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GOP blocking funding for Cannabis legalization in Washington DC

Just have the mayor to tell the cops to stop enforcing the law. It's how we roll now in the Newnited States.

Exactly. How much funding is really needed? It's legal now so stop arresting and prosecuting for it. It doesn't cost money, it makes and saves money.

Also if the people in a particular area voted to legalize weed in their particular area what does that matter to someone from a different area?

Just another example of people trying to make others live the way they want them to.
They weren't voted by the people of DC. It's a shame that some clown from Kentucky gets to run how their city works. Even the Founders didn't see that sort of idiocy coming.

Actually the founders are to blame for DC's political status. The republicans didn't put DC under congressional control that was the founders. Not only did they foresee some out of state clown running the city they designed it that way.
Has everyone else just all of a sudden become honest? Or is there an agreement between democrats and republicans and their respective noise machines to make money off-limits?

I think Citizens United made campaign money easier to get.
Actually the founders are to blame for DC's political status. The republicans didn't put DC under congressional control that was the founders. Not only did they foresee some out of state clown running the city they designed it that way.

They designed it to be under Federal control, but Madison wrote in the Federalist 43 that "a municipal legislature for local purposes, derived from their own suffrages, will of course be allowed them." This issue sure feels like a local purpose to me. It was different founders who wanted complete control, so perhaps my statement should be amended a bit. Even founders like Madison who were for complete control felt that DC should get representation eventually...but he never spelled out when that was.