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I have seen the light....

Jefferson is a loser. Everywhere he goes losing follows. Time to pass the buck.

If we can get good value out of Millsap I'm for it, but I think he's infected with Jefferson's losing mentality right now and could be a great part of this team if the chemistry and mentality turns around.

I was hoping to see a few things from Ty this year and so far I've seen the opposite. No balls, no imagination, no inspiration. Maybe he can turn things around and become a mediocre HC, but really I feel like his ceiling is pretty low. Sorry Ty, I suspended disbelief as long as I could.

I wonder about Millsap's mentality. He has talked a lot over the last few seasons that he deserves to be a starter. The writing is on the wall. Favors has completely outplayed him the last to or three games. When Favors takes over the starting PF spot, how will Millsap react to that? Will he keep playing as hard as he has in the past?
I wonder about Millsap's mentality. He has talked a lot over the last few seasons that he deserves to be a starter. The writing is on the wall. Favors has completely outplayed him the last to or three games. When Favors takes over the starting PF spot, how will Millsap react to that? Will he keep playing as hard as he has in the past?

I hate to say but I agree. I've gotten a sense that Millsap has an arrogance that is simply not justified. I think he'd completely check out if he was taken out of the starting line-up.
I hate to say but I agree. I've gotten a sense that Millsap has an arrogance that is simply not justified. I think he'd completely check out if he was taken out of the starting line-up.

My worry exactly. The PF position in the NBA is flooded with great talent. I love Millsap but he is slightly better than average at best.
I hate to say but I agree. I've gotten a sense that Millsap has an arrogance that is simply not justified. I think he'd completely check out if he was taken out of the starting line-up.

Ive never thought of arrogance with Milsap but when I read your post it clicked in my mind. I think arrogance is something Milsap has attained in the last couple years.
Shouldn't we wait until Jefferson/Millsap actually start playing well? They are both playing well below their usual levels, so interest in them can't be super high at this point.

No, because if we wait until they perform better then there might be a thought of extending them (read overpaying them) and that is the worst possible scenario for this team moving forward.

My biggest concern was the play of Kanter. Until this preseason and the last two games, Kanter has been a liability. Now Kanter is shooting well from the outside and his is even getting up for blocks and that is something that no one thought he would do in his career.
Millsap thrives moving off the ball on the baseline and free throw line extended. Unfortunately, with Al and Mo handling the ball, there's really no reason for him to continue searching for space, as no one's going to find him. You still see him, from time to time, making really smart passes from the high post and short corner, but he's forcing the issue far too much. If this team acquired a point guard who had half a clue in the halfcourt and moved Jefferson, I think we'd see Millsap's attitude and efficiency get a lot better. Since Deron was traded, Millsap's been called upon to be more of an iso scorer, which is just plain stupid. You also see him not committing fully in help defense, but on many occasions, it seems as though he's hedging against passes, as he's not confident anyone (Jefferson) will help the helper.

With all that said, Millsap needs to play his game, continue to run the floor, take shots in the flow of the offense (whatever that is), and commit in help defense (if Jefferson hangs him out to dry, so be it). If he doesn't make the right decisions/plays, especially if/when the Jazz move Jeffy and start executing their offense competently (which might take a new point guard), he should be moved as well. Millsap at his best is a smart, efficient team basketball player. Hopefully the last two years haven't ruined him for good.
Enough with the Millsap arrogance thing. He isnt that type of guy. If anything he is growing frustrated with the team for its unstoppable desire to favor over paid no defense chumps( Boozer, Jefferson).

I think Millsap can play better. Al just takes that away from him when he is on the court. Its not a good combination.

Fire Al 2012-2013
Free Millsap 2012-2013
My guess would be: Kennykyle, zmann (?), franklin, or cyrone

Not me buddy boy, I am all if favor of seeing Ty, Al, and Sap gone. Go with they youngsters and see where it goes. Get a HC who is a HC, not somebody trying to figure it out on the fly who may likely fail.

