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Jazz vs Maccabi tonight at 7 PM MST

LOL @ the Jazz announcer presenting Thabo as 'Number 5 from Duke, RODNEY HOOD' hehe
Fun fact about Luke Martinez, he played ball at the University of Wyoming until he got in a fight and kicked some kids head in outside a bar in Laramie.
Fun fact about Luke Martinez, he played ball at the University of Wyoming until he got in a fight and kicked some kids head in outside a bar in Laramie.

C'mon just admit it, we have all done this a time or two in our lives. . .
This Jazz effort is the definition of "not wanting to be there"

And this is why I'm frustrated by our pre-season schedule. We should be playing real teams to prepare us for the season. Not exhibition games.
I thought Favors was in the "best" shape he's been in years. He looks invisible out there.

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