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I can see it now, eh?

I think this gay writer got the point, after being subjected to an onslaught of hate mail and verbal abuse. Even if no one else got the point, at least he did. The world is now a better place.

We can only hope that Bum gets the point, too, but I aint holdin my breath on that, know what I'm sayin?
I am having a bit of fun with the way you seem to circle a topic and meander about with your little side stories and what-not.

So now yo dissin meanderin, eh, Mo? Who wouldn't wanna meander, I ax ya? It's plumb stoopid not to, I figure. If I'm at the State Fair and want me some cotton candy, ya think I head straight for the cotton candy stand? Of course not! I meander through the crowd as I go, kinda weavin my way there. Ya can pick 5 times as many pockets that way, caincha see?
Hey, Mo. Just between you and me, eh? I wuz over to Kam's last week and run inta summa the boys there. Word is, even without the Chief to lead em, them boys is gunna be the white-settler-scalpin, firewater-guzzlin, tomahawk-tossin WARPATH this here year, eh? I wonder who this year's Chrissy Paul gunna be for em, ya know?
People use the phrase "That's so gay" to describe situations that have nothing to do with being gay, but simply to express their distaste for a situation by comparing it to the situation of being gay. The implication, at least to me, is that merely being gay is distasteful.

Let's assume you're 100% correct about this. So?
I aint no religious scholar, or nuthin, but I hear-tell that the Bible, and many other "holy scriptures" from various religions world-wide, seem to think that killin people is "distasteful." Same with homosexuality.

Is this an attempt to abolish religious thought, that it?
Let's assume you're 100% correct about this. So?

So it's rudeness directed at an entire group of people, for no reason other than general distaste.

I aint no religious scholar, or nuthin, but I hear-tell that the Bible, and many other "holy scriptures" from various religions world-wide, seem to think that killin people is "distasteful." Same with homosexuality.

Depends on whose interpretation you believe.

Is this an attempt to abolish religious thought, that it?

Lots of religions think darkly-skinned people are morally inferior to lightly-skinned people. If those sentiments are expressed on this board, I have no doubt the moderators will issue warnings/infractions on that basis. You want to call that abolishing religious thought, go ahead. Lots of religions think non-Trinitarians are morally inferior to Trinitarians. If those sentiments are expressed on this board, I have no doubt the moderators will issue warnings/infractions on that basis. You want to call that abolishing religious thought, go ahead. So, unless you expect the moderators to tolerate any sort of behavior that someone says is religious, your question is moot.
. Lots of religions think non-Trinitarians are morally inferior to Trinitarians. If those sentiments are expressed on this board, I have no doubt the moderators will issue warnings/infractions on that basis.

Ya think? No doubt about it, eh?

A lot of religions, and, believe it or not, even non-religious types, think that non-serial killers are morally superior to serial killers. I spoze ya can't say that neither, eh? Main thang is, can't nobuddy never be morally superior to nobuddy else, right?

Please carefully note: This aint nuthin butta question. I aint makin no statement about nuthin. I don't wanna go gittin banned, see?

Question is: Would I git an infraction if I said that people who don't never steal nuthin is morally superior to thievin pervs?
Lots of religions think darkly-skinned people are morally inferior to lightly-skinned people.

That so? Can ya name 3-4 outta these "lots?"

Of course, I wasn't talkin about "moral superiority" to begin with, just what is "distasteful." My own damn self, I find limberger cheese (well, any cheese, really, but....) quite distasteful. Will I git banned for sayin that, I wonder?

Truth be told, I aint never really tasted no limberger cheese, and don't never plan to. But I know it gotta be distasteful cause it straight-up stanks, know what I'm sayin?
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A lot of religions, and, believe it or not, even non-religious types, think that non-serial killers are morally superior to serial killers. I spoze ya can't say that neither, eh?

I'm fairly sure serial killers, and other people who hurt people or take their property, are still acceptable targets.

