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Hayward still unhappy?

Why would he be happy to begin with? Borderline all-star on a team missing a few pieces that does not seem intent on going to get those pieces during that player's prime. Why wouldn't he want out? Why did Durant bail out on OKC? In the end, anymore, the money is a given. The worst players in the league will now make more for a crappy 3 year deal than Stockton did his entire HOF career. It is no longer money that is the motivator (Bird rights mean basically squat anymore, unless you just can't live on 300 million and just HAVE to stay put to push it over that 330 mill mark), and "loyalty" went out the window decades ago. It is just the chase for the ring, and LeDickhea....uh LeBron started the "build me a super-team to guaran-damn-tee me a ring" trend. So of course Hayward is leaving. It is what the NBA has become, and it likely is not changing anytime soon. This is the world we live in folks, get used to it.

Oh and by the way, the odds of that "super-team" ever being built in the City of Utah asymptotically approaches zero.
Why would he be happy to begin with? Borderline all-star on a team missing a few pieces that does not seem intent on going to get those pieces during that player's prime. Why wouldn't he want out? Why did Durant bail out on OKC? In the end, anymore, the money is a given. The worst players in the league will now make more for a crappy 3 year deal than Stockton did his entire HOF career. It is no longer money that is the motivator (Bird rights mean basically squat anymore, unless you just can't live on 300 million and just HAVE to stay put to push it over that 330 mill mark), and "loyalty" went out the window decades ago. It is just the chase for the ring, and LeDickhea....uh LeBron started the "build me a super-team to guaran-damn-tee me a ring" trend. So of course Hayward is leaving. It is what the NBA has become, and it likely is not changing anytime soon. This is the world we live in folks, get used to it.

Oh and by the way, the odds of that "super-team" ever being built in the City of Utah asymptotically approaches zero.

Just did a quick calculation. The difference in a four year deal is $143.58mm in Utah, $137.33mm if he hits the road (assumes a $107mm cap). Plus, he can make that up in extra endorsements on a winning team in a large market.

The only factor in Utah's favor is the fifth year option.
Just did a quick calculation. The difference in a four year deal is $143.58mm in Utah, $137.33mm if he hits the road (assumes a $107mm cap). Plus, he can make that up in extra endorsements on a winning team in a large market.

The only factor in Utah's favor is the fifth year option.

For most people there will be a point where the money is just a number. Is there a realistic change in quality of life between 150 million and 200 mill? 300? A billion? The new money deals take that effectively out of the equation in this kind of decision making process. Malone even gave up what about 20 mill to chase the ring his last year? And that was much closer to a real percentage of his career earnings than that amount will be in the future. For a player like Hayward the desire to win the ring will be the tipping point over money. If we don't do something to really make noise this year he will be gone. That is the troof of it.
One could say the Celts started the super-team thing with Garnett and Allen joining Pierce the same off-season. I suppose it wasn't done via FA though so...
One could say the Celts started the super-team thing with Garnett and Allen joining Pierce the same off-season. I suppose it wasn't done via FA though so...

If they started teh super team thing, they did it 20 years earlier with their Bird/McHale/Havlicek teams.

That Boston team was created through trades too, not considered as the player created super teams where they either coordinate signing to one team or take a paycut to join a team that the Heat started.
If they started teh super team thing, they did it 20 years earlier with their Bird/McHale/Havlicek teams.

That Boston team was created through trades too, not considered as the player created super teams where they either coordinate signing to one team or take a paycut to join a team that the Heat started.

Havlicek never played with Bird, McHale or Parrish, he starred in 60-70s with Bill Russel and company.

Bird was drafted by the Celtics. They also traded the #1 pick for Parrish and the #3, with which they picked McHale.
Havlicek never played with Bird, McHale or Parrish, he starred in 60-70s with Bill Russel and company.

Bird was drafted by the Celtics. They also traded the #1 pick for Parrish and the #3, with which they picked McHale.
Woah, I got my eras mixed up.

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meanwhile Derrick Rose thinks that the Knicks are a super team ... lol

I think sometimes players have to believe in themselves and their respective teammates in order to get through the season....or maybe he had just puffed on some recently purchased kush.
If they started teh super team thing, they did it 20 years earlier with their Bird/McHale/Havlicek teams.

That Boston team was created through trades too, not considered as the player created super teams where they either coordinate signing to one team or take a paycut to join a team that the Heat started.

For most, common sense kicks in. Because its you, your forgiven.
Oh I can't wait for the season to start so all this speculation about Hayward being unhappy will stop. There is no evidence that Hayward wants out of Utah. If he goes then so be it but I think the chances are slim especially when the Jazz destroy people this year.