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Hayward still unhappy?

But I do think this is crap. According to Locke Hayward and his wife haven't been huge fans of Utah but it's been growing on them. Not sure what that means but Locke has been confident he's not going anywhere.
I'm not surprised that's what you took away from that "article".

u dumbazz

Reading comprehension not your thing?

A main stream article says Jazz won't trade him even with HIGH risk of him walking next summer.

I don't think it's true, but how can you deny the message of the article?! It's in the F'ng title...
But where is the info/source about him being unhappy coming from?

it's not coming from the general contractor who's building his new home.
And it's not coming from his agent (who knows how many million more the jazz can offer him).

Also, lol at the "mainstream article" crap. What is that, like 100 words? You need to learn the difference between and article, a post, and clickbait. Don't get dazzled by the "source." If you were anybody else, I'd be astounded that you needed to be told these very basic components of internet life.
it's not coming from the general contractor who's building his new home.
And it's not coming from his agent (who knows how many million more the jazz can offer him).

Also, lol at the "mainstream article" crap. What is that, like 100 words? You need to learn the difference between and article, a post, and clickbait. Don't get dazzled by the "source." If you were anybody else, I'd be astounded that you needed to be told these very basic components of internet life.

Haha, it's not Woj but you're acting like this is a bleacher report article.
The article is referring to the rumor last month about Hayward requesting a trade that was started by Brian Geltzeiler, who is notorious for making up false rumors.
I'm not really concerned over his level of happiness or unhappiness. It wouldn't factor into my decision of whether or not to move him if I was the Jazz. I would trade him because signing him to a Max contract will result in losing several other pieces of our core and killing our future. That's what they need to worry about.
An honest question from someone who doesn't live in SLC - what's the deal with Hayward? Does anyone there have any sense of whether there is any truth to these periodic rumors or is it complete BS? Seems like smoke often means fire, but not sure if this one has legs. Didn't he spend this summer in SLC? Is he involved in the community? Seems like he would be idolized in Utah and probably treated like a king. Lot of players end up liking Utah, funny to think that the one guy who grew up in the midwest, who doesn't seem like a club going boozer or big market guy wouldn't like Utah.
An honest question from someone who doesn't live in SLC - what's the deal with Hayward? Does anyone there have any sense of whether there is any truth to these periodic rumors or is it complete BS? Seems like smoke often means fire, but not sure if this one has legs. Didn't he spend this summer in SLC? Is he involved in the community? Seems like he would be idolized in Utah and probably treated like a king. Lot of players end up liking Utah, funny to think that the one guy who grew up in the midwest, who doesn't seem like a club going boozer or big market guy wouldn't like Utah.

I guess as a FA-to-be, it's logical for you to be coy about these things because:

1) to have as many options as possible, so unless you're a lifer like Duncan, ... why not have more options? There is a reason he signed with CHA last time around right? It's because he wants as much as $$$ he can get.

2) It keeps the pressure on your team to put as many talent around you as possible so you have the best chance of winning now & going forward. (which again leads to you having more media exposure, and sponspors, and therefore the potential $$$ you can make goes up).
I actually think it's true.

If we don't trade him, we'll get nothing.

It doesn't surprise me if we don't trade him knowing that he wants to be gone and we end up collecting nothing for him. Look at Kanter. Not saying that he was good for Utah, but a team that collects nothing for a quality player is foolish.
Reading comprehension not your thing?

A main stream article says Jazz won't trade him even with HIGH risk of him walking next summer.

I don't think it's true, but how can you deny the message of the article?! It's in the F'ng title...

Dude be careful. Joe Bagadonuts just asked me if I had a reading comprehension problem. Either you are stealing his horrible material that's not even funny. Or he is stealing your horrible material that's not even funny. Either way, there is a whole lot of stolen material on some real horrible context going around.
Haha, it's not Woj but you're acting like this is a bleacher report article.

I'm not acting like it's an "article" of any kind. I think that's pretty clear in what I've said.

I like it when you don't post, btw.