But after listening to Dennis Lindsey on 1280 yesterday, I do not see it happening. The words that stood out from him were patience, persistence, tradition, Jerry Sloan, etc etc. He seemed to buy into completely everything the Jazz were doing before he got here. I was hoping to hear some of Pops and rings and changes and modern winning basketball. Doomed to mediocrity.
Millsap thrives moving off the ball on the baseline and free throw line extended. Unfortunately, with Al and Mo handling the ball, there's really no reason for him to continue searching for space, as no one's going to find him. You still see him, from time to time, making really smart passes from the high post and short corner, but he's forcing the issue far too much. If this team acquired a point guard who had half a clue in the halfcourt and moved Jefferson, I think we'd see Millsap's attitude and efficiency get a lot better. Since Deron was traded, Millsap's been called upon to be more of an iso scorer, which is just plain stupid. You also see him not committing fully in help defense, but on many occasions, it seems as though he's hedging against passes, as he's not confident anyone (Jefferson) will help the helper.

With all that said, Millsap needs to play his game, continue to run the floor, take shots in the flow of the offense (whatever that is), and commit in help defense (if Jefferson hangs him out to dry, so be it). If he doesn't make the right decisions/plays, especially if/when the Jazz move Jeffy and start executing their offense competently (which might take a new point guard), he should be moved as well. Millsap at his best is a smart, efficient team basketball player. Hopefully the last two years haven't ruined him for good.

Good post.

I believe Al on our team is making a lot of people look bad. I really wish the FO could see this and get off their asses and move Al already. Its pretty sad when the fan base can see things before you can.

This is just like the Boozer drama thing. So many people could see how freaking crappy Boozer was, but the Jazz FO refused to see it. Now that Boozer plays in a big market everyone can see all his flaws, and now the league knows what an over paid scrub he is. Its the same thing with Jefferson. If Jefferson were to play on the Bulls right now, he'd be riding the bench and attracting rumors of amnesty just like Boozer is.

The Jazz coaching and FO just has to get smarter about this. Boozer is one thing, but to make the same mistake right after you just made your first one is just stupid. This time around should be much easier for them, but apparently its not.
Boozer was a hell of a lot better than Jefferson.

Ill agree. He knew how to play offense better, and was a lot smarter on the offensive end. But their lack of effort on defense is very similar.

But ya, as much as it pains me to say, I would rather have Boozer. But I dont want either one.
Ill agree. He knew how to play offense better, and was a lot smarter on the offensive end. But their lack of effort on defense is very similar.

But ya, as much as it pains me to say, I would rather have Boozer. But I dont want either one.
Al's probably better in an iso offense, he's been healthier in his time with the Jazz than Boozer was, and he can defend the 5 better than Boozer can. In team O and transition O, Boozer is ridiculously superior to Jefferson. Neither has a clue how to be effective team or transition defenders.
It's a bit late for some of the fanz here to agree with the idea about youngsters and coach but still glad most of fanz come along about it. Last year they gotta get minutes and we gotta have seen which of them are ready to for this year but Corbin couldn't show any signs that he has balls. This year it's the same story over and over. It's even painful to see other youngsters showing lots of potential and have more chances than ours such as Derrick williams, Tristan Thompson,Brandon Knight,Monroe etc. As we've been guessing end of the season, no chance to go ahead in playoffs so why is it so difficult to find the right solution? Just let youngsters play and close the door for the Big Al. Millsap's gotta stay if he accepts the backup role.
It's even painful to see other youngsters showing lots of potential and have more chances than ours such as Derrick williams, Tristan Thompson,Brandon Knight,Monroe etc.
We'll have to see how many minutes Williams gets once Kevin Love comes back. TT, Knight and Monroe play for garbage teams going nowhere; the Cavs and Pistons should not be the model the Jazz FO strives to copy.
It's funny because when the whole Boozer ordeal happened, he wanted out and a lot of teams wanted him. It's the complete opposite with Big Al. He's completely comfortable here cashing his check, being fat, and bein lazy. Nobody wants him badly enough
We'll have to see how many minutes Williams gets once Kevin Love comes back. TT, Knight and Monroe play for garbage teams going nowhere; the Cavs and Pistons should not be the model the Jazz FO strives to copy.

I do not mean it as a model, it's just what it's. It was same in last year and still nothing has changed. If jazz organization is hoping to dominate in playoffs it's just a dream will never come true. Some fanz thinks playoff experience is valuable for the youngsters right? Yeah but how many matches and minutes? So as i mentioned the names of other team's youngsters, they'll escape their garbage teams in near future versus of the jazz and then some fanz will be saying we should have drafted derrick or Tristan over Kanter etc. It's just wrong