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Enes Kanter: Immaturity and controversial path he took

There is no difference in these statements. His language is basketball. He would understand the concept of bringing it just fine. If that is what it takes for you to defend him knock yourself out. As previously stated, birds of a feather....

You don't know me, or my character, and assuming you do is foolish. Your birds of a feather comment is a wreckless assertion, especially in context of your first reference. You are arguing with binary oppositions, but I don't see anything in this world with such simplistic lenses. If you do, your choice. Let your anger blind you. I'd much rather be wrong for giving someone the benefit of the doubt, than for judging them too harshly with questionable evidence.

Don't misconstrue and act like what I'm saying applies to everything Enes has ever said, or that I think he is blameless. I'm only saying that I think peiple are pissed about some real things he said, and now they're letting it cloud their perception of everything he'll ever utter.

This specific article, in the OP, is not that bad.
Maybe we get lucky this year picking #12. In a few years philly fans will say, "can't believe we took Mudiay and that guy was drafted by Utah 8 spots lower."

Already happening with Gobert and is definitely going to happen with Hood. If we nail the #12 pick this year, DL has pretty much sold his soul to the devil.
You don't know me, or my character, and assuming you do is foolish. Your birds of a feather comment is a wreckless assertion, especially in context of your first reference. You are arguing with binary oppositions, but I don't see anything in this world with such simplistic lenses. If you do, your choice. Let your anger blind you. I'd much rather be wrong for giving someone the benefit of the doubt, than for judging them too harshly with questionable evidence.

Don't misconstrue and act like what I'm saying applies to everything Enes has ever said, or that I think he is blameless. I'm only saying that I think peiple are pissed about some real things he said, and now they're letting it cloud their perception of everything he'll ever utter.

This specific article, in the OP, is not that bad.

Confessions are questionable evidence?

An article with comments that confirm the Confessions is questionable evidence?

You are going far beyond not "judging". You are full on defending. And your little backpedal changes that not at all. Maybe the birds of a feather comment struck close to home.

But that's cool. If it makes you feel better. Lots of people feel they are owed something in life without working for it.
I must say I agree with Sexual Favors on this topic : Hate for Kanter is one thing and fair enough, but trying to understand how the situation that led to Kanter demanding a trade developped and why isn't "loving" Kanter, it is just the sane thing to do and I sure hope the FO has done it.

Kanter was an immature selfcenterd player here in Utah, and didn't produce nor improve the way he should have. But that doesn't mean it all rests squarely on his shoulders and that there aren't many things the FO and coaching staff should have done differently.
Already happening with Gobert and is definitely going to happen with Hood. If we nail the #12 pick this year, DL has pretty much sold his soul to the devil.

Well the Devil went down to Utah, he was lookin' for a soul to steal.
He was in a bind 'cause he was way behind and looking to make a deal.
When he came across this old man watching combine vids and thinkin' hard,
the devil jumped up on his Ikea desk and said "Boy, let me tell ya what!"

"I guess you didn't know it but I'm a G-M too,
and if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
Now you pick well, old boy, but give the Devil his due.
I'll bet a great young squad against your soul
because I think I'm better than you..."

The man said, "Well, my name is Lindsey and it might be sin
but I'll take your bet and you're goin' regret 'cause I worked with Popovich!"

Dennis, grab your clipboard and get to thinkin' smart.
'Cause Hell's broke loose in Utah and the Devil's dealin' hard.
And if you win you get this young team going for the gold,
But if you lose the devil gets your soul.

The Devil grabbed his pen and he said, "I'll start this show."
And fire flew from his fingertips as he let the black ink flow.
And he flipped open his cell phone and it made an evil hiss.
And he called up Corbin's agent and it went somethin' like this.

[queue tragic play calling, no coaching ability, and general douchery]

When Corbin finished up, Lindsey said, "Well, you're pretty 'meh' ol' son,
But sit down in that chair right there and see how Quin gets it done!"

Deflected inbound pass! Run, boys, run!
Gobert's in the house of the rising sun;
Hayward at the three's been stealin' those stones.
Favors grabbin' boards! Go Jazz, Go!

The Devil bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat.
And he laid those player contracts on the ground at Lindsey's feet.
Dennis said, "Devil, just come on back to Utah if you wanna try again,
I done told you once—you son of a gun—I'm the best that's ever been."
The Jazz played:

Deflected inbound pass! Run, boys, run!
Gobert's in the house of the rising sun;
Hayward at the three's been stealin' those stones.
Favors blocking out for boards. Go Jazz, Go!
Already happening with Gobert and is definitely going to happen with Hood. If we nail the #12 pick this year, DL has pretty much sold his soul to the devil.

And cemented his case for one of the best GM's, although we do have to hold him accountable for drafting Trey (and perhaps Exum). AS for selling his soul, Lindsey told Lucifer he didn't have enough to offer (the devil having already traded a couple of #1 picks, including 2014, for the soul of Cleveland's GM). So Lindsey held out for the soul of Enes Kanter, the sacrifice of Ty Corbin and a few expiring senior citizens. NEVER bargain with Dennis Lindsey!
And cemented his case for one of the best GM's, although we do have to hold him accountable for drafting Trey (and perhaps Exum). AS for selling his soul, Lindsey told Lucifer he didn't have enough to offer (the devil having already traded a couple of #1 picks, including 2014, for the soul of Cleveland's GM). So Lindsey held out for the soul of Enes Kanter, the sacrifice of Ty Corbin and a few expiring senior citizens. NEVER bargain with Dennis Lindsey!

Actually I give the Jazz all of the credit for Gobert, but only partial credit for Hood. I remember when a reporter was saying how smart the Jazz were to draft Stockton and Malone where they did, the front office guy said something about it being a lot of luck. If they had really known what they were getting they would have traded up and left nothing to chance. The Jazz moved into the draft to get Gobert. Hood fell to the Jazz because a lot of other teams had idiot GM's and DL was just a little LESS idiotic.
Actually I give the Jazz all of the credit for Gobert, but only partial credit for Hood. I remember when a reporter was saying how smart the Jazz were to draft Stockton and Malone where they did, the front office guy said something about it being a lot of luck. If they had really known what they were getting they would have traded up and left nothing to chance. The Jazz moved into the draft to get Gobert. Hood fell to the Jazz because a lot of other teams had idiot GM's and DL was just a little LESS idiotic.
Well technically the Jazz moved back into the draft to get Gobert since they traded their pick to move up for Trey. You could say all those other GM's were idiotic for passing up Rudy. Sure there's some luck involved, but Dennis was high on Rudy and high on Rodney. I have a feeling had Utah's pick been in the late teens, Hood would have still been the choice.
Classic. One event defines all 40 years of an organization. Yep. Sure it does. Just like that time you teased that fat girl when you were 12 proves definitively that you are and forever will be a misogynistic prick.

If I teased a fat girl and a fat boy, does that mean I was just a prick instead of a misogynist?