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If the Jazz has the guts to trade Conley, then...


Well-Known Member
please give (hopefully realistic) suggestions here.

(I’m officially sweating this trade... So much of the future is leveraged...)
Otto Porter, Jr. Then trade for Marcus Morris.
They committed to a rebuild on June 19, 2019. But they probably were thinking it would be in 2-years.
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Dennis Lindsey has said he's been trying to acquire Conley for 5 years, he's not going to give up on him after half a season. Next season his contract will be more valuable because it's expiring, I could see us moving him at next years deadline if things aren't working out by then. I really believe we're going to give this core at least a whole season together
Dennis Lindsey has said he's been trying to acquire Conley for 5 years, he's not going to give up on him after half a season. Next season his contract will be more valuable because it's expiring, I could see us moving him at next years deadline if things aren't working out by then. I really believe we're going to give this core at least a whole season together
I agree with this, but it isn’t what the thread is about.
I was not a huge fan of the trade at the time. But whatever.

I'd sniff around at Gordon or Fournier and Augustin.

Kevin Love.

Chris Paul.

I don't ****ing know. He just has to be better.
Exum + Conley = Love or Griffin. We get a Big PF that can shoot and rebound that we desperately need.

Exum + Conley = Love or Griffin. We get a Big PF that can shoot and rebound that we desperately need.


I'd Trade or let Niang go for just about anyone that plays his position also but there's too many NBA and G-league players to name
If we are all in then lets go the eff all in. Was watching Chris Paul last night against the Kings... end of the game the other guys could barely dribble when he was around. When he wants to turn it up he's still goog enough.

Basics of the deal...

Utah gets CP and Marcus Morris. Utah sends Conley to NY and Exum to OKC. Ed goes to NY for matching salary.

OKC send CP3 gets Exum Portis and Ellington... they get off of almost all the CP salary so likely could throw in some seconds for someone.

NY sends Portis, Morris, Ellington and gets Conley.

OKC doesn't want the final year of CP's salary and doesn't really care about making the 8th seed. NY has a front office that is struggling and needs a vet pg... cap space not a big deal because they can still get to almost max space but are likely not a destination this summer and its a really bad FA crop.

I don't think its a great bet for us... but if all our guys are relatively healthy I think the team's ceiling is higher. Would be tough to watch CP3 and I'd be waiting for the hamstring tear in the playoffs.
Other options would include to Minny for Teague and Covington... Not sure why Minny does that but they are in the middle and I can't see KAT wanting to sign up for another tear down.

Orlando there may be something around Gordon and Augustin, but I think they could do better with Aaron.

I wouldn't trade him for Love or Blake... and it would likely need to be a three teamer to make sense.

Basically as @NUMBERICA said... he just needs to play better.
I'm going to add the "Aaron Gordon" to the filter list and start fracking people who keep abusing it.
The Bulls do weird stuff sometimes so maybe they'd do Sato, Young, Dunn for Conley... the rationale would be kinda weird but maybe take the ball out of Lavine's hands? IDK spitballing.
Dennis Lindsey has said he's been trying to acquire Conley for 5 years, he's not going to give up on him after half a season. Next season his contract will be more valuable because it's expiring, I could see us moving him at next years deadline if things aren't working out by then. I really believe we're going to give this core at least a whole season together
Also, fwiw, Morey had the same 5-yr crush on Chris Paul.