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Jazz Employee Reminds Fans They Are Lucky To Have A Team In Salt Lake City

Move them to Boise.

You can't put a pro sports team in Vegas. Within a couple of years there would be a points shaving scandal with that team at the center of the mess.

But if they did, they would be known as the Las Vegas Fixx.
Move them to Boise.
The Jazz would go out of business in Boise. The sports fans in Boise are used to success and don't settle for being average...When Boise State football loses more than 2 games in a season, it's considered a monumental failure. They would have no interest in watching a failing / poorly run franchise like the Jazz whose ceiling is .500 record.
Utah is lucky to have fans who've supported this team through average basketball and zero NBA championships. I get it's been an even split, considering for so long the Jazz was a good franchise and the envy of so many small market teams, but let's get real - outside '07's fluke run to the West Finals, Utah has been a relatively mediocre franchise as of late. In fact, you could make the argument going back to 2000.

2000: Second round loss to Portland
2001: First round loss to Dallas
2002: First round loss to Sacramento
2003: First round loss to Sacramento
2004: No playoffs
2005: No playoffs
2006: No playoffs
2007: Western Conference Finals loss to the Spurs
2008: Second round loss to the Lakers
2009: First round loss to the Lakers
2010: Second round loss to the Lakers
2011: No playoffs
2012: First round loss to the Spurs
2013: ??

You're looking at a thirteen year stretch where Utah either didn't make the playoffs or bowed out in the first round nine times. Not exactly impressive and what's worse is that we're not getting better. The franchise saw a slight improvement in '07 and '08 and they've regressed pretty much ever since. Jazz fans shouldn't be content to accept those types of seasons because we happen to have a NBA team in a small market. The people in Utah make the Miller family A LOT of money and even when the team struggles, as it has the last three and a half seasons, the fans still show up in fairly decent numbers. You don't get that in a lot of NBA cities that don't feel lucky to have bad franchises.

Wow its like someone else other than myself understands...... Myself.