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It's Kanter

Randy Rigby says that Kanter has been on their radar for a long time. They even went to Kentucky to scout him as long ago as last December. Kanter is who they wanted all along and all the trade talk about moving up to get Williams was a smokescreen.
Jazz had Kanter ranked No. 2 on their board. Felt Brandon Knight filled a need, but went with top talent. On paper, he's a stud.

per Ford...
I don't see Darko or Tskiti in this top ten big man. He has a brain and a work ethic, something those two were lacking. We got an excellent pick.

Now what the **** do we do about Jefferson / Favors / Millsap / Kanter / Evans. What a monstrous frontline.
It's hard to get really excited about Kanter since there's nothing to look at. I trust KOC and Ty really saw something extraordinary in him. He's definitely in a good spot to learn as a backup for a few years. But I suspect he's going to struggle early adapting.
I said that Kanter is not the defensive center the Jazz need, and I stand by that statement. But I also said that if the eventual plan is to move Favors to center and play Kanter at power forward, I was onboard with that. Wish I knew the full future plan to rebuild the Jazz over the next 2 years. Welcome aboard Enes!
Who is moved? Jefferson or Millsap? Jefferson brings you more back and Millsap is the perfect sixth
man with a great work ethic and can show the young ones how to win. I like this team. Smart vets with Harris, Bell and Millsap and a ton of potential with Favors, Kanter, Burks, and Hayward. If you can move Jefferson for a legit sf who can score, I'd do it in a heartbeat.