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I hate Locke

I think Locke has the worst radio voice ever.

Gives the company spin far too much.

Some of his opinions are insightful tho.
There are times when Locke irritates the hell out of me, but I would rather listen to his opinion on the Jazz than the opinion of any of the talking heads on 1280...

... maybe I should see a doctor.
Locke is far better than Harpring I say. At least Locke can come up with some corny catch phrases. Harpring is pretty dull, and tries to be funny but he never is, unless it's unintentional.
I don't get the Locke hate. First off, how many of you are actually listening to his play-by-play via radio? I would imagine not very many. Also, Basketball is a difficult sport to call via radio. It's just not fun to listen to without video. Have you listened to any other play-by-play broadcasters? Was it really any better? I used to listen to the Sonics via radio a decade ago and it was terrible.

He provides more content for us (in a small market!) than virtually any other basketball broadcaster. He gets ESPN guys like Chad Ford and Kevin Pelton on podcasts! His awkward interviews are a small price to pay for everything else he brings to the table.
Anyone who hates Locke is dumb.

Is he irritating to listen to? Yes. But at least he has some good insights, provides decent stats, etc. He's knowledgeable. He toes the company line, but that's ok. I'd expect him to.
Anyone who hates Locke is dumb.

I dont hate him, but his tweets today are an irresponsible use of statistics. Too much work has been done to prove the validity of analytics in basketball to have people like him bring scrutiny. Yeah being a drama queen, but I hate this kind of stuff.
I don't get the Locke hate. First off, how many of you are actually listening to his play-by-play via radio? I would imagine not very many.

That's odd, I would imagine a lot of us sometimes are in the car during Jazz games.

Also, Basketball is a difficult sport to call via radio. It's just not fun to listen to without video. Have you listened to any other play-by-play broadcasters? Was it really any better?

*cough* Hot Rod *cough*

Seriously, that you have to even ask that means it's useless for you to judge Locke's play-by-play ability to others in this forum.

I used to listen to the Sonics via radio a decade ago and it was terrible.

He provides more content for us (in a small market!) than virtually any other basketball broadcaster. He gets ESPN guys like Chad Ford and Kevin Pelton on podcasts! His awkward interviews are a small price to pay for everything else he brings to the table.

I'm not a Locke hater. I very much appreciate his podcast, and listen to it often. I appreciate his numbers. I liked his radio show around 6-8 years ago. But he's just "OK" as a radio play-by-play guy.
I don't hate him. He works hard and puts out a ton of content. Some of it is quite mediocre, some of it is good. His misunderstanding of advanced stats shines through when he talks with the likes of Kevin Pelton...