Main thang is, can't nobuddy never be morally superior to nobuddy else, right?

Do you really want to spend 25 pages talking about different bases for morality and why theymay or may not apply to this message board?

That so? Can ya name 3-4 outta these "lots?"


Of course, I wasn't talkin about "moral superiority" to begin with, just what is "distasteful." My own damn self, I find limberger cheese (well, any cheese, really, but....) quite distasteful. Will I git banned for sayin that, I wonder?

I tend to doubt it.

Truth be told, I aint never really tasted no limberger cheese, and don't never plan to. But I know it gotta be distasteful cause it straight-up stanks, know what I'm sayin?

I'm not sure about the "gotta".
So it's rudeness directed at an entire group of people, for no reason other than general distaste.

Yeah, so?

I aint never seen no crackdown on 'rudeness" round these here parts.

There are some (not me, of course) who claim that some or all of the mods themselves are, or can be, quite 'rude."

There are some (not me, of course) who claim that some of the mods tacitly encourage rudeness, at least if it is directed toward a poster they don't like, or disagree with, like, say, mebbe, Beantown.

I'm always interested in talkin to people like you, Eric, who know what the mods will or won't do, because I just aint smart enough to figure it out for my own damn self.

What are the 3-4 religions you can name? I vaguely recall hearin about a passage in the Koran that said Swedes were far superior, morally speakin, to Arabs, because they had lighter skin, but, other than that....
Marcus, I'm often amazed at the degree of bigotry shown by those preachin against bigotry, and at the degree of intolerance displayed by those purportedly preachin tolerance.

hahahahaha i love this thread and i love utah and i love utah residents
Is "rude" now one of them words that means anythang and everythang, like "radical" was there for a spell, eh, Mo? Not that it wasn't always kinda like that. Theys sure a lot of different meanins showed here, for example:

Definition of RUDE

a : being in a rough or unfinished state : crude b : natural, raw <rude cotton> c : primitive, undeveloped <peasants use rude wooden plows — Jack Raymond> d : simple, elemental <landscape done in rude whites, blacks, deep browns — Richard Harris>

: lacking refinement or delicacy: a : ignorant, unlearned b : inelegant, uncouth c : offensive in manner or action : discourteous d : uncivilized, savage e : coarse, vulgar

: marked by or suggestive of lack of training or skill : inexperienced <rude workmanship>

: robust, sturdy <in rude health>

: occurring abruptly and disconcertingly <a rude awakening>

rude·ly adverb
Examples of RUDE

  • <LI class=vi-learners itxtvisited="1">I was shocked by her rude behavior. <LI class=vi-learners itxtvisited="1">I can't believe that he was so rude to me.
  • I heard someone make a rude noise.
Origin of RUDE

Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin rudis; probably akin to Latin rudus rubble First Known Use: 14th century

Related to RUDE

Synonyms: artless, clumsy, crude, jerry-built, jerry-rigged, jury-rigged, rough, rough-and-ready, rough-and-tumble, rough-hewn, unrefined
Antonyms: refined

Related Words: defective, faulty, flawed, imperfect; imprecise, inexact; inartistic, undressed, unfinished, unpolished, unworked; amateur, amateurish, inexpert, unprofessional, unskilled, unskillful; primitive, rudimentary; unshaped, unshapen
Near Antonyms: faultless, finished, flawless, meticulous, perfect, perfected, polished, well-done; adept, adroit, dexterous (also dextrous), expert, masterful, masterly, neat, practiced (also practised), skillful, workmanlike; artful, artistic, sophisticated; exact, precise
see all synonyms and antonyms


Synonym Discussion of RUDE

rude, rough, crude, raw mean lacking in social refinement. rude implies ignorance of or indifference to good form; it may suggest intentional discourtesy <rude behavior>. rough is likely to stress lack of polish and gentleness <rough manners>. crude may apply to thought or behavior limited to the gross, the obvious, or the primitive <a crude joke>. raw suggests being untested, inexperienced, or unfinished <turning raw youths into polished performers>.


