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El Paso Shooting

We all see who’s acting like the adult here. I don’t even know what you’re arguing about. So yeah, consider yourself done. See yourself out. Bye
I have said nothing bad about you or anybody and you respond with mean, hate filled diatribe. What a scary world. Have a good night bro.
The fundamental problem here is the religious belief in the reality of a superiority of races.
That's seriously the dumbest thing when you think about it. Literally, it's ****ing color of someone's skin. There's been so much hate, hurt, bloodshed, deaths, life ruined, fear, isolation all based on a gawd damn skin color. It's a child idea, at best.

Whenever you think we're getting to be advanced and more civilized remember there's still people who can't stop thinking about skin color.

**** those people.
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I look at it like this. Imagine if opioids were sold over the counter with few restrictions. How many people would abuse them? How many deaths?

Now, let's think about how they were regulated 10 years ago. How many people abused them? How many deaths?

Now think about today's fight against opioids and them being cracked down on. How many people abuse them? How many deaths?

Just think, there's going to be more regulations to come with them too. While there will certainly be people who abuse them and die, with more laws and regulations, there will be far less.

That's how I look at it with guns. Get rid of assault rifles. Put more laws and regulations on them. Too many people are dying. **** guns.
It’s idiotic to let these weapons continue to be available for legal purchase:

All too true:

It’s ******** that we allow people to buy AK47s like they’re candy. Smoke some weed? You get decades. Want to kill a lot of people? Run down to your local store and buy an AK47 without a background check. Unbelievable.
AM: Ban guns

Thriller: AM is far right and reads Breitbart and Republican and is a nazi because he likes Ben Shapiro.

AM: Ban all guns. **** guns.

Thriller: Facts don't care about your insecurities (it's hilarious he says this - Shapiro rubbed off on him.)
Explosive attacks are much more difficult to pull off successfully, especially harder not to get caught in the planning/preparation stage.

In the United States, yes. However, routinely, there are terrorists bombing outside of the US that are rarely talked about and much, much more people are killed.

E.G. The Easter Bombings in Sri Lanka this year that killed 259 people.
All of the people that you’re talking about have a local, authentic sense of identity. Caucasians have no authentic identity in the United States because they’ve traded it in to be “white”, which is all about the American dream.

I disagree.

All industrialized countries have identities. All are dealing with changing identities in a globalized and post-industrial economy. The United Kingdom is going through its own identity crisis with Brexit. The difference is that those other countries don’t provide their citizens with such unfettered access to weapons.
And we wonder why we have such a problem with mass shootings? When you have a governor encouraging people to buy them because he’s so beholden to the NRA?

The vast majority of mass shootings in this country are committed by white males.

Facts matter more than your insecurity

Wow. What an amazing fact you got there.

You dont think it has anything to do with the FACT that white people make up the overwhelming majority in the United States?

I dont see the point in your attempt to mislead people.

Or do you not know math bro, and how it works?

What if we poll numbers about gun violence in say an area that isnt the majority white. What do you think happens then?

*Disclaimer - I dont own guns or care for them. So save that part of your come back. I just want to be FACTUAL, when discussing these things and therefore being realistic about what the problem is.
