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Donald is about to go through some things...

Yes. The Trump Foundation operated from 1988 to 2016 without issue, then Trump becomes the Republican front runner and the FBI started doing what they now do. Donald Trump even tried to dissolve the foundation in 2016 and law enforcement blocked the dissolution so they could continue gestapo tactics to attack Trump which they used the foundation's existence to justify.

I'm not saying Trump is a good guy but the way the FBI/DOJ has been weaponized by the DNC for political purposes in recent years is terrifying.

You forgot about the gestapo democrat judges. Oh and the gestapo democrat defendents as well who are pleading guilty. Lol you are funny.

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Im not saying trump is a good guy but there is no way he is guilty of any wrongdoing lol.

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If the judges in these cases weren’t all so democratic then they would be handing out not guilty verdicts and no sentences when the defendants plead guilty.
Deep state!

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By the way for anyone saying the fbi is being used against democrats political opponent in regards to trump i would like to remind them that currently donald trump is simply an american citizen. He isnt running for anything. He isnt a political opponent of anyone.

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By the way for anyone saying the fbi is being used against democrats political opponent in regards to trump i would like to remind them that currently donald trump is simply an american citizen. He isnt running for anything. He isnt a political opponent of anyone.
LOL. Way to cement your credibility there.
LOL. Way to cement your credibility there.
Can you provide a link showing what political position he is currently in the running for?
Can you provide a link showing what political position he is currently in the running for?
He is not a current office holder but Donald Trump is not only still a political figure but being that 85% of the candidates he endorses end up winning, he's among the most politically powerful republicans in the United States today. To deny what is obvious to everyone with the weak excuse of not currently being an office holder is ridiculous.
Watching the Trump apologists make excuses and excuses for him in this thread over the last two weeks has been just *Chef’s kiss*

The goalposts move almost on an hourly basis. Just hilarious!

I mean, we all know that they wouldn’t care if he ate a baby on live tv. But the way they pretend objectivity gives this such a delicious taste.
Watching the Trump apologists make excuses and excuses for him in this thread over the last two weeks has been just *Chef’s kiss*

The goalposts move almost on an hourly basis. Just hilarious!

I mean, we all know that they wouldn’t care if he ate a baby on live tv. But the way they pretend objectivity gives this such a delicious taste.

Their nationalism is their everything.

The thing that has led to the greatest atrocities in modern human civilization is what they want for the U.S..

The millions of lives nationalism has cost and the downfall of the nations who have pursued nationalist ideals will not dissuade them. They want to drink in that nationalistic Kool Aide and suffer the sweet death of all nationalistic movements that have gone before them.

They seem very determined.

We should kill them to be perfectly honest. They are the greatest threat to our nation and to human decency since the Third Reich. They are traitors to the United States. They are just generally ****** humans.

Anyone drawn to militaristic nationalism is a garbage person. History has many examples.
By the way for anyone saying the fbi is being used against democrats political opponent in regards to trump i would like to remind them that currently donald trump is simply an american citizen. He isnt running for anything. He isnt a political opponent of anyone.

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But he is the center of a cult of personality, which has infected and transformed the Republican Party. I think future social scientists are going to have a lifetime’s work studying this cult of personality, and that time Americans experienced a kind of mass psychosis.

For the Trump cultist who has everything:

Utters 17 different “patriotic” sayings:


A toilet brush!


Yep, what a time to be alive in America….

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”​

― Isaac Asimov
The thing that has led to the greatest atrocities in modern human civilization is what they want for the U.S..
You think Trumpers want Marxism? The greatest atrocities in human civilization all sprang from Marxism. The greatest number of deaths was in China's Great Leap Forward, and Chairman Mao was Communist. Next on the list is Stalin, also Communist, who killed tens of millions of his own people and of neighboring countries as he brought them to his idea of Marxism. Third is Hitler, who although Marxists like to pretend was right wing and the opposite of Marxist, it isn't true. Before Hitler went to prison, he was one of the top government officials of the Marxist Bavarian Soviet Republic with ties to Stalin. Later he decided he didn't want to be a second fiddle to Stalin and made his own socialism that was half way between Stalin's socialist government and Mussolini's socialist government, but all of it sprang from Marxism. That is what you think Trump supporters want? Marxism is what you think is the dominant force in Republican politics? Has it escaped your notice that Bernie and AOC, who identify themselves socialist, are some of the most hostile Trump haters?

I thought COVID was strange in the way it affected the sense of smell, but TDS is stranger.
I thought COVID was strange in the way it affected the sense of smell, but TDS is stranger.
The thing about TDS is that, although usually associated with anti-Trump Americans, it seems to most significantly affect Trump followers. It is his followers who have embraced a cult of personality. It is his followers who are supporting candidates that support the Big Lie. It is his followers that seem to have lost any and all common sense, lost any ability they may have had to recognize a transparently obvious conman when they see one. Surely this embrace of a demagogic manipulative con artist signifies that a type of derangement, an absence of rational thought, has infected Trump supporters. Nobody seems to suffer from TDS more than they seem to suffer from it.

The Americans who seem to have been rendered most deranged by the appearance of Donald Trump in our body politic appears to be the rabid members of the cult of Trump.

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The thing about TDS is that, although usually associated with anti-Trump Americans, it seems to most significantly affect Trump followers. It is his followers who have embraced a cult of personality. It is his followers who are supporting candidates that support the Big Lie. It is his followers that seem to have lost any and all common sense, lost any ability they may have had to recognize a transparently obvious conman when they see one. Surely this embrace of a demagogic manipulative con artist signifies that a type of derangement, an absence of rational thought, has infected Trump supporters. Nobody seems to suffer from TDS more than they seem to suffer from it.

The Americans who seem to have been rendered most deranged by the appearance of Donald Trump in our body politic appears to be the rabid members of the cult of Trump.

Exactly this.
The thing about TDS is that, although usually associated with anti-Trump Americans, it seems to most significantly affect Trump followers. It is his followers who have embraced a cult of personality. It is his followers who are supporting candidates that support the Big Lie. It is his followers that seem to have lost any and all common sense, lost any ability they may have had to recognize a transparently obvious conman when they see one. Surely this embrace of a demagogic manipulative con artist signifies that a type of derangement, an absence of rational thought, has infected Trump supporters. Nobody seems to suffer from TDS more than they seem to suffer from it.

The Americans who seem to have been rendered most deranged by the appearance of Donald Trump in our body politic appears to be the rabid members of the cult of Trump.

Ya TDS sucks. Pretty much everyone in the country has a least a minor infection of it. Whether out of hate or worship. Neither thing being a positive for a president of the US imo. Its weird that anyone would want to have a president who is so polarizing that there is a syndrome named after him.
And whats worse is there is a lesser talked about but even worse syndrome infecting many americans. TES: Trump enabler sydrome. A great why to describe this affliction that many americans are dealing with is by using trumps very own words of which he has all the best of. He could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters. That is not a good affliction for any americans to have, and lots of them are infected with TES.