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I'm really getting pissed...

If any of you know me -- and a bunch of you do -- I'm a flaming liberal and I am far from racist.
Everybody has racist tendencies.

I've said it a million times, I don't give a rats *** who you are or what you are, as long as you're not a waste of skin loser, sucking on the teet of everyone else's hard work.

Now, I wouldn't exactly describe myself as a liberal, but no liberal would ever make such a statement.

You also are scum to me if you are breaking the law. Black, white, Mexican, Arab, Dumbass -- it doesn't matter; if you fit into the above category, I hate you. This whole article fits under all of the above.

Any law? How about speeders? Speeders are scum? So you've never broken the speed limit. Ever changed lanes without blinking? What about checking your blind spot?

Or is it just people who break the immigration laws that piss you off?
My take: If the cards say on their face that they're not valid identification then it is what it is. Everyone should have known there was a risk that it would be denied at the door, especially if the Depot had signs up indicating they wouldn't accept the Driver's cards as identification.

That they turned away people who presented passports and green cards that they believed to be false is irrelevant and no different than what you see in every college town in America when bouncers inspect I.D.s and confiscate those they believe are fake.

That said, I'm sure some people were ruder than they needed to be in enforcing their policy and others were ruder than was warranted when they were justifiably turned away. Tensions flare in these situations.
My take: If the cards say on their face that they're not valid identification then it is what it is. Everyone should have known there was a risk that it would be denied at the door, especially if the Depot had signs up indicating they wouldn't accept the Driver's cards as identification.

That they turned away people who presented passports and green cards that they believed to be false is irrelevant and no different than what you see in every college town in America when bouncers inspect I.D.s and confiscate those they believe are fake.

That said, I'm sure some people were ruder than they needed to be in enforcing their policy and others were ruder than was warranted when they were justifiably turned away. Tensions flare in these situations.
That's way too level-headed for this thread. Please take your level-headedness somewhere else.
Well, you know that a thread has reached, "Salty Proportions" when I want to respond with a quote of a one of my previous posts.

How about this, and I'll be done:

I overreacted to something stupid. I will admit that I drew conclusions that were likely not the case. I will admit that I was likely in a bad mood when I posted this thread. I will admit that I came off like a jack ***. Also, I find it a terrible thing when friends of mine point out hypocritical aspects in the way I present my feelings -- for that I am humbled and thankful. GVC, Tink, and O>D, I appreciate the comments and I hope to learn from them. The rest of you? Go suck a sheep scrote, jack holes.
Well, you know that a thread has reached, "Salty Proportions" when I want to respond with a quote of a one of my previous posts.

How about this, and I'll be done:

I overreacted to something stupid. I will admit that I drew conclusions that were likely not the case. I will admit that I was likely in a bad mood when I posted this thread. I will admit that I came off like a jack ***. Also, I find it a terrible thing when friends of mine point out hypocritical aspects in the way I present my feelings -- for that I am humbled and thankful. GVC, Tink, and O>D, I appreciate the comments and I hope to learn from them. The rest of you? Go suck a sheep scrote, jack holes.

That's downright decent of you. I apologize for my sarcastic comment that parodied your original post using overt racism.
Well, you know that a thread has reached, "Salty Proportions" when I want to respond with a quote of a one of my previous posts.

How about this, and I'll be done:

I overreacted to something stupid. I will admit that I drew conclusions that were likely not the case. I will admit that I was likely in a bad mood when I posted this thread. I will admit that I came off like a jack ***. Also, I find it a terrible thing when friends of mine point out hypocritical aspects in the way I present my feelings -- for that I am humbled and thankful. GVC, Tink, and O>D, I appreciate the comments and I hope to learn from them. The rest of you? Go suck a sheep scrote, jack holes.

Salty proportions? I wasn't involved in this in any way, so if it reached any sort of level, don't throw cheap shots at me for it. It just goes to show that I catch a lot of unwarranted heat around here. I'm actually getting called out for a thread I had nothing to do with, lol, nice.
If they were in the country legally and just forgot their real id, then they made a mistake. If they were the country illegally and then they are criminals and should have been arrested.
Well, you know that a thread has reached, "Salty Proportions" when I want to respond with a quote of a one of my previous posts.

How about this, and I'll be done:

I overreacted to something stupid. I will admit that I drew conclusions that were likely not the case. I will admit that I was likely in a bad mood when I posted this thread. I will admit that I came off like a jack ***. Also, I find it a terrible thing when friends of mine point out hypocritical aspects in the way I present my feelings -- for that I am humbled and thankful. GVC, Tink, and O>D, I appreciate the comments and I hope to learn from them. The rest of you? Go suck a sheep scrote, jack holes.
Well, ****, I stewed over this for many hours, even called an old friend to rant like a complete jackass, and was ready to come on here and rip you a new one (you know, for being completely un-American, and calling me, as well as millions upon millions of extremely courageous, persecuted people scum), but I suppose now I can't. Color me disappointed.

You're still an *** though, Trout...

and that's just the way I like you.
You were being cited as an exemplar, not a participant.

Yeah I know. My point was perhaps I shouldn't be getting cited as an example if the thread got there without me. Maybe it reached Trout proportions, or TICC proportions, or whoever else was involved in the thread.

I've been in a lot of threads that reached this "salty" level, no doubt. But I was never the only person posting in one of those threads. To single me out is nothing more than an unwarranted cheap shot.
Yeah I know. My point was perhaps I shouldn't be getting cited as an example if the thread got there without me. Maybe it reached Trout proportions, or TICC proportions, or whoever else was involved in the thread.

I've been in a lot of threads that reached this "salty" level, no doubt. But I was never the only person posting in one of those threads. To single me out is nothing more than an unwarranted cheap shot.

Comcast rulez your butt hole.
Sometimes I wish I were a minority so every time someone treats me a like an *** hole I can play the racism card. But since I am white I am have to chalk it up to people just being *** holes.
Immigrants are suppressed in the United States. But than again so are a lot of natives. Hard work is what this country was built on and nothing has changed from then to now. My problem lies when people come into our nation and milk the "system" expecting handouts, we already have enough of these people. Now I'm no expert in what it takes to become a legal citizen of the United States but I know it happens. We have to draw the line somewhere and quit being so persuaded by the "your racist" rebuttles (nothing to do with the article). Hard work, dedication, and participating to the well-being of the community is all I ask for. These types, not race, of people hold all of us hard working straight arrow citizens down.
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This thread just makes me miss the days of having my Raspberry Delight and eating it, too.