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Gobert is God article

Psssst. You are not supposed to post that here. It is supposed to be post at jazznewz where no one comments or likes the articles. Personally, I like it better this way though.
Gotta give props to me and b_line. We said Gobert was going to be the steal of the draft. I was basing that just on return relative to where he was picked. Now it looks like he'll be the best player from that draft, period. And yes, I know Giannis is pretty good, too.
Gotta give props to me and b_line. We said Gobert was going to be the steal of the draft. I was basing that just on return relative to where he was picked. Now it looks like he'll be the best player from that draft, period. And yes, I know Giannis is pretty good, too.

Props to ya. Never heard of him and when I saw the Jazz had picked an ultra-tall guy I thought, another big white stiff who will fail. But I was excited watching him in his first SL game, "Hey, this big guy moves!"

And it is fun to have someone the national media notices for a change. And businessweek?
Gotta give props to me and b_line. We said Gobert was going to be the steal of the draft. I was basing that just on return relative to where he was picked. Now it looks like he'll be the best player from that draft, period. And yes, I know Giannis is pretty good, too.

Wasn't posting here quite yet, but was really high on Gobert, Greek Freak and Schroder.
Every NBA team's scouting personnel will now be scouring the earth for the next "Rudy Gobert" project...99 times out of 100 they will fail. We were the lucky ones...
When can the jazz start negotiating contract extension with Gobert btw... after next season? I wonder if he'll go for 10 per range but his agent probably ask for more though.
When can the jazz start negotiating contract extension with Gobert btw... after next season? I wonder if he'll go for 10 per range but his agent probably ask for more though.

You pay him whatever he wants. We have plenty of units to spend. Rudy is going to want and deserve the maximum amount of units possible. Pay him without trying to get cute. Build around him, Favors and Hayward.
He does seem to be going national...

When can the jazz start negotiating contract extension with Gobert btw... after next season? I wonder if he'll go for 10 per range but his agent probably ask for more though.

Haha. 10m per. That's hilarious. He'd get a max offer from 30 teams.
No. The Jazz will offer max. Mostly likely 5 years max too.

Yeah but what I meant to say was if the Jazz could negotiate a contract extension while Gobert is still in his rookie contract, like they did with Favors and Burks? Would he forgo that and deal with the max offer when his rookie contract ends.
Yeah but what I meant to say was if the Jazz could negotiate a contract extension while Gobert is still in his rookie, like they did with Favors and Burks? Would he forgo that and deal with the max offer when his rookie contract ends.

He can sign an extension at the end of next season. I guess since the Jazz would be taking injury risk by signing him early, they would deserve a small discount. It would still have to be very close to max though.
I thought the title of this thread wad "Gobert is God Particle" in other words Stephen Hawking thinks Gobert can wipe out the universe.

That might be accurate.
Yeah but what I meant to say was if the Jazz could negotiate a contract extension while Gobert is still in his rookie contract, like they did with Favors and Burks? Would he forgo that and deal with the max offer when his rookie contract ends.

The Jazz can offer him more money and years than anyone else. And they don't have to have a max slot open to fit him into. Rudy Gobert will be the face of the Jazz by the end of his 3rd year and will likely get a full 5 year max deal in lieu of a RFA tender. Players pretty much always take the RFA Max deal that a team offers. Never take the chance on the QO unless the situation is completely terrible.
I thought the title of this thread wad "Gobert is God Particle" in other word Stephen Hawking thinks Gobert can wipe out the universe.

That might be accurate.

I began to type this EXTREMELY nerdy rant about your butchering of science. Then I thought better of it. :p