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Jazz Draft Pick for Next Year

Jimmer is not like Ronnie Price at all other than he's probably not a starting NBA point. I think JJ Redick is the better comparison (not because of skin color for all you who just had that thought run through your head). On the college level, he is like JJ in that he carries his team, lights out shooter, can drive, dish and control the tempo of the game. Ronnie P plays good man to man D, Jimmer is not fast enough and that's why he will probably not start in the NBA. I think he would be a great point off the bench for a UT or SA type team.

I agree with you j b. I just used Price because he was a Jazz player that has some of the same limitations that Jimmer has when is comes to size and being a high scoring guy in collage.
I have no problem accepting that somebody that puts up good stats might be good on a lower level. If it's Stock's boy though, we want him to pump up those assist numbers a little more.

By that same token, LHM ****ing cheaped out on Stock and this franchise could get away with drafting his son in the 2nd round as a pure favor considering how bad I think the upcoming draft will be because of the looming lockout (why would an underclassman declare in such a situation unless they're stupid?).

That was one hell of a run-on sentence. Oh well.
Why don't we just pick Jimmer Fredette while we are at it.
He should be available in the later portion of the 1st round.


I'm just curious. . . who do you guys think will have the better pro career . . Jimmer or Hayward? Then again, that might need its own thread.
He doesn't project all that well to me because I don't think he can do what he does best(score) at a high level in the NBA. NBA bigs are going to eat him alive when he tries to get in the paint, and he isn't the greatest passer. He gets himself "caught" too much, and you can't have that in a ball dominate player. His range is ridiculous though, and he has been fun to watch in college, so I hope he finds a niche somewhere.
I'm just curious. . . who do you guys think will have the better pro career . . Jimmer or Hayward? Then again, that might need its own thread.

I think Jimmer will have the better pro career out of the two.
My main reason is Jimmer seems to have more... I don't know what to call it... drive, determination, work.... that gameface.
You know the face good players pull when they are determined to get something done... you see it in Jordan, Stockton, Kobe... etc.
I see that in Jimmer, but I don't really see it in Hayward.

What do I know though.
I think Jimmer will have the better pro career out of the two.
My main reason is Jimmer seems to have more... I don't know what to call it... drive, determination, work.... that gameface.
You know the face good players pull when they are determined to get something done... you see it in Jordan, Stockton, Kobe... etc.
I see that in Jimmer, but I don't really see it in Hayward.

What do I know though.

Adding to that, Jimmer's shot is Nash-esque. Dominant. Unshakable. Jimmer could be Eddie House pretty easily, maybe with less D and better court-vision/passing/PG ability.
I think with these undersized/underathletic 2 guards its all about confidence and IQ. Those are the players that find a niche in the league.
I think Jimmer will have the better pro career out of the two.
My main reason is Jimmer seems to have more... I don't know what to call it... drive, determination, work.... that gameface.
You know the face good players pull when they are determined to get something done... you see it in Jordan, Stockton, Kobe... etc.
I see that in Jimmer, but I don't really see it in Hayward.

What do I know though.
You obviously didn't watch Hayward much in college.
You obviously didn't watch Hayward much in college.

True, I did not watch him much in college.
I am basing it off of what I have seen.
I also am not as in love with Jimmer as you are with Hayward, so I may have missed something there.

If Hayward keeps playing like he did in the 4th quarter in the Minny game, I may change my tune.
Hey, we don't even own our first rounder this year.

You are right as long as it is not 1-15, it will pass through Philly, to Minnesota.
I bet some posters will be happy, because "we always waste our 1st round picks, and get crappy players."

We do have this though.
--Memphis sends Utah a 2011 1st round pick in exchange for Ronnie Brewer. The pick is lottery protected in 2011, top-12 protected in 2012, top-10 protected in 2013, top-9 protected in 2014 and 2015. Utah will receive 3 million in cash if the pick is not exercised by 2016.
You are right as long as it is not 1-15, it will pass through Philly, to Minnesota.
I bet some posters will be happy, because "we always waste our 1st round picks, and get crappy players."

We do have this though.
--Memphis sends Utah a 2011 1st round pick in exchange for Ronnie Brewer. The pick is lottery protected in 2011, top-12 protected in 2012, top-10 protected in 2013, top-9 protected in 2014 and 2015. Utah will receive 3 million in cash if the pick is not exercised by 2016.

Also owned by Minnesota...
Also owned by Minnesota...

Thanks David, and that sucks.
Do you think you could do us a favor, and have your people at the front office give us at Jazzfanz a quick rundown of the next few years of picks we will have available. It might cut down on useless speculation.

Thank you.

2011 first round draft pick to Minnesota
Utah’s own 2011 first round pick to Minnesota (top 16 protected in the 2011 draft, top 14 protected in 2012 and top 12 protected in the 2013 draft). If Utah has not conveyed a first round pick to Minnesota by 2014 and also if Utah’s own 2014 first round is not within the top 9 picks, then Minnesota will have the option to swap their own 2014 first round pick with Utah’s own 2014 first round pick. If Minnesota does not receive a first round pick by the 2013 draft and also does not swap 2014 first round picks with Utah, then Minnesota will receive Utah’s own 2014 second round pick. [Minnesota - Utah, 7/13/2010]
2011 second round draft pick to Chicago
Utah's own 2011 2nd round pick to the Chicago. [Chicago - Utah, 7/8/2010]
If Jazz have no picks next year how may that change roster moves now and next year? They may not want to make any two for one type trades that cut their roster down. They may have to look for FAs next year also to add to roster.