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Dont Forget About Favors

Book of the Four, Chap. 3, Verse 4 thru 8:

4. And thus it was said by the Good People, "Lo! Though Hayward is a statistician's favorite and Gobert is the Media's darling surely, it would be unwise to forget about Favors!
5. For he is the rock and the soul. He is why the Jazz shall roll. He was there at the behest of Quin before the season.
6. He was there during the time of Corbin the Tyrant, and survived! He survived the wrath of Kanter and, indeed, prospered!
7. And more than that, he prospered under the enduring insanity of Quin, the diligence of Lindsay, and the admiration of the Faithful! Favors, thy name is Mr. Double-Double! Thou art the bastion against other scoring Fours! Though art the artist for thine own beautiful offense, indeed!"
8. And thus it was that the Good People found their Four, and heaped their praise upon him. For he was deserving of their love and their admiration! Amen.

Yeah, straight to hell.