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Hood got a bruise. So he isn't going to play. Sounds kinda weak to sit from a bruise. What would Rambo say?

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Sad to say that neither Donovan nor the return of rudy gets me excited. Management needs to get this team on a track, any track.
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Hekate: Do we wish we had Teodosic instead of Rubio?
yamers: favs
yamers: robbing mitchel of an assist
Jazzta: Not really
Hekate: defense would be problematic but the fit is much better
yamers: cmon rudy
yamers: is that rudy or udoh
yamers: bricking layups
Jazzta: Rubio has been playing very good lately

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Rubio runs PnR so much better with Favors.

Ingles (and Hayward last year) ran it so much better with Gobert. Take advantage of this!
That's a weak foul. Mitchell robbed count. 2 assists and 1 block

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yamers: u learning chinese?
oneye: Donovan almost is better off shooting a couple feet behind the line, it’s always too hard
yamers: no luv from the refs
Jazzta: Nice pass ahead
oneye: They are playing with lots of energy so far, watch that 3rd quarter though
Jazzta: Another great steal and pass ahead
Saint: Rufio getting those assit
oneye: And I’ll give credit where credit is due. Rubio has looked pretty good the last 3 games

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Jazz look so good. Clippers look like the average clippers team from the last 25 years.

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Jazzta: And the threeeeee
yamers: rubio the mexican
yamers: thats good
yamers: stock rising
yamers: stock inflating
Hekate: This Clippers team is depleted
MDAV28: This is the rubio show right now fellas
MDAV28: Looks like a completely different player right now
yamers: u forget
oneye: He still has the times when he over dribbles and ends up turning it over but he’s been much better the last 3 games
yamers: burke cooking him last game?
yamers: i hope he keeps balling it out so we can dump him
MDAV28: Burke didn't cook anybody
yamers: if DL is smrt he will dump rubio
MDAV28: Jazz obviously wanted Burke to shoot
oneye: If we can get something out of him because he starts playing better. All for it
Zombie: ****** **** reffing what else is new
oneye: Wow that was horrible
Hekate: Tony Brothers...
oneye: Yeah Tony Brothers is one of those refs
Hekate: How the guy still has a job is beyond me
MDAV28: What a pass DM
oneye: I remember him screwing us when Stockton and Malone were still playing
oneye: Wow Rubio

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The dude from the qualtrics commercial is the oldest 12 year old on earth.

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Zombie: Rubio balling again
Hekate: Rubio doe
Jazzta: Beauty
oneye: Donovan gets screwed out of so many easy assists with great passes
yamers: johnson
yamers: clippers fan prolly got nightmares
MDAV28: Burks?
Ellipse: I count 2 assists robbed from DM.
sojodave: ISO Joe
MDAV28: Is Hood out?
oneye: Now he’s out nightmare
Zombie: Yeah he's got a leg contusion
oneye: It’s crazy how many time DM gets left hanging on assists every night
Hekate: bone bruise
Hekate: oh
MDAV28: Wasn't that favors thing last year?
oneye: And that’s everyone’s argument for Simmons on ROY is all Mitchell does is score, when you watch him you know it isn’t true
Jazzta: Favors should have asked for the ball and not let Joe iso there
oneye: Our team sure did change a lot since that game winner
Saint: You know DM's assist success is really high compard to most players, right?
sojodave: AB
oneye: I do, but he also gets robbed of about 6-7 a night he should get
Saint: someone did a chart, DM's passes that could be assist do better than most

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