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Jason Collins is gay

Welp. Chris Brossaurd just went on air with a huge anti-gay rant about how the Bible says it's awful.


Please let this be the thing that fires him.

I mean, honestly, I'm more offended by his awful basketball analytics than his biggotry.

But yeah, this is just straight up unacceptable to say on national TV. It's okay to be like "I'm concerned at what this may cause in the locker room", but to go on a huge religious rant is straight up ridiculous.

Aren't you showing religious bigotry?
Sad we can't have a sense of humor about anything these days with out people making baseless judgments against people. Sorry if I offended anyone with my comment, but it was not meant with any mean spirit. I just saw the quote somewhere else and thought it was funny.

To be honest about this situation is I'm happy for him and if he feels this was what he wanted to do then it's great. I hope more people follow. Being trapped, pretending to being someone you are not has to be one of the worst things. The more people start to realize there are more out there then they think, the more exposure and the more "normal" it becomes, the better it will be for everyone. I look forward to the day when a "celeb" being gay is a non-issue.

For the record, I am for gay marriage/marriage equality. I always have been. Anyone who knows me would know that. I don't think it's right to tell someone else how to live their life when it's hurting no-one else. No, I don't believe it's hurting marriage or family or kids that are adopted by them. I also have no problem with people joking about things and having fun with situations. Even if it's towards me. Insults and blind accusations do bug me though.
Welp. Chris Brossaurd just went on air with a huge anti-gay rant about how the Bible says it's awful.


Please let this be the thing that fires him.

I mean, honestly, I'm more offended by his awful basketball analytics than his biggotry.

But yeah, this is just straight up unacceptable to say on national TV. It's okay to be like "I'm concerned at what this may cause in the locker room", but to go on a huge religious rant is straight up ridiculous.

A rant? No. He was merely explaining his thoughts on it. Are we not allowed to do that anymore?

How can you preach tolerance when you say that Broussard should be fired for his comments. Seems like you're being a little bit of a hypocrite, doesn't it?
Nothing to lose? That is stupid. This could easily effect his chances to get jobs post-NBA. What if he wanted to work for a team somehow, either as a staff member, announcer,etc. and they didn't hire him because of this?

In this day and age, if a homosexual person doesn't get a job, they usually will right away say it's because they're gay. I don't think he has to worry about finding a job. Hell, he'll probably get signed to a team just because of this, even though he sucks at basketball.
In this day and age, if a homosexual person doesn't get a job, they usually will right away say it's because they're gay. I don't think he has to worry about finding a job. Hell, he'll probably get signed to a team just because of this, even though he sucks at basketball.

If that was true, a lot more people would be claiming they were gay.
Aren't you showing religious bigotry?

Nope. I'm just being myself, while I hear religious people telling me that I'm a horrible person.

I didn't choose my homosexuality-- you chose your religion. Anti-gay religious people are choosing to be a bigot, where I just have to deal with it.
I would be a bigot against religious people if I were to argue that being religion should be illegal, and that it's a menace to society.

I'm just trying to co-exist here, but religious folk just won't have it.
I would be a bigot against religious people if I were to argue that being religious should be illegal, and that it's a menace to society.

I'm just trying to co-exist here, but religious folk just won't have it.

That is true for a lot of religious people, but I didn't really hear the undertone of hate from Broussard. I felt like he stated his beliefs and how he didn't agree with a lifestyle, kind of like how a Democrat and Republican can be friends, but have strong disbelief in the others viewpoints.
I would be a bigot against religious people if I were to argue that being religion should be illegal, and that it's a menace to society.

I'm just trying to co-exist here, but religious folk just won't have it.

Did Broussard say that homosexuality should be illegal or that it's a menace to society?

He simply said that he thought it was immoral, just like he thinks pre-marital sex between anybody is immoral. You'll notice he also didn't say that should be illegal. Just because some people say that, does not mean that all religious people think that. For you to think that is hypocritical. It would be like me thinking that all gay men are flamboyant wussies who talk with a lisp. You can say you're trying to co-exist, but I see you attacking Broussard a lot more than he's attacking you.
Nothing to lose? That is stupid. This could easily effect his chances to get jobs post-NBA. What if he wanted to work for a team somehow, either as a staff member, announcer,etc. and they didn't hire him because of this?
Look at it from the other perspective...Amaechi got a ton of free publicity that aided his book sales. And he had no trouble becoming the UK's "basketball ambassador." Like someone else said, to NOT involve Jason in the NBA in some capacity would make it appear the owners are blackballing him (and no, there is not a pun intended). Regardless of what my personal beliefs are, I think this is a non-issue.
Broussard is just a pious *******. "Yeah I have gay friends, they're aight but they are sinners". He likes to lord his righteousness over peeps, and what's more, highlight the fact that he can still be friends with them in spite of their sinning ways. What a saint.


He actually comes across as being semi-reasonable until you realize he's pretty much just applauding the way he is able to "tolerate" having functional relationships with people he believes he has the moral high ground over. That's what makes the op-ed so absurd, its a message of tolerance and working with others in spite of your differences, just with your differences being that you're a righteous God obeying Christian and the other guy is a fornicating heathen. Lol.

I mean I can at least acknowledge the way he doesn't seem to worried about forcing his viewpoint on others. I just happen to think its a pretty douchey viewpoint.
Broussard is just a pious *******. "Yeah I have gay friends, they're aight but they are sinners". He likes to lord his righteousness over peeps, and what's more, highlight the fact that he can still be friends with them in spite of their sinning ways. What a saint.


He actually comes across as being semi-reasonable until you realize he's pretty much just applauding the way he is able to "tolerate" having functional relationships with people he believes he has the moral high ground over. That's what makes the op-ed so absurd, its a message of tolerance and working with others in spite of your differences, just with your differences being that you're a righteous God obeying Christian and the other guy is a fornicating heathen. Lol.

I mean I can at least acknowledge the way he doesn't seem to worried about forcing his viewpoint on others. I just happen to think its a pretty douchey viewpoint.

Yeah, it is definitely douchey, but it is what it is.

We deal with this in everyday life though, just on less personal levels. People have some kind of strong opinion on 1 thing, and look down on others for having the opposing opinion.

I go back to my analogy about Democracts/Republicans. Do I look down on people morally who support pro-life and oppose pro-choice and find them to be kind of stupid? Yeah, but I'm still friends with those people

Yeah, if you let that sole thing dictate how you choose your friends, then it's going to be a problem. Since religion is such a huge thing in people's lives, a lot of people have trouble separating it from there personal and professional relationships.

I'm sure Chris Broussard is friends with Atheist, and he probably has the same viewpoint that they are equally hell-bound sinners. I'm sure he is still friends with them though.
Here is a profound statement and principle found in the Bible:"Do not be misled! Bad association spoils useful habits!" (1 Cor. 15:33) With that in mind, isn't it true that those we associate with have a definite effect on our thinking and viewpoint, which can lead to actions and conduct? The Bible says God created humans "male and female"....thus even though masculinity still must be learned as well as femininity, those who are homosexual or lesbian are not "born" that way but have acquired a learned practice from those whom they have associated with over the years. The World Book Encyclopedia states: “Most men and women differ from each other not only in anatomy, but in behavior and interests as well. Some of these differences are biologically determined. . . . But many non-anatomical differences appear to be based on sex roles that are learned by every individual. People are born male or female, but they learn to be masculine or feminine.”
In this day and age, if a homosexual person doesn't get a job, they usually will right away say it's because they're gay. I don't think he has to worry about finding a job. Hell, he'll probably get signed to a team just because of this, even though he sucks at basketball.

This was even stupider.