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Gordon Monson is getting destroyed on Twitter...

Rudy, Gordon, and Donovan would be an extremely formidable core, to say the least. Is a bit of a gut punch to think about "what if?"
The Jazz would probably be the 3rd seed if Hayward stayed. They wouldnt have gotten off to as slow of a start. The Rudy injury would still hurt in December/Early January, but we probably win 1 or 2 more games in that stretch.
How about we be authentic with our feelings instead?
fair enough

Every second I spend thinking about Hayward is a second that I can't spend thinking about how great Mitchell, Gobert and Quin Snyder are.

Hayward wasn't perfect as a player, but I really liked his game and it sucked that he left, and left if a way that crippled the Jazz ability to respond. Also, I felt rejected as a fan that he ignored our billboard campaign and that made us look really desperate.

At the same time, I wish that the local media would stop talking about him, especially since he's injured and won't be playing this season because it makes us seem real small time, salty and petty. And it's not necessary, because what the Jazz are doing is such a great story.
I think the reaction is to the tweet, which was extremely lame and Monson-like.
Yeah, but reacting to that stuff just proves why people do that. Click-bait works. I also dont know why people get so mad at click-bait either (as long as it isnt false advertising). Writers have a job to bring attention to their work. If you dont like it, dont click on it or share it.
Gordon Monson is terrible enough that I don't really care about why he's getting destroyed, just that he is.

Thanks for posting that. I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s a well written article full of facts, truth, and accuracy. Everything he says is spot on and he didn’t say anything mean about Hayward.

Cry harder Boston, bill, and any other writers throwing shade at monson.
Very unnecessary column, IMO. Gordon has clearly moved on, why can't we?

I mean he is a writer who writes stories. Why is this so bad? I skim read... salty yeah but why not be salty the guy mislead us and we gave him tons of love... national media should go back and look at his departure.

If he wasn’t hurt in gruesome fashion this is a nothing burger what is monsoon supposed to write... depleted Celtics come to town to face the jazz and there are no subplots... nothing to see here.

Dude wrote a mediocre article that is getting more pub than he will get all year... is he really being killed?
Personally I let all this nonsense go a long time ago. All I know is we have the building blocks to win a chip with Mitchell and Gobert, provided Mitchell continues to improve over the next year or two, I feel we need just one more scorer off the bench, and this team is set. I don't even think we need another star, just solid pieces around our two stars.

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Personally I let all this nonsense go a long time ago. All I know is we have the building blocks to win a chip with Mitchell and Gobert, provided Mitchell continues to improve over the next year or two, I feel we need just one more scorer off the bench, and this team is set. I don't even think we need another star, just solid pieces around our two stars.

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I think when you get things go you don't have to talk about letting them go. But I could be wrong.

No jazz fan truly moved on because that means you forgave everyone and/or don't care about it. Even if things worked out well doesnt mean you will don't think about it.
I'm also going to say that Boston has potential as best team in the NBA. I think Tatum will be a star, and Hayward will be traded at some point as their young talented wings improve.

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