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Do you BYU guys stop.....EVER

With or without the TV deal, Sundays, etc?

I don't think the Sunday play is nearly as big as some people want to make it out to be. I think conferences will accommodate BYU. Besides, (NCAA) Football isn't played on Sunday, and that's the REAL money maker. No one cares about baseball.

The much larger issue is the TV deal. BYU's leadership has been quite stubborn in their retaining broadcasting rights. In my opinion, the leadership is somewhat splintered in this decision. Those involved in athletics would gladly sacrifice BYU TV for a big conference. Unfortunately, there are many in powerful leadership positions that feel as if BYU TV can and should be used as a missionary tool. They don't quite understand that no one in Maine, Hawaii, Argentina, or Spain care about watching BYU play some Idaho school at some weird time. I don't think they realize that playing real opponents in a real conference and having real ties to something will actually provide them with more interest than staying independent. Can you imagine the missionary opportunities if BYU played in Texas and Oklahoma in Football? Imagine how much exposure they'd get playing Basketball in real college gyms against real college powerhouses rather than St. Marys and Gonzaga!

I think like everything, their leadership can be persuaded to change their stubbornness. However, it will take some time. Ticket sales need to drop, interest needs to dwindle, and I think if a good coach or two quits (imagine the uproar that Rose or Mendenhall could cause if they quit because they wanted a big conference). Once BYU starts to see a loss in revenue, you'll see how little they care about using BYU TV and maintaining their TV rights.

Interestingly enough, I think nothing could have hurt BYU's season more last year than Utah going to the Rose Bowl. As BYU's November dwindled in unbelief err in boringness. Utah had the chance of a lifetime to really kick BYU in the nuts had they taken care of business against a crappy high school team. I think if Utah could have another good year and maybe find a way into the Rose Bowl it would give the "motivation" for BYU to join a conference.

Utah's success in the PAC might be the difference between BYU finally coming to the negotiating table or staying independent.

So for the sake of Football and rivalry in this state, I truly hope that Utah kicks *** this year. I hope that the Aggies continue to make some noise and even pull off an upset or two this year. As this happens, recruits that would typically end up in Provo will gladly and enthusiastically find themselves in Logan and Salt Lake. Fans will stop paying their hard earned money in a tough economy to watch the likes of Idaho. Interest will turn to the post season and bowl games. In a matter of a few years, thee only folks watching BYU might just be a few youth groups going to the game for free for ward activities.

I know of a ton of people in Happy Valley that are much more connected to the Utes right now because of their conference schedule. Interest in what the Utes can do in November is much higher than what BYU does. BYU does have a few nice games at the start of their season. But they aren't going undefeated. So it's pointless. And their November schedule sucks. So that makes it boring. What exactly are they playing for anyway? Every year it's either national championship or Armed Forces Bowl.

Completely different than Utah's situation, which spreads opponents out evenly throughout and allows them a few stumbles along the way.
3. I didnt say i think byu will go 10-2 I said that they could because the no one on thier schedule is unbeatable (they dont play usc, oklahoma, alabama, lsu, etc.) and this team has lots of experience and talent whether you admit it or not.

4. utahs schedule is not tough game after tough game. Games 1 and 2: northern colorado, utah state (neither team is "tough") Games 6,7,8,9,10,11,12: ucla, oregan state, cal, washington state, washington (maybe i will give you that one), arizona, colorado. Washington is the only tough game of that 7 game stretch.... unless the utes just aren't very good then maybe oregan state, washinton state, ucla, arizona, colorado, nothern colorado, utah state are tough teams.
If those 7 teams are "tough games" for the utes then the utes probably are not very good.

3. The Utah game is near unbeatable. You lost 54-10.....at home. Utah lost virtually no one outside of their 2 OT which is huge, but those OT didn't have their best years. And you got 2 talented WR's, talented TE and a couple really good LB's and that really good FR QB. What else you got besides that?

4. UCLA will be better with Jim Mora Jr. as their coach and have a great staff that will pull in a lot of top notch recruits. Oregon St isn't very good and don't see them becoming good in awhile. Cal is pretty good and will always bring in some talent. Wazzu should be better with Leach running their squad. Arizona should be better with Rich Rod and CU is bad.... have no idea how Utah lost to them.
What do you think about that Hill QB kid you coached in high school moving to Tight End? I noticed that when I was looking at BYU's roster the other day. Is he that kind of athlete?
Ya know what's funny is I was sitting right there when Doman told Hill no matter what anyone says he is a D1 QB and to not accept less. It was a big moment for Hill as he was considering sub-D1 for the chance to play QB. Well he grey shirts this year with the idea of playing QB. Some TEs go down for BYU and he steps in and had he stuck around he would've started at TE this year. He is not athletic but he is very strong and has great hands. He played TE/WR his junior year so it wasn't a tough switch. So at this point he is on his mission but at least he now has a scholarship waiting for him. You never know what the QB situation will be like in two years. But I would say he is probably looking at a pretty productive college TE career.