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Glenn Beck's coded language may refer to obscure LDS doctrine

Interestingly, I recently read the Fox News may be looking to drop Beck. Apparently, advertisers are asking to avoud his show, because they don't believe his viewers are buying their products.

Typically advertisers throw their money at the shows that are the most watched or at shows who's viewers represent a specific market like sports events, men and beer or Lifetime channel, women and chocolate. Since Beck's show pretty much attracts a cross section of America I find it unlikely that advertisers would cancel "because they don't believe his [Beck's] viewers are buying their products". I think the more likely reason would be that they do not want their products associated with Beck.
Laughing at the unemployment? Wow... Classy. Another progressive proving where his loyalty lies (not for the good of America).

I'm pretty sure he's laughing at Clutch's unemployment specifically.

I'm actually worried about the guy. I'll be noting the NY bar exam results with interest.
I'm pretty sure he's laughing at Clutch's unemployment specifically.

I'm actually worried about the guy. I'll be noting the NY bar exam results with interest.

Will they give me my license as "C l u t c H 385"? That's a lawyer I'd trust. I'll be noting the results as well...I'm really leaning towards not wanting to be a lawyer though. So I won't be too excited/crushed either way.
If you're pissed off at anyone, be angry and your fellow Americans. Funny things would happen if they just stopped watching, listening, and reading him. Free market is a pretty awesome idea. But that's ok, I'm sure Bill Maher will catch up to Beck someday, right? America is clearly rejecting the Progressives. You socialists have failed. Beck stands for freedom and free market, something that Americans are only now beginning to remember.

That-a boy! Finally we're clearly back on the same page... er... name. I miss you.
LOL. I too can come up with facts to match my opinion/hatred for one person.

But can you find sources for them?

While Beck’s personal ventures and exposure have soared this year, his television ratings have declined sharply — perhaps another factor in the network’s impatience. His show now averages two million viewers, down from a high of 2.8 million in 2009, according to the Nielsen Ratings. And as of Sept. 21, 296 advertisers have asked that their commercials not be shown on Beck’s show (up from 26 in August 2009). Fox also has a difficult time selling ads on “The O’Reilly Factor” and “Fox and Friends” when Beck appears on those shows as a guest. Beck’s show is known in the TV sales world as “empty calories,” meaning he draws great ratings but is toxic for ad sales.


There's a reason why Beck has you liberals shaking in your boots.

Funny, it's always the conservatives I see with teh yellow stripes anytime a Mulim gets within 100 miles of them.

After November, the funding for your precious socialized health care is gone.

Because you're killing the tax on tanning booths and premium health plans? Outside of that, Obama's plan (which is nothing like socialized medicine) was self-funded. Killing those two revenue streams won't change that.

Still, since the conservatives have almost no chance at winning the Senate, and no chance at all of getting 2/3 of either the house or the Senate, your bravado seems to lack support in reality.

The Communist experiment will be over in two more years too, thank goodness.

seriously, I'm about to call Poe's law here.

Free markets are incredible when we let them be free, which is exactly what Beck advocates.

Free markets are very good at creating wealth for the wealthy and keeping the poor poor.

Since when has government ever created jobs or money?

Since there have been taxes.

I think the more likely reason would be that they do not want their products associated with Beck.

I think you are correct, I seem to have misread the article on that point.
Beck will get booted off Fox because his program is getting too much rooted in the truth for Fox News, and apparently Madison Avenue, to handle it. I told you before that his biggest problem is that he is not extreme enough, but he is progressively getting there quickly . Some might mistakenly read that as him being crazy, but they'll learn that's not the case. He's right.

Rupert Murdoch isn't this conservative monster that some people would have you believe, he's a progressive globalist. Roger Ailes has always had problems with Beck. Maybe they'll push Glenn out and he'll get involved with politics. God only knows CT could use him, they couldn't even get Peter Schiff elected over there.
The point is, GB is extremely popular and is making a ton of money. Unless he comes down with Tiger Woods disease, he's going to continue to stay popular.

Argue, hate, bash him all you want, he's being listened to, read by, and trusted by millions. He's making more money that he knows what to do with. His influence continues to grow.

If you're pissed off at anyone, be angry and your fellow Americans. Funny things would happen if they just stopped watching, listening, and reading him. Free market is a pretty awesome idea. But that's ok, I'm sure Bill Maher will catch up to Beck someday, right? America is clearly rejecting the Progressives. You socialists have failed. Beck stands for freedom and free market, something that Americans are only now beginning to remember.

LOL. I too can come up with facts to match my opinion/hatred for one person.

There's a reason why Beck has you liberals shaking in your boots. After November, the funding for your precious socialized health care is gone. The Communist experiment will be over in two more years too, thank goodness.

Beck is a gold mine too, foxnews ain't dropping him anytime soon. He just tells the truth. Freedom is a great thing. If you people don't like him, don't buy his products. Free markets are incredible when we let them be free, which is exactly what Beck advocates. Since when has government ever created jobs or money?

Beck is a nut and he is about to crack. Yea I think Republicans are real popular too. As bad as the Democrats numbers are the Republicans are worse.
I thought the OP article does a poor job of capturing Mormon culture. The White Horse Prophecy may not be a household name, but "the constitution hanging by a thread" line definitely is. The story is that it (WHP) was never authenticated back to Joseph Smith. However, numerous church authorities have either quoted a version of the JS line or have given their own similar prophesy. For example, Ezra Taft Benson referred to a "God-given mandate and world-wide mission" preceded by "Brethren, if we had done our homework and were faithful, we could step forward at this time and help save this country." The "God-given mandate" may not be saving the country, it could have been a reference to a general fight for freedom, which is an important LDS theme.

When Glenn Beck first popped up real big a few years back, I was amazed at how openly Mormon he was. Not only did he say he's Mormon, but his message is founded in LDS doctrine. I think the question is not where he gets the message/themes from, but if he is sending the correct interpretation.

And yeah, it seems coded to me. Mormons will definitely know where he's coming from, where those unfamiliar with LDS doctrine would not.
Beck will get booted off Fox because his program is getting too much rooted in the truth for Fox News, and apparently Madison Avenue, to handle it. I told you before that his biggest problem is that he is not extreme enough, but he is progressively getting there quickly . Some might mistakenly read that as him being crazy, but they'll learn that's not the case. He's right.

Rupert Murdoch isn't this conservative monster that some people would have you believe, he's a progressive globalist. Roger Ailes has always had problems with Beck. Maybe they'll push Glenn out and he'll get involved with politics. God only knows CT could use him, they couldn't even get Peter Schiff elected over there.

I think the question is not where he gets the message/themes from, but if he is sending the correct interpretation.

Well, of course it is uniquely difficult in Mormonism to call a particular interpretation correct or incorrect, being rooted as it is on the principle of personal revelation. Hence the old Mormon adage about putting 100 Mormons in a room, and having a room full of people who believe 100 different things.