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Jazz cancelled my family's season tickets after 36 years.

It's bad, but Jesus....you make it look like its a puddle. A little Fox News in ya?

It has dropped roughly 130 feet since 2000. If it drops another 30 there won't be enough pressure to produce electricity. If it drops another 37 the inlets for the turbines will be above the water line. The situation is 100 times worse than water than you probably think. The thing is that most of the drop in lake Mead can't really be blamed on drought. It was until last year that the amount of water being pumped out of Lake Powell was reduced. The lower Colorado states are using 1 million acre feet more than their allocation every year. Drought is causing lake powell to drop but consumption is what is causing lake Mead to drop.

MGM is building a pro arena(already broke ground)right behind Monte Carlo. I know enough people high up in that organization to tell you they would not be building it if the NBA has not already expressed interest. Adam Silver just a few weeks ago said he does not see sports betting as an issue and in fact brings more awareness and viewers to the game.


1) Boxing capital of the world.
2) I'm sure it could happen Seattle lost a team to OKC. I'm just saying that Vegas has enough strikes against it that a franchise is likely to look elsewhere.

What does water capacity have to do with basketball? We just started major restrictions in LA County. Should the Lakers and Clippers be forced to move to the Pacific NW where it seemingly rains all the time? Shortly after I moved here, we had problems with flooding. Weather runs in cycles.

I get it, much of the western US is in the middle of a drought right now. But just wait for that ocean to keep rising: pretty soon Vegas will have some pretty nice beachfront properties.

It for sure isn't the number one thing standing in their way. That being said I do think that when someone spends 1/2-2 billion dollars on an NBA franchise they cover their bases. A possible cap on population growth within the TV Market of a new host city definitely gets filed under cons.
1) Boxing capital of the world.
2) I'm sure it could happen Seattle lost a team to OKC. I'm just saying that Vegas has enough strikes against it that a franchise is likely to look elsewhere.

We have plenty of top notch facilities for boxing. This is not a new boxing arena, this is built specifically for pro sports. Rumor has it NHL will be first which will likely fail. Believe me though, there is alot of interest in moving a team to Vegas. It is a glamor city, a world class city. A team in Vegas has alot of allure to current and potential NBA owners. Don't discount the 40 million visitors and 2 million residents who these owners would count on.
We have plenty of top notch facilities for boxing. This is not a new boxing arena, this is built specifically for pro sports. Rumor has it NHL will be first which will likely fail. Believe me though, there is alot of interest in moving a team to Vegas. It is a glamor city, a world class city. A team in Vegas has alot of allure to current and potential NBA owners. Don't discount the 40 million visitors and 2 million residents who these owners would count on.

I wonder what kind of home court advantage a Las Vegas team will have though, potentially there could be as many visitors VS home crowd in any given game, LOL ...
I wonder what kind of home court advantage a Las Vegas team will have though, potentially there could be as many visitors VS home crowd in any given game, LOL ...

Very true, though residents here get behind their teams faithfully. It would be an interesting dynamic. I also think Vegas would compete with any of the big markets for marque players.
Oh. So you are saying that we are not supposed to disseminate images of the lake being low because that would lead people to believe that the lake is low (which you agree that it is). Got it. Don't want to pull a Faux News on this one. Good thing you were here to inform us of the dangers inherent in viewing heyhey's undoctored and totally legitimate photos.

I don't get you at all. You agree that the reservoir is at 39% capacity but you are getting totally bent out of shape about the photos that demonstrate that. Whatever. Have a nice day.

Vermin actin weird about this convo
We have plenty of top notch facilities for boxing. This is not a new boxing arena, this is built specifically for pro sports. Rumor has it NHL will be first which will likely fail. Believe me though, there is alot of interest in moving a team to Vegas. It is a glamor city, a world class city. A team in Vegas has alot of allure to current and potential NBA owners. Don't discount the 40 million visitors and 2 million residents who these owners would count on.

Vegas being a world class city is a double edged sword. No one in SLC says "I can't go to the Jazz game because I spent my money at the title fight last week".(and they never will) If Vegas was bigger it wouldn't matter.

