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Jason Collins is gay

Much attention has been given to genetic studies. Among homosexual males and females who have identical twins, about half of their twins are likewise homosexual. Since monozygotic [identical] twins are genetic duplicates, it seemed logical to conclude that some mysterious gene caused the deviation. However, note that half the twin siblings were not homosexual. If this trait were really genetically programmed, would not all the twins have it? True, genes and hormones may play some role. Even so, Scientific American reported the findings of some that the evidence “strongly suggests that environment contributes significantly to sexual orientation.”

My opinion on homosexuality has not changed, nor will it. If you're gay, you go do your thing. If you're not, you're still gonna go do your thing. I'm not convinced I could care less should a person prefer clam or bratwurst.

But it does open up some ground for the religious type that have always said it's not genetic. And I don't care for that.

Also, I'm gonna back UGLI up. With the level of acceptance homosexuality has in this day and age, it's hard to give an opinion to the contrary without being labeled a bigot. I don't agree with what Broussard said, and I think he has a lot to accept about the direction the world is headed, and it probably wasn't hard for him to say it at the time.. but I bet it's harder for CB to live with what he said than it will be for Mr Collins to live post-closet.
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Google both of their names. Who is the hero and who is facing backlash?

Broussard just regurgitated what he's been taught all his life. Collins had to reconcile who he was with his beliefs.

Collins will get more vicious hate mail, will be the butt of ugly jokes (see carolinajazz in the Jazz Forum topic), will be accused of being a token where ever he is hired, etc.
But it does open up some ground for the religious type that have always said it's not genetic. And I don't care for that.

If you look at non-identical twins where one twin is gay, the other twin is gay with about the same frequency as if they had not been a twin (that is, the same as if they had been an older/younger sibling). If the twins are identical, the other twin is gay about five times as often. Being gay may not be completely genetically determined, but there is an obvious genetic component. However, this is only evidence, and religious types usually ignore evidence they don't like.
If you look at non-identical twins where one twin is gay, the other twin is gay with about the same frequency as if they had not been a twin (that is, the same as if they had been an older/younger sibling). If the twins are identical, the other twin is gay about five times as often. Being gay may not be completely genetically determined, but there is an obvious genetic component. However, this is only evidence, and religious types usually ignore evidence they don't like.

Even one in a million is enough for a fanatic to build a "castle" on.

But since you've got so much information about it, a link would be helpful. :)
If you look at non-identical twins where one twin is gay, the other twin is gay with about the same frequency as if they had not been a twin (that is, the same as if they had been an older/younger sibling). If the twins are identical, the other twin is gay about five times as often. Being gay may not be completely genetically determined, but there is an obvious genetic component. However, this is only evidence, and religious types usually ignore evidence they don't like.

Some intellectual honesty wrapped up with an obvious trolling conclusion (no, wait, I'm sure you've got data that indicates that religious types are more prone to confirmation bias and ignoring conflicting evidence than a-religious types, right?) It's nothing more than hate-speech cloaked in faux-intellectualism, and I'd like to think you're better than that.

"Being gay may not be completely genetically determined, but there is an obvious genetic component"

That conclusion seems to be consistent with most studies: that there is a genetic component. In other words, there is some level of genetics and some level of choice or conditioning...but that statement doesn't fit anyone's polarized argument. The associate with whom I've discussed the topic the most, a gay man who is very much at the front of advocacy in this area, feels it insulting to be labeled as being helpless in the matter and merely at the mercy of genetics. Anecdotal to be sure, but interesting.
Some intellectual honesty wrapped up with an obvious trolling conclusion (no, wait, I'm sure you've got data that indicates that religious types are more prone to confirmation bias and ignoring conflicting evidence than a-religious types, right?) It's nothing more than hate-speech cloaked in faux-intellectualism, and I'd like to think you're better than that.

No, I'm not. I mean, I certainly have my own deeply attached beliefs. In recent years, I have endeavored to make one of those deeply attached beliefs "deeply attached beliefs are likely to mislead you", but I can't vouch for my personal success in that, and I'm sure others will say I've had no success at all.


"Being gay may not be completely genetically determined, but there is an obvious genetic component"

That conclusion seems to be consistent with most studies: that there is a genetic component. In other words, there is some level of genetics and some level of choice or conditioning...but that statement doesn't fit anyone's polarized argument. The associate with whom I've discussed the topic the most, a gay man who is very much at the front of advocacy in this area, feels it insulting to be labeled as being helpless in the matter and merely at the mercy of genetics. Anecdotal to be sure, but interesting.

The lure of individuality is very strong. We all like to think ourselves masters of our world.

However, for me, this is a matter of definitions. If you have no choice, you are attracted to members of the opposite sex, then you are heterosexual. If you have no choice, you are attracted to members of the same sex, then you are homosexual. If you have a choice, you are attracted to members of the either sex, then you are bisexual (this is not meant to be an exhaustive list). I don't see why the existence of bisexuals would be evidence homosexuals don't exist, or vice-versa.
"Being gay may not be completely genetically determined, but there is an obvious genetic component"

That conclusion seems to be consistent with most studies: that there is a genetic component. In other words, there is some level of genetics and some level of choice or conditioning....

.....it's true that some males are born with two x's and a y.....while some females are born with two y's and an x. However, here is where the need for both parents to play their role! Again, although born male you still have to learn "masculinity" and when born female you still have to learn "femininity." However, if homosexuals had there way the earth's population would gradually disappear....since homosexuals and lesbians cannot reproduce.
He probably was. What's your point?

