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It’s official Donovan is the GOAT

True story, my girlfriend went to Palmdale with Paul George. Graduated with him. Said he was really laid back, cool, collected and didn't really "get around". He kept his mind on basketball.
True story, my girlfriend went to Palmdale with Paul George. Graduated with him. Said he was really laid back, cool, collected and didn't really "get around". He kept his mind on basketball.
I mean if the Jazz got a meeting with him it would shed some of the image we have off. Donovan is helping with that immensely. The no one wants to play here image that will fill the replies of his tweet. The NBA seems to be a bit like high school in a way, playing in certain places isn’t “cool” and there’s a peer pressure that comes along with that. Donovan is not afraid to break that mold....and that is a very very good thing.
I wonder if he really knows the implications or if he’s just having fun.

Like does he know Favors and Exum (and Thabo, and Jonas, and Epke) are gone if PG comes? Or do they never think it through that much?
I mean if the Jazz got a meeting with him it would shed some of the image we have off. Donovan is helping with that immensely. The no one wants to play here image that will fill the replies of his tweet. The NBA seems to be a bit like high school in a way, playing in certain places isn’t “cool” and there’s a peer pressure that comes along with that. Donovan is not afraid to break that mold....and that is a very very good thing.
Been saying this forever. We need to place a voicemail to LeBron and KD’s agents and then leak to the media that we’re in talks. It will be like the kids at school about to laugh at the idea, but then look around to everyone else to see if they’ll laugh too or if they need to take it serious.
I wonder if he really knows the implications or if he’s just having fun.

Like does he know Favors and Exum (and Thabo, and Jonas, and Epke) are gone if PG comes? Or do they never think it through that much?
i think he said something to the effect that he'd also be cool developing what we have instead of bringing someone in. He phrased it like an either/or. I think to some extent he gets it.
I wonder if he really knows the implications or if he’s just having fun.

Like does he know Favors and Exum (and Thabo, and Jonas, and Epke) are gone if PG comes? Or do they never think it through that much?
I don’t. And I get it’s a business. But imagine you have a co-worker, who you’ve been through a lot with and you hear them on the phone telling someone else they know to come put in for your job, knowing you’re fired if they choose to take your job.....I can’t imagine it strengthens a relationship...or locker room... to so openly do this. It’s one thing when you have 30 million in cap space, it’s another when it could potentially impact 4-5 guys lives.

Like I said, I thought it was funny, whether some of his teammates do is another story. And before you think it’s not I would just say most professional athletes are wired different, and I could see a little tension there.
Tbh, Mitchell’s George push has completely changed my opinion on signing George. I’m solidly in favor of it now.

That’s a few chips imo.
i laughed at this....Donovan’s funny if nothing else. I don’t see a chance in hell of it happening, but I’m all for him trying

You need to believe, I wouldn't laugh at it. The Jazz may not be a hot spot for free agents, but if they are really wanting to win they will look at Utah. There's nothing funny about it. Anyone of the free agents available with a good basketball IQ should consider Utah. We have a couple of things that 90% of the other teams in the league don't have. Starting with the coach. There are so many teams that could do much better if they only had a great coach to lead them. But great coaches don't grow on trees. You can't just go out and find a great coach. When you sign a coach, you are rolling the dice.
We also have a guy worth building a championship team around and his name is Donovan Mitchell. He is a player unlike anything the NBA has seen in a long time. Hayward was not the guy! Donovan has entered a zone that Hayward will never be comfortable with even temporarily occupying.
It's very real that we could be seeing big free agents come here in the near future.
You need to believe, I wouldn't laugh at it. The Jazz may not be a hot spot for free agents, but if they are really wanting to win they will look at Utah. There's nothing funny about it. Anyone of the free agents available with a good basketball IQ should consider Utah. We have a couple of things that 90% of the other teams in the league don't have. Starting with the coach. There are so many teams that could do much better if they only had a great coach to lead them. But great coaches don't grow on trees. You can't just go out and find a great coach. When you sign a coach, you are rolling the dice.
We also have a guy worth building a championship team around and his name is Donovan Mitchell. He is a player unlike anything the NBA has seen in a long time. Hayward was not the guy! Donovan has entered a zone that Hayward will never be comfortable with even temporarily occupying.
It's very real that we could be seeing big free agents come here in the near future.
I mean I agree to an extent but there’s other options out there, and Donovan has had one year in this league. I’m not sure he’s got the clout to actually recruit anyone let alone their being any precedent anywhere where recruiting actually worked in a situation like this.
I mean I agree to an extent but there’s other options out there, and Donovan has had one year in this league. I’m not sure he’s got the clout to actually recruit anyone let alone their being any precedent anywhere where recruiting actually worked in a situation like this.

Remember, Donovan is in Utah and he is a special player. Even if his recruiting efforts don't turn out a success, it is still a success that we FINALY have a special player who is actually trying to recruit players to Utah instead of them trying to leave Utah. As Jazz fanz we are fans to one of the smallest markets in the NBA, we need to appreciate any effort being made. I have been a Jazz fan for 3 decades and I can count on one hand how many Jazz players I have heard about doing any recruiting at all and I sill have fingers left over. Let him do his thing and support. Every No is one No closer to a YES!
I really hope PG considers it. This team would be so good with PG. We would be the #1 defense in the NBA by a massive margin and we'd be in the top 5-10 teams offensively too. We'd probably win 60 games next year. And DM wouldnt even be in his prime yet. We would be scary good.
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