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I need help planning on a workout routine

If you're really 6'4 and 155 and want to put on weight, drink a gallon of chocolate milk (tons of calories and protein) and soda everyday. It won't matter if you put on fat because then you can convert that to muscle a lot easier than converting nothing into muscle imo.
If you're really 6'4 and 155 and want to put on weight, drink a gallon of chocolate milk (tons of calories and protein) and soda everyday. It won't matter if you put on fat because then you can convert that to muscle a lot easier than converting nothing into muscle imo.

WTF?? You can't convert fat into muscle. Fat is fat and muscle is muscle. That's as dumb as saying you shouldn't lift weights because any muscle you gain will turn to fat if you stop lifting.

You're not still trying to convert lead into gold in your garage, are you?

And to those poo-pooing protein shakes. If you eat three squares a day and drink 3 protein shakes you'll be just as well off as someone eating 5-6 meals. Trust me, eating that much burns you out. FAST. Doing a shake is just easier all the way around and gives you what you need. One of my favs is a green banana shake:

1 cup of water
1 scoop of vanilla flavored whey protein
1 green banana
1 tbls of non-hydrogenated coconut oil
3 or 4 ice cubes

Tastes good, is not terribly filling and gives you a good spike in energy.

The green banana provides a starchy carb that doesn't spike insulin levels (don't use a ripe banana. It is more sugar than starch). The coconut oil gives you a spike in energy as it is a MCT (medium chain triglyceride, that is to say a fast burning fat that isn't stored as extra calories. It ramps up your metabolism) and a quality source of protein. You'll be shocked at how good you feel after drinking this. Much better than trying to pound down chicken and rice 6 times a day.
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WTF?? You can't convert fat into muscle. Fat is fat and muscle is muscle. That's as dumb as saying you shouldn't lift weights because any muscle you gain will turn to fat if you stop lifting.

You're not still trying to convert lead into gold in your garage, are you?

Wow. Way to be a condescending hack.

Ok, to clarify what I said. Yes, you're right, it's not possible to actually turn fat into muscle. Thanks for pointing that out. What I was getting at was this.

1. For every pound of lean muscle mass your body burns 50 calories per day even while resting! In other words, the more muscle mass you have the more calories your body will burn!

2. An intense weight training workout actually raises your body's metabolism for up to 39 hours after exercise. This means your metabolism has been stimulated therefore you will burn even more calories!

3. During weight training your body uses your body's carbohydrate stores for energy - the more intense the workout, the more carbohydrate stores are depleted meaning your body relies on fat to re-fuel during recovery.

Someone as skinny as Dmon is going to have a hell of a time putting on muscle if their body fat % is less than 5%. His metabolism is just too fast to put on weight unless he eats tons and tons of calories (even then, it's not a promise al la Shawn Bradley and the list goes on).

As someone who was once 6'5" and 175 and now 225 chocolate milk and soda worked wonders for me gaining weight and putting on muscle. The notion of slowing down the metabolism by putting on body fat gets mixed up with converting fat into muscle. Again, thanks for calling me out on it.

I have a few body building friends and the only suppliments they take are chocolate milk and calcium pills.
Keep in mind that it's quality over quantity. It's better to perform reps in perfect form than to do a ton of sloppy ones. Target different muscle groups and gradually increase intensity. It's important to get plenty of rest to help with muscle growth; don't overtrain, you'll just set yourself back.

It's been mentioned before, but it's really important to eat, especially for someone as tiny as you. Not only will it help you bulk up, but it also helps with recovery. Your main focus should be on proteins, carbs, and GOOD fats. Emphasis on "good" because even though you're increasing your caloric intake, you still have to choose wisely. Eat half an hour to an hour before you workout so you'll have the energy to train, and also within 15 minutes of finishing your workout in order to replenish your energy stores. Examples of foods to eat: red meat, tuna, salmon, cottage cheese, poultry, peanut butter, eggs, whole grains, oats, pasta, fruits, milk, etc. Most people consume more than enough proteins in their diet, so I would say you wouldn't need to drink protein shakes, but that's up to you. Eat three meals a day and snack constantly. Keep some almonds or an energy bar with you and stay hydrated! Good luck! :)

And then you were like, "**** it! I'm going to become a pastry chef instead, just to spite my degree wholeheartedly." Is that your story?

