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Jazz Players Defend Kanter and Say He was NOT a Cancer

Of course they did. Burks, Favors and Hayward all know what its like to have **** veterans play ahead of you. How would you feel watching Al Jefferson chuck balls when you knew you could help the team win? Just look at this season. I guarantee Favors had that conversation with Kanter a thousand times BEFORE the trade and dozens after.

Its too bad the Millers forced the players to do politically correct responses to the media. How bad would Millers look if they allowed players freedom of speech to praise Kanter as a teammate and a person?
I don't believe it was all rosy in the locker room before Kanter trade. We saw Hayward and Burke (oh irony) barking on Kanter every so often on the court bringing Kanter's mood down. Then that Hayward's blog post with a disguised shot at Kanter right after the trade when everyone was still happy with each other on public. Unlikely, he was locker room cancer but "it was all great" is unlikely given how Enes took a swing at some teammates.

Insulted city and fans as in not missing them?

Hayward blog post? Care to share if I come up empty in my google search?
I don't believe it was all rosy in the locker room before Kanter trade. We saw Hayward and Burke (oh irony) barking on Kanter every so often on the court bringing Kanter's mood down. Then that Hayward's blog post with a disguised shot at Kanter right after the trade when everyone was still happy with each other on public. Unlikely, he was locker room cancer but "it was all great" is unlikely given how Enes took a swing at some teammates.

Insulted city and fans as in not missing them?

Well he couldn't go straight cursing profanity at the ones he talked about, right? This is the most he can do in a controllable mind. And this is the worst part. He most probably planned saying those things. If you only read on paper the things he said, you can go, "Oh for the love of God! Grow a thicker skin!" But when you watch him say those sentences, you know that he says "**** you!" to the ones he mention.
That's actually pretty sad. Prior to all of this I had no idea he was so lonely on the team. He seemed like a happy and outgoing guy.

Joe clean out your messages. Ugh.
That's actually pretty sad. Prior to all of this I had no idea he was so lonely on the team. He seemed like a happy and outgoing guy.

Since we moved to Germany we have been trying to connect to our neighbors and church group. Especially to help my son because he really didn't want to be here. So we went to this big meet and greet for both wards here and there were maybe 8 or 10 kids my son's age or thereabouts. During the whole thing he just sat in the corner eating. 5 or 6 times guys (and gals) came up to him and asked him if he wanted to participate in things with them. He always said no. Later when we were on our way home he complained "I want to go home. I don't have any friends here. I'm lonely. I want to go back to my friends." I asked him why he said no to everyone. He said well he didn't want to play that game or he didn't want to do x y or z and he said he just didn't feel like it.

Personal effort plays into every single excuse Kanter has thrown out there, or has been thrown out for him. He needs to grow up and stop being a little kid about ****.
Of course they did. Burks, Favors and Hayward all know what its like to have **** veterans play ahead of you. How would you feel watching Al Jefferson chuck balls when you knew you could help the team win? Just look at this season. I guarantee Favors had that conversation with Kanter a thousand times BEFORE the trade and dozens after.

Its too bad the Millers forced the players to do politically correct responses to the media. How bad would Millers look if they allowed players freedom of speech to praise Kanter as a teammate and a person?
It must be painful bending over backwards like this, but you're not doing your little boy any favors by making up all of these inane excuses, Mrs. Kanter.
The problem you are describing isn't locker-room, that is on the court problems.

I don't think Kanter was a locker-room cancer. The dude seemed awkward and distant with his teammates outside of his sometimes goofy demeanor. From what I read, Kanter never developed any personal relationships with anyone on the team so he was just kind of outside on his own all the time (through his choice,, remember all the reports that he was constantly on his cellphone his rookie year and didn't really talk to anyone). That probably created a slightly weird atmosphere in the locker-room. Now that he is gone, everyone is pretty much cool and seems to be friendly on a level outside of just playing basketball.
What's a locker-room problem then? Banging your teammate's wife or pushing meth?
Well he couldn't go straight cursing profanity at the ones he talked about, right? This is the most he can do in a controllable mind. And this is the worst part. He most probably planned saying those things. If you only read on paper the things he said, you can go, "Oh for the love of God! Grow a thicker skin!" But when you watch him say those sentences, you know that he says "**** you!" to the ones he mention.
Well, not missing anything in a City of Utah, lol, is very far from Lopez(?) saying on a press conference something like "I would never wanted to live in Cleveland(?), would you?". There are plenty of examples players thrashing cities if you dig and Kanter's escapade doesn't belong among them.
Well, not missing anything in a City of Utah, lol, is very far from Lopez(?) saying on a press conference something like "I would never wanted to live in Cleveland(?), would you?". There are plenty of examples players thrashing cities if you dig and Kanter's escapade doesn't belong among them.

Good example. I believe you are talking about Joakim Noah and his words "I've never heard anyone say 'Hey I'm going to Cleveland for vacation.' " See, the difference is Joakim is a hilarious guy and makes you crack up whereas Enes looked ungrateful to a place that supported him and invested on him.