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Hayward has 34.5 inch vertical!

....who cares how high he can jump....or what his wing span actually is!!! He's got a ton more basketball brains than 90% of today's NBA players, he will box out, remember plays, know where to be on the court at all times, hit open shots, hit the open man, hustle on defense....he's got NO jail house tats or police record, and he comes on the cheap! By the way, I just figured out who he looks like! He looks like that kid that was in the movie "Suimmer of 42" or the one that played in "Ode to Billy Joe!" Two all time classics, by the way!
By the way, I just figured out who he looks like! He looks like that kid that was in the movie "Suimmer of 42" or the one that played in "Ode to Billy Joe!" Two all time classics, by the way!

Either him, or mebbe Opie from the Andy Griffith show, eh, CJ?
Jeremy Evans will be better than Hayward. You heard it here first.

David Locke calls Hayward an elite ballhandler and passer. Pretty impressive for a guy who averaged a whopping 2 assists and more turnovers than assists. But that isn't so much a knock on Hayward as it is pointing out the fact that Locke is an embarrassment.

locke is a total homer. I used to like him, but his homerism knows no bounds.
Jeremy Evans will be better than Hayward. You heard it here first.

David Locke calls Hayward an elite ballhandler and passer. Pretty impressive for a guy who averaged a whopping 2 assists and more turnovers than assists. But that isn't so much a knock on Hayward as it is pointing out the fact that Locke is an embarrassment.

You willing to bet on that?
....who cares how high he can jump....or what his wing span actually is!!! He's got a ton more basketball brains than 90% of today's NBA players, he will box out, remember plays, know where to be on the court at all times, hit open shots, hit the open man, hustle on defense....he's got NO jail house tats or police record, and he comes on the cheap! By the way, I just figured out who he looks like! He looks like that kid that was in the movie "Suimmer of 42" or the one that played in "Ode to Billy Joe!" Two all time classics, by the way!

DWill has jail house tats....just sayin.

I see you're still at it....what a sad reality for you.
locke is a total homer. I used to like him, but his homerism knows no bounds.

Well considering the majority of his income I am guessing comes as the radio voice of the Jazz I don't think you can blame him for hyping up his employer.
....who cares how high he can jump....or what his wing span actually is!!! He's got a ton more basketball brains than 90% of today's NBA players, he will box out, remember plays, know where to be on the court at all times, hit open shots, hit the open man, hustle on defense....he's got NO jail house tats or police record, and he comes on the cheap! By the way, I just figured out who he looks like! He looks like that kid that was in the movie "Suimmer of 42" or the one that played in "Ode to Billy Joe!" Two all time classics, by the way!


Fast Offerings...
I know he looks LDS, but is he really?

I don't know and I really don't care, but he does look like he could collect fast offerings. As a matter of fact, that just might be his new nick: The Deacon.
I don't know and I really don't care, but he does look like he could collect fast offerings. As a matter of fact, that just might be his new nick: The Deacon.

He's not mormon. But he will be recruited for some local church ball teams.
Flagged: OP trying to circumvent profanity filter by using word "vertical"
Yo Thriller...that last post of mine I meant to address to you. But in case you don't see it, here it is again:

"Sure, I will be delighted to go "re-read" your posts as you suggest, since you admitted you only read 1 paragraph of mine. Are you really that full of yourself? Remember, you don't actually get paid to do this! At any rate, I've read ALL your posts, so how about when you read the rest of my 1 POST, then you get back to me. In it I compared just as many players as you did in your 20 previous posts, just a lot more succinctly. I gave just as many examples (by the #'s) that support my theory as you did. And in fact, I even surprised myself at how favorable his measurements and athleticism compared (hand size, agility, sprint, etc.) when I looked a little deeper. So THANK YOU for encouraging me to do that.

IF you ask me, here's what I think happened...you read my entire post (though you say you didn't), realized I gave a pretty good rebuttal, then blamed not reading the rest on having to go because of the Holiday. I mean, cmon seriously, you couldn've read my post in under a minute. When you're done with the Holiday, let's see if you have time, or if you're man enough to come back and address the substance of what I said. If not, not worth my time anyway. As opposed to you, I really don't have time to post, except for on weekends or Holidays.