....so when did he become homosexual? Obviously, he started out heterosexual. So was it his association with homosexuals? There are those who try to change their sexual role in life from one to the other. However, the Bible does not set out any alternative life-styles approved by God.
....so when did he become homosexual? Obviously, he started out heterosexual. So was it his association with homosexuals? There are those who try to change their sexual role in life from one to the other. However, the Bible does not set out any alternative life-styles approved by God.

Most homosexuals are born that way, but there are others in that gray line, who are influenced for various reasons, including frustrating relations with the opposite sex or an understanding friend of the same sex who is gay / a lesbian.

What bothers me about some gays is that they try to force themselves on straight people despite that they know the person is straight -- that is, they try to influence people (often much younger) whom they know are vulnerable and whom they think they can intimidate. Like Catholic priests, for instance.
Most homosexuals are born that way......

....sorry, but can't buy into your faulty reasoning. The Bible says God created humans "male and female"....homosexual practices as well as homosexuals themselves have "learned" that activity. Just as a "thief" is not "born" a thief but becomes a thief from his associations and perhaps reading material.
The bible also says to kill children that curse at their parents, kill nonbelievers, kill people who are not virgins and get married, and to kill people that work on Sundays. Get on it, the bible says so!

Using the bible as defense against gay people is stupid, because you pick and choose the 40% that you want to follow, and the 60% that you choose to ignore because it is outdated.
....so when did he become homosexual? Obviously, he started out heterosexual. So was it his association with homosexuals? There are those who try to change their sexual role in life from one to the other. However, the Bible does not set out any alternative life-styles approved by God.

You seem to be assuming that straight people can never have gay sex and still be straight, and gay people can't have straight sex and still be gay. But that's a bad assumption on your part. Heterosexuality and homosexuality are orientations, not practices/activities.

For instance, we all know about rape in prison. But guys who rape other guys in prison typically aren't gay. The sex is about dominance and power. So there's an easy example of straight guys having gay sex. Doesn't mean they're actually homosexual.

And can you really not imagine that a gay person would try to deny who they are, fool themselves, etc, and try to make straight sex work? You can be a gay guy and have sex with women, not wanting to admit to yourself that you're actually into guys.
....so when did he become homosexual? Obviously, he started out heterosexual.

He was always homosexual.

You have confused behavior and orientation. It's common, particularly for deeply Christian/Muslim/Jewish/etc. individuals, to try to lead a straight lifestyle even though they are gay.
The bible also says to kill children that curse at their parents,

If an occasion arose where a son became absolutely rebellious and incorrigible after repeated warnings and the necessary discipline, a still sterner measure was taken. The son was brought before the older men of the city, and after testimony from the parents that he was an irreformable offender, the delinquent suffered capital punishment by stoning. Such arrangement evidently had reference to a son beyond the age of what is usually considered a young child, for this one the Scriptures describe as “a glutton and a drunkard.” (De 21:18-21) One striking his father or mother, or calling down evil upon his parents, was put to death. The reason for such strong measures was that the nation might clear away what was bad from their midst and so that “all Israel [would] hear and indeed become afraid.” Therefore, any tendency in the nation toward juvenile delinquency or disrespect of parental authority would be greatly retarded by the punishment inflicted upon such offenders.—Ex 21:15,*17; Mt 15:4; Mr 7:10.

kill nonbelievers....

On the surface, God’s exterminating the Canaanites might seem inconsistent with his love. (1*John 4:8) However, that love becomes quite apparent when we take a closer look. God knew long beforehand that Canaan’s inhabitants were headed in the wrong direction. Yet, instead of immediately wiping them out, he patiently allowed 400 years to pass until their error had “come to completion.”—Genesis 15:16. When the sin of the Canaanites reached the point where all hope of improvement was gone, God brought their end. Even so, he did not blindly execute all Canaanites. Why? Because not all were beyond reform. Those willing to change, such as Rahab and the Gibeonites, were shown mercy.—Joshua 9:3-11, 16-27; Hebrews 11:31.

kill people who are not virgins and get married.....

According to the Law, a man who seduced an unengaged virgin had to give her father 50 silver shekels ($110), was to marry her (if her father permitted), and was not allowed to divorce her “all his days.” (Ex 22:16,*17; De 22:28,*29) But an engaged virgin, being viewed as already belonging to a husband, was to be stoned to death if she did not scream when sexually attacked. Her failure to scream would have denoted consent and thus would have constituted her an adulteress. (De 22:23,*24; compare Mt 1:18,*19.)

and to kill people that work on Sundays.

Shortly after the Israelites received the Ten Commandments, a man was discovered gathering wood on the Sabbath. This was strictly forbidden in the Law. (Numbers 15:32-34; Deuteronomy 5:12-15) How would you have judged the case? Would you have excused the man, arguing that, after all, he was not working to maintain a luxurious life-style but to provide the necessities for his family? Would you have pointed out that there would be many occasions throughout the year to observe the Sabbath and that one missed opportunity, perhaps because of the man’s failure to plan ahead, could easily be forgiven?
God viewed the case more seriously. “In time,” the Bible states, “God said to Moses: ‘Without fail the man should be put to death.’” (Numbers 15:35) Why did God feel so strongly about what the man did?
The people had six days to gather wood as well as to handle their needs regarding food, clothing, and shelter. The seventh day was to be devoted to their spiritual needs. While it was not wrong to gather wood, it was wrong to use time that should have been set aside to worship God to do so. Although Christians are not under the Mosaic Law, does this incident not teach us a lesson in properly setting our priorities today?—Philippians 1:10.

Get on it, the bible says so!

Hope that answers your concerns and questions!
....and you know this because....you've already read his soon to be released book where he details that tid bit of information???

Because adults don't change their orientation, even the ones who undertake years of intense therapy and prayer in an attempt to do so.