If rude implies ignorance of, or indifference to, good form, then, leave us face it, Fess was the rudest player on the team last year.

If it means, like it says there, "jerry-rigged," when, then, it was Sloan, aint no question.

If it means "lacking in social refinement," then Deron probly takes the rude cake, eh? Well, mebbe Sloan there too--hard call.
My usage [of the word bigot] may not be the most common...

Thank you for admitting that your use of the word bigot is very liberal, if not flat out wrong. Any use of the word bigot, or any derivative thereof, by you in the future should be null and void. Those that cannot responsibly use words which carry such strong stigmatization deserve no credibility when trying to articulate their position.

You have failed magnificently in this regard.
Ya know, me and a homey got stopped by the pigs one night after they was a few bust-ins in the area. Usually, when that happened, he would just shut up and let me do alla talkin, then just say "Yeah, what he done said." But on this here particular night he got ta talkin and I couldn't shut him up.

By the time he was through, I knew that I would have trouble sayin anything that made sense but didn't contradict what he done said. Generally, if a homey of mine makes a claim, I will back him up, swear to it, whatever, just cause he's my homey. But I just couldn't do it here. I finally said: "I aint never even seen this guy before, he and his homey (there was another guy with us) just stopped me to buy some weed, that's all."

Our other homey tried to back up his story. They both doin long time now. Sometimes ya just gotta know when to cut your homeys loose, know what I'm sayin?
I don't see why, other than bigotry. By comparison, Debra Winger and Richjard Gere really disliked each other when making An Officer and a Gentleman. I've never heard anyone say that turns the movie into a farce because the leads had no sexual chemistry off-screen.

Ya know, Eric, I don't think usin Richard Gere is a good example. I aint never seen that flick, and here's why....

A Babe I know said she heard that flick was good and wanted me to rent it so we could watch it together. Normally I woulda said "Sho, Darlin." But this was after the news come out that Richard Gere showed up at an emergency room one night to have a hamster (or gerbil, or sum kinda furry animal, mebbe a rabbit, I forget, exactly) surgically removed from his anal cavity. Turns out that him and one of his gay friends was "playin around" and the damn thang got stuck up there.

So I just said: Caint do it, Sweet Thang. The onliest thang I would be able to think about if I seen that flick would be that poor little hamster.
Thank you for admitting that your use of the word bigot is very liberal, if not flat out wrong. Any use of the word bigot, or any derivative thereof, by you in the future should be null and void. Those that cannot responsibly use words which carry such strong stigmatization deserve no credibility when trying to articulate their position.

You have failed magnificently in this regard.

Letting the irony sink in.
I aint never seen no crackdown on 'rudeness" round these here parts.

Perhaps you should pay more attention, then. Among other things, the very existence of a profanity filter, and awarding of infractions for its circumvention, is a crackdown on one type of rudeness. Just because some types of rudeness are tolerated doesn't mean they all have to be.

What are the 3-4 religions you can name?

I find it hard to believe you don't think such religions exist. I find it unlikely that you can't already name a couple yourself. I find it almost impossible ot believe you can't discover such information on your own. So, it seems to me like you're just trying to call me out.

Thank you for admitting that your use of the word bigot is very liberal, if not flat out wrong.

I am unaware that "not the most common" use was a synonym for "liberal" use. If you judge people by whether they like Star Wars or not, that's bigotry (per a strict reading of the definition), even though it's not the sort of bigotry we generally discuss. I see my usage as falling within a strict interpretation of the definiton.

Any use of the word bigot, or any derivative thereof, by you in the future should be null and void.

So, your opinion on the value of what I say hasn't changed during the last 4 years. Got it.

"Here is the rainbow I've been praying for...."

talk about IRONY, LOL!