I'm not sure an NBA team can really count on tourists. No one from SLC, Denver, Phoenix, LA, etc needs to go to Vegas to see an NBA game.

I can't see how Seattle isn't the next city to get a team. Didn't they already approve funding for a stadium if the Sonics return?
This thread reminded me that a few years back I tried to get Greg Miller to speak at an initiation banquet for the student group I was an officer in at the U of U. I first asked about it when Utahjazz.com had the Ask Greg thing. Here are screenshots from an email I got from Tobie Warner. I left out the phone number and email address but would be happy to give either to Kicky if his uncle has any trouble reaching Tobie. Let me know Kicky. FWIW Gail Miller ended up speaking at the banquet.


Kicky, so sorry to hear about your loss, as well as the lack of sensitivity by the organization in the wake of said loss. You've been one of my favorite posters since before I could drive, and you and your family deserve much better than this.

I've spent the majority of the last five years working within the LHM Company. Things like this have been happening more and more often within the company in that time. I know this is nothing new to anybody, but the state of the company and the affect on consumer satisfaction since Greg's takeover have been astronomical. Say what you will about Larry: used car salesman, nickel and dime, penny pincher, money hungry, etc., but the man truly believed in loyalty and new when to sacrifice a few dollars here and there for the good of the Guest. Unfortunately, that is not a sentiment that Greg inherited. I have met the guy on a handful of occasions. He can be a cool guy, he'll put on his happy face, he'll pretend to listen, but he went down the opposite path of dad. The very reason that I left the company was due to the message he delivered through one of his company Presidents in a staff meeting earlier this year. We were told that we needed to manage our teams in a way that would speed up the process of getting customers in and out the door, and that if we had to sacrifice Guest Service to do so, then so be it. On my way out, a situation arose where my life became threatened by another member of the company, someone who had become a drone of where the company was headed, that had bought into the idea of dollar signs at the cost of the happiness of the Guest. Instead of pursuing the proper legal process or offering to address the situation, they paid me a month's salary to leave then instead of my original finish date, in an attempt to protect my "personal safety". This individual frequently stalked my residence, and was later admitted into a mental institution. Ten days later, this person was released. This individual is still a member of senior management within the company. That was my white flag moment, the moment when I decided I could no longer put up with the profit hungry direction that the company was headed, and the moment when I washed my hands of any sense of loyalty and emotional connection to the company that I had accumulated over the last five years.

These actions, what they've put you and your family through, do not surprise me at all. That, however, does not make them any less wrong or immoral, and it needs to be addressed. I truly hope that you follow through with anybody that has offered to help you raise awareness of the way you were treated (LJ), because people truly deserve to know. I have recently been in contact with some old LHM executives that have experienced similar dealings with the company and have compiled some stories that we're working on getting out there.

I will, forever and always, love this team, but under Greg's regime, it has really faltered my faith in the direction that HE sees us going. I have all the trust in the world in what DL and Quin are doing, and I believe they're doing it for the right reasons, I just hope that Greg keeps his sticky fingers out of the cookie jar and just sits back, enjoying his money, while people more qualified run the team.
Thank you everyone for your attention to this issue. Obviously this got bigger than I ever anticipated as I just assumed that I'd grouse about it and it would be gone in a day or so.

I've forwarded your many kind offers (including GMiller's) for help to my uncle who was primarily in charge of managing the tickets year to year in recent seasons. Since I only visit Utah once a year or less it is appropriate for my Uncle to make the actual decisions regarding this issue. Obviously Greg Miller responding himself is big news to him. I will let you all know what he decides to do about it when I find out.


Thank you for the updated post. We did not receive a call from your uncle today. Please ask him to contact Tobie directly at (801) 563-4179 so that we can address your family’s season ticket concerns.
I believe GMiller to be legit. He gave the same phone number that I left out of the email screenshot I posted.

EDIT: Meaning the same number for Tobie as I have in the email.
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Kicky, so sorry to hear about your loss, as well as the lack of sensitivity by the organization in the wake of said loss. You've been one of my favorite posters since before I could drive, and you and your family deserve much better than this.

