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ITT, I briefly post my absurd opinion on every Utah Jazz player.


Who here actually thought Jamaal Tinsley would be a solid backup guard? Nobody, that's who.

When we first signed him, I joked around that we finally got our #1 pick-- seeing as he went #1 in the D-League draft after his initial NBA retirement-- but expecting absolutely nothing of him. For the first two months of the season, he averaged about 5 minutes per game. So every time there was a Jamaal Tinsley sighting, I'd jokingly be like: "YEAH, NUMBA ONE PICK FINALLY ON DA FLO".

After a few appearances, though, I stopped joking about the fact that Jamaal was on the floor, and started getting excited. Not excited in a "Oh man, our future is bright" kind of way-- I mean, the guy's 34 years old. But excited in a "Holy crap, this garbage pickup we made is actually not so garbage" kind of way.

The guy is the epitome of 'veteran savvy'. He knows how to get what he wants, how to fool his opponents, and his schoolyard tricks make me giggle like a little schoolboy.


Even better than his veteran savvy, and schoolyard tricks, is his amazing attitude. The guy is one of our best bench cheerleaders. At timeouts, he's one of the first guys off the bench to pull aside our young players, and give them advice. He doesn't complain about the role he's given, and he absolutely steps up when we need him to. He's an amazing person to have in the locker room, and I'm so glad we have him to support our young core.

The only problem I have with Jamaal Tinsley is the fact that he has to battle Earl Watson, another extremely likable team-friendly backup Point Guard, for minutes. If I were to make a poll on JazzFanz right now called "Who should be first off the bench, Earl Watson, or Jamaal Tinsley", I wouldn't be surprised if the results came up 50/50.

In the end, I love the crap out of Jamaal Tinsley, and I'm glad we extended him the extra year.

I already knew Jamaal was going to be atleast decent coming off a Jazz bench where we have absolutely no legit backup point guard. I mean It's Jamaal Tinsley, the guy was pretty damn good for like the first 6 seasons of his career.