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Do we owe Dennis Lindsey an apology?

16 minutes per game (plus dnps)
18 minutes per game (plus dnps)
28 minutes per game

Like I said, he barely played his first two years and then got some ok minutes in his third year so the argument that he was over worked/played and that caused the injury is a dumb one.
Also he was hurt before even coming to the jazz.
It was a dumb statement. It was boobs so it's par for the course.

Lindsey knows Burks is injured and plays him into major surgery. I am sports fitness I know Alec could have minor surgery and rehab if Lindsey not destroy his shoulder. They maybe could have healed with homeopathy and herbs if treated sooner.
[size/HUGE] boobs [/size];1076415 said:
Lindsey knows Burks is injured and plays him into major surgery. I am sports fitness I know Alec could have minor surgery and rehab if Lindsey not destroy his shoulder. They maybe could have healed with homeopathy and herbs if treated sooner.
Maybe. I have no dispute with ya on that.
someone go through the Hayward gets re-signed thread, and bump some of the posts from the morons who were freaking out about it.
Anyone else regretting us not giving Hayward a 4-year max with no poison-pill conditions?