By the way, the one paragraph you chose to comment on was simply a quick rebuttal to your silly point about height, weight, and body fat. I don't disagree with anyone who says wingspan is just as important as height or jumping ability, but you're the one that brought those other measurements up. Keep in mind P Milsap is a 4 who is more likely to slide to the 5 than the 3 in today's NBA. Hayward doesn't need to have as long a wingspan because he's not guarding 4s and 5s. He'll be guarding 2 guards and the occasional 3. You have no case anyway, because Evan Turner has the same wingspan as Hayward and last I checked Turner was selected pretty high in the Draft. When is a nearly 6 foot 8 wingspan ever truly a problem in the NBA, seriously? (unless you're playing Center). Maybe that's why none of the "experts" (who actually get paid to scout) think Hayward was a bad pick. Yeah he might have gone 2 or 3 spots too high, but it was close enough to justify the pick.

Thanks for playing. Look forward to your rebuttal."

What was the point of you posting your garbage twice?

I think we're going to need to agree to disagree here.

Hayward is an average athlete. The stats and measurements show it to be so.

Evan Turner is a terrible comparison as his ballhandling, shooting, and scoring skills are far greater than Hayward's. Even now, I doubt Turner turns out to be better than Rip Hamilton or Brandon Roy. A very good player, but not a franchise player.

As far as trusting the experts, I'd rather not. They also declared Kris Humphries and Kirk Snyder a great draft for us. So why only trust in them now? Oh yeah, because a few agree w/you. Nice.

As far as defense Hayward not doubling as much as another big man... Wow... Have you ever seen defense? How often did you see Memo, Millsap, Or Boozer double in the post as opposed to a wing, like CJ, Brewer, AK, Korver, Harpring, and Matthews? typically, the 4 and 5 don't double to help each other. It's the 2 or 3 that double down low leaving themselves at a slight disadvantage to defend the 3 point line but allowing them to have better angles to double against the post. In other words, your reasoning for Hayward needing a smaller wingspan because he won't double as much down low as Millsap is ridiculous at best. It also ignores the advantages offensively that a longer winspan would give.

Anyway, thanks for taking cheap shots at me. I love it how you criticized me for taking a day off to celebrate a great day for our country. That was awesome. Please, take another 30 minutes to post your garbage TWICE asking me to refute it. Until next time!
What was the point of you posting your garbage twice?

I think we're going to need to agree to disagree here.

Hayward is an average athlete. The stats and measurements show it to be so.

Evan Turner is a terrible comparison as his ballhandling, shooting, and scoring skills are far greater than Hayward's. Even now, I doubt Turner turns out to be better than Rip Hamilton or Brandon Roy. A very good player, but not a franchise player.

As far as trusting the experts, I'd rather not. They also declared Kris Humphries and Kirk Snyder a great draft for us. So why only trust in them now? Oh yeah, because a few agree w/you. Nice.

As far as defense Hayward not doubling as much as another big man... Wow... Have you ever seen defense? How often did you see Memo, Millsap, Or Boozer double in the post as opposed to a wing, like CJ, Brewer, AK, Korver, Harpring, and Matthews? typically, the 4 and 5 don't double to help each other. It's the 2 or 3 that double down low leaving themselves at a slight disadvantage to defend the 3 point line but allowing them to have better angles to double against the post. In other words, your reasoning for Hayward needing a smaller wingspan because he won't double as much down low as Millsap is ridiculous at best. It also ignores the advantages offensively that a longer winspan would give.

Anyway, thanks for taking cheap shots at me. I love it how you criticized me for taking a day off to celebrate a great day for our country. That was awesome. Please, take another 30 minutes to post your garbage TWICE asking me to refute it. Until next time!

Hayward is a better shooter than Turner.

Are there some stats that I'm not aware of? Other than FT %, where does Hayward shoot better than Turner at?

I guess we'll find out for sure in a few months...

Evan Turner is really good at getting to the rim and finishing, Im not saying he isnt efficient. But as far as outside (midrange and 3's) shooting, I would rather have Hayward.