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Favors & Kanter the Future.....NOT THE PRESENT

Be careful what you wish you

Wow, you waited 3 years and 21 days for your killer smack down comment that consisted of 6 works? Why would you resurrect an unimportant, deformed, died of natural causes, baby back from the dead? This post was forgotten about for a reason. It sucked 3 years and 21 days ago. And guess what?? IT SUCKS TODAY.

I'm not done, lets elaborate. In the past 3 years and 21 days, what has happened??
- Commissioner Stern resigned, and Commissioner Silver was appointed.
- The price of gas has decreased by a national average of $1.34 per gallon.
- Floyd Mayweather has agreed to fight Manny Pacquiao
- Isis is now our new #1 threat
- Hillary Clintons balls have risen, while your balls have dropped.