You know it! I was like...."F this! I wanna make people FAT instead!" ;)

I was actually planning on going to school for physical therapy after I got my bachelors, but after sitting through biomechanics and kinesiology during my senior year, I decided I'd rather die than put myself through those type of classes again.
Keep in mind that it's quality over quantity. It's better to perform reps in perfect form than to do a ton of sloppy ones. Target different muscle groups and gradually increase intensity. It's important to get plenty of rest to help with muscle growth; don't overtrain, you'll just set yourself back.

It's been mentioned before, but it's really important to eat, especially for someone as tiny as you. Not only will it help you bulk up, but it also helps with recovery. Your main focus should be on proteins, carbs, and GOOD fats. Emphasis on "good" because even though you're increasing your caloric intake, you still have to choose wisely. Eat half an hour to an hour before you workout so you'll have the energy to train, and also within 15 minutes of finishing your workout in order to replenish your energy stores. Examples of foods to eat: red meat, tuna, salmon, cottage cheese, poultry, peanut butter, eggs, whole grains, oats, pasta, fruits, milk, etc. Most people consume more than enough proteins in their diet, so I would say you wouldn't need to drink protein shakes, but that's up to you. Eat three meals a day and snack constantly. Keep some almonds or an energy bar with you and stay hydrated! Good luck! :)


For muscle gain do 3 set of reps 8-12 and use full motion. Mix up your routine regularly.

Eat calories for the size you want to be. All skinny people overestimate how many calories they are eating, so write them out everyday and keep track.

Eat 1.2 g of protein for every kg that you want to weigh.

That is all, pretty simple.

I can answer more questions for you if you want specifically if you message me. I am NSCA and ACE certified as well as have a Bachelors in Exercise Science.
Dan: Thank you so much for your insight. I just finished watching the video, and I have realized that I have probably been eating well below my daily caloric burn for months now. Here's the problem: my family eats SUPER healthy. Like zero dairy products (apart form the occasional goat yogurt), either quinoa, millet, or oats in the morning, brown rice at dinner, etc. We do eat meat, but id say I maybe eat like 20g of protein from meat sources every day. We eat a lot more legumes, like lentils, and what not. I am beginning to realize that this may not cut it, if I am willing to tack on 3000+ calories a day. As a rest, I shall be insetting on protein powder very soon, lol. You said Gold Standard protein is good? Is it fairly healthy? I wouldn't want a chemical-ladden protein power, though it is something I will accept fi there are no other alternatives. Any other dietary recommendations that you ol offer me? What are some foods that are generally very high n calories, and contribute a lot to caloric intake? Keep in mind that I was born in a middle class family, so I don't know if I get my parents to buy me ten dollars worth of chicken breast every single day.

Gold standard is probably the highest quality you can get You can read more about the company but their quality control claims to be the best.

Also I agree eggs are great but keep in mind they have a ton of fat which you need but again do the math on that video and figure out your macros and make sure youre hitting your daily macros. Gaining weight is your goal but I think youll be much happier with your results if you do a "clean" bulk by hitting your macros and not just eating yourself silly.

The daily burn tracker app is a hugely valuable tool in tracking your daily macros.
For muscle gain do 3 set of reps 8-12 and use full motion. Mix up your routine regularly.

Eat calories for the size you want to be. All skinny people overestimate how many calories they are eating, so write them out everyday and keep track.

Eat 1.2 g of protein for every kg that you want to weigh.

That is all, pretty simple.

I can answer more questions for you if you want specifically if you message me. I am NSCA and ACE certified as well as have a Bachelors in Exercise Science.

Isn't there a limit to how much protein your body can adsorb per day, so the people who pound protein shakes (on top a high protein diet) are really just wasting their money?
A few other important things that I don't think have been mentioned,

Incrementalism -

You don't need to put the whole shebang program together in one day at one specific moment. Get your diet going for a few days, then add in running and do that consistently for a couple of weeks or however long it takes you for your legs to start feeling good, then add in some abs until you start feeling good there, then add in some weights if that's what you want to do. You're going to need heaps of patience and to realize that you are going to be tinkering with your routines throughout your life so if you need to spend time getting your program/habits together, you're not going to be "losing" days or anything. It's always going to be an ongoing process.

