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Does that place seriously exist? My parents made fun of me all through jr high and high school cause I told them about it. I've never been there, or no anyone that has actually been there, but everyone knows about it.

A few years ago I was at a party up by Westminster and some of us went over to hobbitville to check it out.

We walked in the entrance and up the road inside hobbitville. After we got a ways up the road a car came in the entrance and when they saw us they floored it and when they flew by us there was a lady who was a little person hanging out the window swearing at us. The driver, who was a huge guy with a big beard, whipped around at some round about thing and starting flying back down the road at us. Then we were all freaked out and ran down the road and out of there.

I'm confused now though because after googling it, it says it is some kind of bird sanctuary and that it isnt a community for little people, just a bunch of nature lovers that really really like their privacy. But what are the odds that out of the two people I saw in hobbitville one of them was a pissed off little person?

If anyone knows what the real deal with that place is, I wanna know.
Probably the base for a Hobbit Cult that seeks to "overthrow" the Giant race and reclaim Earth for their own.
This is the weirdest thread hijack I've ever seen. Somehow we went from throwing jokes at a wall and hoping some stick to an honest discussion about a midget commune.

However, I went there last summer and saw no dwarves. There were a bunch of weird, small houses (and some that had been boarded up), but that probably has more to do with how old the properties were than anything to do with dwarves. Most of the people that live there only do by invitation only as the whole area is privately owned by the descendants of the guy that originally owned the plot and built many of the homes.

There was a small fenced area for exotic-ish birds that was pretty decrepid. Also, we were asked to leave once someone saw us. If you do check it out, enter from the south side and be quiet. Also do it during the day. Dwarf-community or not, it would be incredibly annoying to have brats prodding around your neighborhood late at night hoping you're part of a midget commune.

And yes, it is just across the street from Westminster (just a little bit southward, between 1700 and 2100 S. on 1300 E.). When you drive by, you'll notice that there's about a block's width of wooded area and the pen for the birds. That's the entrance.
This is the weirdest thread hijack I've ever seen. Somehow we went from throwing jokes at a wall and hoping some stick to an honest discussion about a midget commune.

"As Jazzfanz rises from the ashes like a slightly retarded Phoenix"
You know, because we should treat people who look different than us liike they're animals at the zoo.

Nope. Because I want to prove that that place exists and show them to my parents that make fun of my tale about it. If u read the thread u would know that. Kicky, the al sharpton of jazzfanz.
one of the more bizarre experiences I had in high school was when the "Little People" had their national convention at the Holiday Inn where I worked. It was very strange to feel so out of place, I think the short folk out-numbered those of us of average stature by about 10 to 1. The hotel brought in a lot of temporary modifications to make it easier for the short people such as risers as things like that.

It is a documented fact that their conventiion this year will be in Nashville.
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You know, this thread has meandered to the point where it shouldn't just be seen by just Jazz fans. It should be seen by the GENERAL public, and get more DISCUSSION going.
I went just a few weeks ago and it was so much fun. They really do have a guy that guards it at night. He will chase you and he will chase you all the way out into the street. He has like a ten foot pole and he does some sort of karate move with it. So I didnt actually go all the way in but we kept driving past flashing our brights and luring the dude out and just pissing him off. I am planning on going back and we want to record it this time. If you want to have some fun definitly go at night.
Yeah the midget ville youre referring to is in Sugarhouse right by Westminster.

Its guarded by big *** body guards.

Dont venture in there at night time....

Unless you have a cat with you... little people can steal your breath from you while you sleep
All over the internet it says that little people don't actually live in Hobbitville, but I have friends who swear up and down they've been in there and seen them. Who knows. I really want to go mess with the guard though.