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Jazzfanz Fantasy Football 2011

I'm in but could be auto drafting as we'll likely be in the midst of the worst hurricane in my lifetime. An earthquake and hurricane the same week in NJ.
Man what a puss. A 5.8 earthquake and a category 3 hurricane? That's nothing. Let me know when you've lived through a category 5 hurricane and we'll compare stories.
Man what a puss. A 5.8 earthquake and a category 3 hurricane? That's nothing. Let me know when you've lived through a category 5 hurricane and we'll compare stories.

Did you really endure one?

I'm a little on edge because I just bought my first home and it's had some issues, one of which was a roof leak that I (hopefully) had fixed correctly. I also live on the edge of a flood plain. I didn't have to get flood insurance but am literally right on the border so I'm a little concerned though even when we had over four inches of rain a week ago, my basement remained bone dry. Plus Ms. Serp hasn't helped. Her **** has an itch and she bought five rolls of duct tape to use on the windows, which in my opinion, we won't need, because it's only going to be a category 2/3 up here and we have newer windows.
Did you really endure one?

I'm a little on edge because I just bought my first home and it's had some issues, one of which was a roof leak that I (hopefully) had fixed correctly. I also live on the edge of a flood plain. I didn't have to get flood insurance but am literally right on the border so I'm a little concerned though even when we had over four inches of rain a week ago, my basement remained bone dry. Plus Ms. Serp hasn't helped. Her **** has an itch and she bought five rolls of duct tape to use on the windows, which in my opinion, we won't need, because it's only going to be a category 2/3 up here and we have newer windows.

You are going to have a super time getting duct tape glue off your glass.
Did you really endure one?

I'm a little on edge because I just bought my first home and it's had some issues, one of which was a roof leak that I (hopefully) had fixed correctly. I also live on the edge of a flood plain. I didn't have to get flood insurance but am literally right on the border so I'm a little concerned though even when we had over four inches of rain a week ago, my basement remained bone dry. Plus Ms. Serp hasn't helped. Her **** has an itch and she bought five rolls of duct tape to use on the windows, which in my opinion, we won't need, because it's only going to be a category 2/3 up here and we have newer windows.
Yes. When I was on my mission in Honduras, Hurricane Mitch came rolling through. At that point in time, it was the most destructive Hurricane to ever hit the Caribbean (I think a worse one has gone through since). It was a big 5. Where I was, we got no wind, but it rained like a bitch for like a week straight. I think we had like 30" in a 24 hour period at one time during that week. Entire neighborhoods were washed down the hillsides in Honduras and Nicaragua. Entire towns disappeared. The area I was transferred out of a month before it hit was flooded to point of people living on rooftops for days. As missionaries, we did nothing but service for a week after, helping people dig out. In downtown Tegucigalpa, entire buildings were full of solid mud from the river flooding. We went to a machine shop to help and it was literally floor to ceiling, wall to wall mud. I was extremely worried that we would find a dead body in the mud. We went without water for weeks after Mitch. It was an experience I'll never forget and can't really explain.
Yes. When I was on my mission in Honduras, Hurricane Mitch came rolling through. At that point in time, it was the most destructive Hurricane to ever hit the Caribbean (I think a worse one has gone through since). It was a big 5. Where I was, we got no wind, but it rained like a bitch for like a week straight. I think we had like 30" in a 24 hour period at one time during that week. Entire neighborhoods were washed down the hillsides in Honduras and Nicaragua. Entire towns disappeared. The area I was transferred out of a month before it hit was flooded to point of people living on rooftops for days. As missionaries, we did nothing but service for a week after, helping people dig out. In downtown Tegucigalpa, entire buildings were full of solid mud from the river flooding. We went to a machine shop to help and it was literally floor to ceiling, wall to wall mud. I was extremely worried that we would find a dead body in the mud. We went without water for weeks after Mitch. It was an experience I'll never forget and can't really explain.

Wow. You're a good person bro. Seriously. Well, I mean you could suck at life but I admire people like yourself who do this type of thing. Granted, perhaps it's part of BYU's (I'm assuming?) requirements or is strongly encouraged but I think you get my point. Helping others, truly helping others, is what much of life is about in my opinion. I'm not talking about some liberal, handout ******** either. The **** you're doing. That's what matters. If there's a heaven, you're going there. Well, unless you took advantage of some native. Then, you're pretty much ****ed and will meet up with me in hell.
^ You realize that the VAST majority of Mormon missionaries do this on a regular basis on their mission? People always bitch about them coming to their doors, but are quick to forget about all of the service they do. If not for 8 missionaries doing service for my family and me, I wouldn't be a Mo.

This was off topic, but I really hate people who are anti-Mormon.
Which would you rather have in a PPR League?