I've spent the majority of the last five years working within the LHM Company. Things like this have been happening more and more often within the company in that time. I know this is nothing new to anybody, but the state of the company and the affect on consumer satisfaction since Greg's takeover have been astronomical. Say what you will about Larry: used car salesman, nickel and dime, penny pincher, money hungry, etc., but the man truly believed in loyalty and new when to sacrifice a few dollars here and there for the good of the Guest. Unfortunately, that is not a sentiment that Greg inherited. I have met the guy on a handful of occasions. He can be a cool guy, he'll put on his happy face, he'll pretend to listen, but he went down the opposite path of dad. The very reason that I left the company was due to the message he delivered through one of his company Presidents in a staff meeting earlier this year. We were told that we needed to manage our teams in a way that would speed up the process of getting customers in and out the door, and that if we had to sacrifice Guest Service to do so, then so be it. On my way out, a situation arose where my life became threatened by another member of the company, someone who had become a drone of where the company was headed, that had bought into the idea of dollar signs at the cost of the happiness of the Guest. Instead of pursuing the proper legal process or offering to address the situation, they paid me a month's salary to leave then instead of my original finish date, in an attempt to protect my "personal safety". This individual frequently stalked my residence, and was later admitted into a mental institution. Ten days later, this person was released. This individual is still a member of senior management within the company. That was my white flag moment, the moment when I decided I could no longer put up with the profit hungry direction that the company was headed, and the moment when I washed my hands of any sense of loyalty and emotional connection to the company that I had accumulated over the last five years.

These actions, what they've put you and your family through, do not surprise me at all. That, however, does not make them any less wrong or immoral, and it needs to be addressed. I truly hope that you follow through with anybody that has offered to help you raise awareness of the way you were treated (LJ), because people truly deserve to know. I have recently been in contact with some old LHM executives that have experienced similar dealings with the company and have compiled some stories that we're working on getting out there.

I will, forever and always, love this team, but under Greg's regime, it has really faltered my faith in the direction that HE sees us going. I have all the trust in the world in what DL and Quin are doing, and I believe they're doing it for the right reasons, I just hope that Greg keeps his sticky fingers out of the cookie jar and just sits back, enjoying his money, while people more qualified run the team.
Kicky, so sorry to hear about your loss, as well as the lack of sensitivity by the organization in the wake of said loss. You've been one of my favorite posters since before I could drive, and you and your family deserve much better than this.

I've spent the majority of the last five years working within the LHM Company. Things like this have been happening more and more often within the company in that time. I know this is nothing new to anybody, but the state of the company and the affect on consumer satisfaction since Greg's takeover have been astronomical. Say what you will about Larry: used car salesman, nickel and dime, penny pincher, money hungry, etc., but the man truly believed in loyalty and new when to sacrifice a few dollars here and there for the good of the Guest. Unfortunately, that is not a sentiment that Greg inherited. I have met the guy on a handful of occasions. He can be a cool guy, he'll put on his happy face, he'll pretend to listen, but he went down the opposite path of dad. The very reason that I left the company was due to the message he delivered through one of his company Presidents in a staff meeting earlier this year. We were told that we needed to manage our teams in a way that would speed up the process of getting customers in and out the door, and that if we had to sacrifice Guest Service to do so, then so be it. On my way out, a situation arose where my life became threatened by another member of the company, someone who had become a drone of where the company was headed, that had bought into the idea of dollar signs at the cost of the happiness of the Guest. Instead of pursuing the proper legal process or offering to address the situation, they paid me a month's salary to leave then instead of my original finish date, in an attempt to protect my "personal safety". This individual frequently stalked my residence, and was later admitted into a mental institution. Ten days later, this person was released. This individual is still a member of senior management within the company. That was my white flag moment, the moment when I decided I could no longer put up with the profit hungry direction that the company was headed, and the moment when I washed my hands of any sense of loyalty and emotional connection to the company that I had accumulated over the last five years.

