately 1,000:1 here.. Do u deny this?

this **** perfectly explains why there isn't many boxing fans here.. peoples mindsets are too fragile and touchy for those sort of constant sleighted playing fields... they feel as if they deserve a fair shot, it's sheltered behavior thru and thru.

U gotta earn a fair shot, not go on radio shows and complain about it. This is preempting the loss in the playoffs btw. preparing for a soft-fall..

That John Wall complaining about the Refs thread did a few pages. I showed up and demonstrated what he was talking about and NO ONE REFUTED IT..
I remember that Lakers series in 2010ish timeframe. Even the Lakers press were writing about how many bs calls the Jazz were getting. I remember I dvr'd every call one particularly crappy game, and the number of calls against the Jazz were in the teens. Even the WWE has more integrity than that series had. Made me give up watching for a couple years.

SMART of Lindsey to take this on now. Brilliant.
There are a few teams and games that come to mind wrt how the games are officiated. Houston, Kings, and Clippers games. The Kings loss was so frustrating to watch how our guys couldn't move on the court without being held. Then Boogie comes down and missed two layups... without contact... and gets tot he line twice in a row. I have seen way more jersey and arm grabs this year than ever before. It is particularly noticeable in games where Hayward is really struggling. You'll notice him get frustrated and start to talk to the refs about it and make motions on a play where he didn't seem to be involved in the play much at all. If you DVR it, go back, you see the defense holding arms, pulling jerseys, etc (all are fouls) but no call.

Then if Harden runs into the paint, throws his head back, or JUMPS out of his way into a defender's body, it's a foul.

Open court plays get fouls called when it appears to be a foul whether there is contact or not. Screens, movement off the ball, jersey grabbing, and movement denying plays almost never get called. I wrote about this months ago. It's pretty clear to watch. DL did the right thing to not go all TNT whining like Doc Rivers would. Instead he took it privately to the league with data. But the lack of a response means the league didn't care enough to do anything professional about it. I think that this is a totally fair response.

We (The Jazz, management, coaches, players, and fans) have data as our grievances. When the Zen Master can change a series by saying that Malone knees players on layups and Stockton is dirty on Public TV... The games after those comments were some of the worst I have ever seen. And then the Jazz do it right by scheduling a private meeting with data, but we can't get any response... it makes you wonder about the league's interests. If there is one thing that will make me stop watching the Jazz and the league it's the contrasting responses from the league when big market and small market teams have complains. It's the fairness of the refs. In a league already scarred by tampering refs and the Knick - Stern Lottery Ball episode when Ewing was drafted... I feel honored to have DL do this the right way. I am disgusted that there was nothing done about it.
I remember that Lakers series in 2010ish timeframe. Even the Lakers press were writing about how many bs calls the Jazz were getting. I remember I dvr'd every call one particularly crappy game, and the number of calls against the Jazz were in the teens. Even the WWE has more integrity than that series had. Made me give up watching for a couple years.

SMART of Lindsey to take this on now. Brilliant.

There were definitely years under Stern when the officiating was agenda driven to influence games in one direction or the other. The last two years of Silver have been the worst it's been since those Stern years, and it goes beyond just bad officiating. This really is a league wide problem, though, and not just a problem for Utah.

If I had to guess, I'd bet strongly against GS winning it all this year. League will send a message that they disapprove of what happened with that team this year.
Frustrated by how his team is officiated, Jazz general manager Dennis Lindsey appeared on a national podcast Thursday morning to discuss the problem and outlined steps for improvement.

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I called Mike Bantom, director of NBA officials and added my two cents. I would urge other Jazz fans to do the same. His number is 212-407-8000, ext 8900. Mike is a former player and was a borderline All-Star during his prime years in the mid-1970s.
Complaints about the Calls against the Jazz outnumber complaints of missed calls that would've gone against the Jazz approximately 1,000:1 here.. Do u deny this?

this **** perfectly explains why there isn't many boxing fans here.. peoples mindsets are too fragile and touchy for those sort of constant sleighted playing fields... they feel as if they deserve a fair shot, it's sheltered behavior thru and thru.

U gotta earn a fair shot, not go on radio shows and complain about it. This is preempting the loss in the playoffs btw. preparing for a soft-fall..

That John Wall complaining about the Refs thread did a few pages. I showed up and demonstrated what he was talking about and NO ONE REFUTED IT..

Or maybe your history on Jazzfanz has people not taking you seriously. Your constant slights, tantrums and fragile ego.

I find the bolded particularly rich. But hey whatever makes you feel better.

Now that we are done making this about you.

Thanks for the italicized part. Interesting take and appreciated.
Favors wasn't getting calls at all when he was playing, it was as if he was a rookie all over again. Exum gets called for the most ridiculous, ludicrous fouls, where I think he's played excellent defense. And Hayward doesn't get nearly the number of calls he should get. Last year was horrible, where I felt there was real and genuine bias from the refs against the Jazz.

Really like how Jazz management worked behind the scenes, gathered data, and went about it the right way.