McCoy/P. Harvin - Mendenhall/Fitzgerald

Tough one. According to their scoring last year, which duo had more fantasy points? I doubt McCoy has as good a year this year as he did last (their rb fantasy schedule is tough I think) but Harvin is now the number one and should see A LOT more targets. That said, Harvin always misses a couple games because of his migraines or injuries and McCoy also misses time here or there I think. Mendenhall and Fitz on the other hand seem less injury prone and are more consistent. I think all of your decision comes down to how healthy and if healthy, productive, you think Harvin will be. He really could be a 1,300 total yards guy (1,150 receiving, 150 rushing) but I don't trust him enough. Or Donovan.
^ You realize that the VAST majority of Mormon missionaries do this on a regular basis on their mission? People always bitch about them coming to their doors, but are quick to forget about all of the service they do. If not for 8 missionaries doing service for my family and me, I wouldn't be a Mo.

This was off topic, but I really hate people who are anti-Mormon.

Yes you buttnutt, I knew that, hence my reference to doing it for BYU or the like. Now wake the **** up (it's almost 6am your time) and hit the streets campaigning.
^ You realize that the VAST majority of Mormon missionaries do this on a regular basis on their mission?
Ya, not really. The VAST majority of Mormon missionaries spend the VAST majority of their time knocking doors/street contacting/visiting members (active/inactive/part member) and teaching. Service like that is a very small part of the mission, if the 4 missions on 3 continents (I saw the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean on my mission) I served in are any indication.

Maybe you should stick to topics you know something about, Dave. Poop, for example.

Edit: I found a link to a page that lists the basic LDS missionary rules from the white handbook. Unfortunately, it's a site maintained by an ex-Mormon/missionary, so I won't link to it. Anyway, as I thought I had remembered, one of the rules in the handbook was not to do more than 4 hours of community service per week. Obviously, the church/missions/missionaries step up to the plate when there are catastrophes (as they did with the Tsunami in Indonesia, for example, where I had previously served), but the general rule is to not do more than 4 hours of community service per week (doing service for investigators/inactive or part-member families may not be counted as community service, however). If anyone is interested in what the rules are, the white handbook can be ordered online for $1.00 here (I'm not sure if the book has been modified since 2002): https://store.lds.org/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product3_715839595_10557__-1__195586
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GVC is pretty much right on the money there. It was the same way when I was a missionary in 97-99. The hurricane is the only reason we did that much service in that week. I think in the two weeks during/after the hurricane we didn't teach any discussions. Even the week after that one (so two weeks after the hurricane) we were told to try to teach, but not to push it and not to hesitate to do more service. I know I spent a lot of time hauling buckets of water to people when the water truck would pull up in a neighborhood.
You misunderstood what I wrote, Thomas. What I meant was that the VAST majority of Missionaries spend a lot of time doing service. (not the kind like catrat was talking about) Only 4 hours a week? When was the last time any of us did4 hours a week? 4 hours a month? 4 hours a year? That was the point I was trying to make. Please don't be a condescending prick, Thomas. (I know, that's like asking the sun to not be so damn hot, but please, give it a shot)
You misunderstood what I wrote, Thomas. What I meant was that the VAST majority of Missionaries spend a lot of time doing service.
Dude, I can still read what you wrote. Here:

the VAST majority of Mormon missionaries do this on a regular basis on their mission[.] People always bitch about them coming to their doors, but are quick to forget about all of the service they do.
The vast majority of missionaries do not help out victims of hurricanes on a regular basis. They spend 4 hours MAX(by the letter of the law, anyway) out of the 60+ hours they're out doing missionary work per week. Forgettable, generally, I'd say. And, for what it's worth, only in the first of my missions (North Carolina-Raleigh) was I expected to do any service at all. You happened to be a less active member with an active GF...prime pickin's. That, plus the whole living in Utah thing (since, you know, knocking on doors in some areas would be an absolute waste of time), is why you've seen/experienced a disproportionate amount of Mormon missionary service. And hey, you're back at church, so it paid off in the end.

You were wrong. I didn't misunderstand. Own it.
GVC is the same guy who tried to argue with me about how much service work we did while on my mission. Just because he may not have been required to do service work longer than 4 hours a week, doesn't mean that all missions are the same.
GVC is the same guy who tried to argue with me about how much service work we did while on my mission. Just because he may not have been required to do service work longer than 4 hours a week, doesn't mean that all missions are the same.
Bull ****. I never would have argued about what you did on your mission. And, again, those are the standard rules. 4 hours maximum for community service. I don't doubt that there are exceptions to the rule (I have no problem with what catratcho has written in this thread, and I forwarded an example from a mission I served in), but those are just that: Exceptions.

Read you mission call. Read the white handbook. Hell, try to get some people to talk to you about what percentage of their missions were spent doing community service. I think you'll find that that portion is dwarfed by the amount of time spent proselytizing.

You're a liar and an imbecile, as per the usual. No surprise. If you're going to make accusations, you'd better be willing to back them up with something...anything. That **** above is a complete fabrication.
Bull ****. I never would have argued about what you did on your mission..

Why would I make that up?

Also, I know what the handbook said, but even mission rules can override it. For example, I didn't have to be back to my appt until 1030 pm. What does the handbook have to say about that?
Also, with that being said, I know what you're saying. Missionaries don't go on missions to do community service, but they still do a lot of it during their mission.