These actions, what they've put you and your family through, do not surprise me at all. That, however, does not make them any less wrong or immoral, and it needs to be addressed. I truly hope that you follow through with anybody that has offered to help you raise awareness of the way you were treated (LJ), because people truly deserve to know. I have recently been in contact with some old LHM executives that have experienced similar dealings with the company and have compiled some stories that we're working on getting out there.

I will, forever and always, love this team, but under Greg's regime, it has really faltered my faith in the direction that HE sees us going. I have all the trust in the world in what DL and Quin are doing, and I believe they're doing it for the right reasons, I just hope that Greg keeps his sticky fingers out of the cookie jar and just sits back, enjoying his money, while people more qualified run the team.

Greg had been very public about where he and Larry differ. While Larry is very "hands on", Greg's management style is to delegate as much as he can and let the right people just do their job.
It has dropped roughly 130 feet since 2000. If it drops another 30 there won't be enough pressure to produce electricity. If it drops another 37 the inlets for the turbines will be above the water line. The situation is 100 times worse than water than you probably think. The thing is that most of the drop in lake Mead can't really be blamed on drought. It was until last year that the amount of water being pumped out of Lake Powell was reduced. The lower Colorado states are using 1 million acre feet more than their allocation every year. Drought is causing lake powell to drop but consumption is what is causing lake Mead to drop.

1) Boxing capital of the world.
2) I'm sure it could happen Seattle lost a team to OKC. I'm just saying that Vegas has enough strikes against it that a franchise is likely to look elsewhere.

It for sure isn't the number one thing standing in their way. That being said I do think that when someone spends 1/2-2 billion dollars on an NBA franchise they cover their bases. A possible cap on population growth within the TV Market of a new host city definitely gets filed under cons.
This isn't the NFL. All you need are enough butts to fill 20K seats for 41 games. As for luxury boxes, the major casinos will buy one or two each: what better way to "comp" their high-rollers than to give them luxury box access to an NBA game. Vegas is a lot more viable than Salt Lake or a host of other small-market cities. The only roadblock has been the betting. That's not really taboo anymore. Almost every state has Native American casinos, you can wager on-line, etc.
Vermin actin weird about this convo

Lol. What's weird is throwing up three photos, two with the same vantage point in different lapses of time and the third a tadpoles habitat. My only point is that not all of lake mead looks like echo bay. I am sure you could find a photo of some hotties sunbathing and create a whole other depiction.
Btw, Las Vegas uses reclaimed waste water so always drink bottled water while visiting unless you like to drink pee. 40 percent of our water usage is reclaimed.
Srs doe if you're over 30 and you put gel in your hair your name better be Al Pacino.

I'm a few years on the wrong side of 30. I can promise you that if I had any hair left, I would gel the hell out of it.
Las Vegas uses reclaimed waste water so always drink bottled water while visiting unless you like to drink pee. 40 percent of our water usage is reclaimed.

I have really bad news for you vermin. Anytime anyone gets a drink of water from anywhere it is reclaimed sewage in effect. An understanding of the water cycle would be helpful. The only difference is how recently was the water you are drinking sewage? Bottled water less recent, but you are trusting american businesses to treat that water to an acceptable level. Never a good idea.
Lol. What's weird is throwing up three photos, two with the same vantage point in different lapses of time and the third a tadpoles habitat. My only point is that not all of lake mead looks like echo bay. I am sure you could find a photo of some hotties sunbathing and create a whole other depiction.

Well, would you look at that. Vermin is right. Drought solved. I also fixed a terrible pinging sound in my engine by turning the radio up. And all this time I thought that investigating the evidence related to the problem at hand was the more productive way to go... like, for instance, comparing two photos taken at different times from the same vantage point.
Lol. What's weird is throwing up three photos, two with the same vantage point in different lapses of time and the third a tadpoles habitat. My only point is that not all of lake mead looks like echo bay. I am sure you could find a photo of some hotties sunbathing and create a whole other depiction.
Yeah, he should've posted aerial imagery of the whole lake, along with comprehensive hydrological and meteorological data covering the region for the past few decades. Totally irresponsible.