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How about Millsap for Derick?

So the Jazz give up the best player, Millsap, and arguably the player with the most upside, Burks, for a mediocre tweener, a short-term mediocre solution at the 1 (which can easily be found this summer in free agency) and a late 1st? Why? Burks + Millsap's S&T value are better than that package.

"I'd only do this if the organization believes DWill can be our future SF."
but yeah, I'd hate to just give away Burks...
Even though it's not a terrible idea, I hate the idea of trading obviously better players for obviously worse players. And nobody can figure out where Williams fits on the court. It makes sense if there is a vision for him that the TWolves haven't figured out. I definitely don't know what that vision is.
I think he could still turn into a very good player. It's only his second year in the league and has all the tools. But, unloading Sap for him just seems wrong.
There's a reason Derrick Williams is "very available." Minnesota is probably convinced that he will never prove that he was worthy of the number 2 pick.

I could make my argument much more complicated, but in truth, it's actually pretty simple: Paul Millsap is a MUCH better player. If he were 2 inches taller, no one would even consider trading him. He's very much a keeper for any number of reasons. No matter how you slice it, he's better than Derrick Williams.

Al is the odd man out, even though I like him more than most on this board.