Fullofcrapism -

A lot of people are full of **** and tend to exaggerate to the downside/upside of their athletic merits. It's a lot cooler to say you have only been working out for 2 months when you look like Hercules than it is to say you've been going for 10 years when that's true but you don't look like anything special. Weightlifters especially are prone to needing to look cool, so don't take too much of what they say to heart. They probably don't work out 6 hours a day or whatever they tell you, and they probably don't jump 40 inches, bench 450, and squat 600. Just like Trout only really hits 160 on the golf course.

This is important to note because none of that **** matters. Don't compare yourself anybody else, don't get discouraged if you aren't making the gains some people claim they do/did in a certain timeframe, don't worry if you miss a workout/set/run/meal/whatever every once in awhile, and I wouldn't even weigh frequently if I were you because of the shifting nature of body composition. None of that **** matters. It's just like anything else life, you don't need to be perfect, just keep falling forward and you'll get there. Consistency is where you're going to make gaines.

There are a lot of ways to gain muscle and get into shape. You might end up not liking weights, or you might be the type that can't sit in your living room and follow a video workout, or you might think rowing is best left to those dorky kids at Ivy League schools having a grand ole time blowing through daddy's wallet. Everyone else's program might not be right for you. Tinker. Tinker. Tinker.
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Yeah, I don't know if I mentioned it, but when you start weight lifting, start gradually. You are going to be insanely sore the 1st week so you don't want to over do it.
Also, I don't know if you do, but I love peanut butter. I eat natural stuff because the processed stuff is ridiculously unhealthy, but the natural stuff will still help you pack on calories.
You know it! I was like...."F this! I wanna make people FAT instead!" ;)

I was actually planning on going to school for physical therapy after I got my bachelors, but after sitting through biomechanics and kinesiology during my senior year, I decided I'd rather die than put myself through those type of classes again.


The only thing is, now you pretty much have to stay in good shape though don't you? Because one of the first things people are going to ask you ad infinitum,no matter how old you get, when you first meet is what you went to college for. If you're looking like a chunky monkey, they'll laugh like the funniest joke ever told has just been told every time you utter the words 'exercise science' together!
Isn't there a limit to how much protein your body can adsorb per day, so the people who pound protein shakes (on top a high protein diet) are really just wasting their money?

Studies are inconclusive on this still but I agree that you can only take in so much that is why I recommend that amount. 1.2 grams of protein for every kilogram you weigh is not pounding protein you can get that from your diet without taking protein shakes. That is what I recommend is trying to get your protein from your daily food and then see how much you are short and add in shakes if you need too. Also it is important to take protein through out the day and not all at once. For some one trying to put on weight I would highly recommend a slow absorbing protein at night before you go to bed like Casein protein.
Wow. Way to be a condescending hack.

Ok, to clarify what I said. Yes, you're right, it's not possible to actually turn fat into muscle. Thanks for pointing that out. What I was getting at was this.

Someone as skinny as Dmon is going to have a hell of a time putting on muscle if their body fat % is less than 5%. His metabolism is just too fast to put on weight unless he eats tons and tons of calories (even then, it's not a promise al la Shawn Bradley and the list goes on).

As someone who was once 6'5" and 175 and now 225 chocolate milk and soda worked wonders for me gaining weight and putting on muscle. The notion of slowing down the metabolism by putting on body fat gets mixed up with converting fat into muscle. Again, thanks for calling me out on it.

I have a few body building friends and the only suppliments they take are chocolate milk and calcium pills.

Maybe you should have clarified in your original post. When you make a comment such as it is easier to turn fat into muscle with no explanation what else am I to conclude, guy.
For some one trying to put on weight I would highly recommend a slow absorbing protein at night before you go to bed like Casein protein.

I would add that a fast absorbing protein pre and peri workout is advisable.

The only thing is, now you pretty much have to stay in good shape though don't you? Because one of the first things people are going to ask you ad infinitum,no matter how old you get, when you first meet is what you went to college for. If you're looking like a chunky monkey, they'll laugh like the funniest joke ever told has just been told every time you utter the words 'exercise science' together!

Yeah, I'll feel like Charles Barkley. Haha

I actually taught an exercise class at a senior center for my senior capstone class and was paired up with a classmate who was...well, pretty close to obese. The seniors kind of gave her a hard time for it. :/